National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Danger and the question concerning relation to speech: Turning point and Heidegger's title the Danger (die Gefahr)
Jílek, Vlastimil ; Benyovszky, Ladislav (advisor) ; Prázný, Aleš (referee) ; Novotný, Jaroslav (referee)
The main aim of this theoretical study is to help to clarify Heidegger's conception of the Danger [Gefahr] in relation with possibilities of the Turn [Kehre] which are hidden in the Danger itself. The Danger is hidden in Enframing [Ge-stell] as the essence of technology. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the concepts of being, truth and freedom. This shows us that concealment (hiddenness) is the necessary precondition for unconcealment, i.e. truth. Heidegger in this context speaks about the paths to unconcealment. Significant way to unconcealment is the art. Heidegger in "The Origin of the Work of Art" explains the essence of art in terms of the concepts of being and truth. The art is for Heidegger the way of expressing the element of truth. Art is not merely representation of the way things are but artwork can bring the meaning of what it is to exist. That means, that Heidegger reminds us about the value of the work of art as the means to open a "clearing" [Lichtung] for the appearance of things in the world, or to disclose their meaning for human beings. Heidegger writes about the art's ability to set up an active struggle between "Earth" and "World". The World is the web of significant relations in which human being exists. The Earth means the background against which every meaningful...
Finality and Origination: Problem of the Finality and the Origination in the Fundamental Ontology of Martin Heidegger and in the Thinking of Hannah Arendt ? A Study
Jílek, Vlastimil ; Novotný, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Pětová, Marie (referee)
This master's thesis intends to think over the concept of finality and origin as approached by Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt in order to finally describe as both thinkers consider them as the key principles for constituting the existence. It is based on analysing Heidegger's works "Sein und Zeit", "Vom Wesen des Grundes" and "Was ist Metaphysik" (a lecture), and Arendt's works the Vita Activa, "Between Past and Future" and "Thinking and Moral Considerations" (a lecture).

See also: similar author names
1 Jílek, Václav
4 Jílek, Vít
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