National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The role of the m6A pathway on electrophysiological correlates of spatial memory in animal model of Alzheimer's disease
Karkušová, Patrícia ; Telenský, Petr (advisor) ; Hromádka, Tomáš (referee)
Memory is one of the vital cognitive functions and can be divided into two categories, short-term memory and long-term memory. Long - term memory is further divided into explicit (declarative) for facts and events and implicit (non-declarative) memory, covering all other types of long-term memory. Alzheimer's disease is well known for a gradual loss of declarative memory and spatial orientation. It is one of the most common causes of dementia and affects tens of millions of people worldwide. The aim of our study was to determine the effect of inhibition of FTO demethylase on neuronal activity in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease (TgF344-AD) and a control strain (F344-CT), and evaluate the stability of spatial maps. We used tetrodes implanted in hippocampal CA1 subregion to record extracellular neuronal activity. Spiking activity was recorded in two spatially different conditions (familiar, unknown) twice, before and after applications of pharmacological inhibitor of FTO demethylase (MO-I-500). We have also evaluated remapping and map stability related to the application of MO-I- 500. We found the average frequency of neuronal firing rate increased in F344-CT rats in both familiar and novel environments after inhibitor administration, whereas increase in TgF344- AD rats was detected only in the novel...
Aggression and violent attitudes of football fans Slavia Praha
Hromádka, Tomáš ; Janák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Procházka, Jan (referee)
Title: Aggression and violent attitudes of football fans Slavia Praha Object: There is aim of this project to find out and write about negative demonstrations of football fans of Slavie Prague clu band thein stance to aggresse during football matches. How often and what form of violence we can meet at them and what leads them to mentioned action. They do not harm only thein club but also the others at the stadium. Do they really interest in sport or it is only means for venting their aggresse. Methods: The following methods were used in this project: explorative pre-research and quantitative research work. I concentrated on stances of fans which take part in football matches in my pre-research. I will bring up some questions electronicly and in writing. There I'll use my personal contacts for completing some questionaires at fans of Slavie Prague club. I will try to involve some most fans to that action because then I'll be able generalize it for whole base of the fans of the club. Results: On condition if fans of Slavie Prague club are aggressive in investigated manifestations or not it is confirmed the fact that the fans of SK Slavie Prague are not aggressive in next mentioned manifestations. The result of my research is that Slavie fans rank among moderate fans in our society. They are not...
Ca2+ signalling in magnocellular neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus.
Kortus, Štěpán ; Zápotocký, Martin (advisor) ; Šuta, Daniel (referee) ; Hromádka, Tomáš (referee)
The magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of the hypothalamus project axons from the supraoptic nucleus to the posterior pituitary gland, where they secrete either oxytocin or vasopressin into the circulation. Oxytocin is important for delivery at birth and is essential for milk ejection during suckling. Vasopressin primarily promotes water reabsorption in the kidney to maintain body fluid balance. The profile of oxytocin and vasopressin secretion is principally determined by the pattern of action potentials initiated at the cell bodies in the hypothalamus. MNCs principally secrete hormones from terminals in the pituitary, but the secretion also occurs from their dendrites in the supraoptic nucleus, where they diffuse and affect the neighbouring cells. Mechanisms controlling the oxytocin and vasopressin secretion from MNCs have been extensively studied over the last decades and it is assumed that the relationship between Ca2+ signalling, secretion from dendrites, and the firing patterns is essential in understanding the magnocellular neurosecretory system. In this project, we combine mathematical analysis and experimental measurements of Ca2+ activity of MNCs of transgenic rats expressing an arginine vasopressin-enhanced green fluorescent protein (AVP-eGFP) or oxytocin-monomeric red fluorescent...
Modeling of Binaural Hearing.
Tóth, Peter ; Maršálek, Petr (advisor) ; Košťál, Lubomír (referee) ; Hromádka, Tomáš (referee)
The central theme of this thesis is a description of information processing in the sound localization circuit of the auditory pathway. The focus is on principal neurons of the medial superior olive (MSO), the first major convergence point for binaural information. Selected properties and relations of MSO neurons are derived and expressed through models. In the thesis we present three modeling studies. The first one clarifies a relation- ship between biophysical parameters of the MSO neuron and its ability to detect coincidental spikes from the left and the right ear. The second study describes the statistical behavior of spike trains on the input and output of the MSO neuron. In the third work, we studied how interaural coherence could guide localization of sound sources in complex listening situations with multiple sound sources in reverberant environments. The main results are analytical and numerical models describing the aforemen- tioned relations and behaviors. Secondary results include that inhibitory input to the MSO neuron narrows and shifts the time range of coincidence detection, that ergodic assumption from statistical physics and circular statistics are beneficial in the description of spike trains in the auditory pathway, and that interaural level difference of parts of the signal with...
Ca2+ signalling in magnocellular neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus.
Kortus, Štěpán ; Zápotocký, Martin (advisor) ; Šuta, Daniel (referee) ; Hromádka, Tomáš (referee)
The magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of the hypothalamus project axons from the supraoptic nucleus to the posterior pituitary gland, where they secrete either oxytocin or vasopressin into the circulation. Oxytocin is important for delivery at birth and is essential for milk ejection during suckling. Vasopressin primarily promotes water reabsorption in the kidney to maintain body fluid balance. The profile of oxytocin and vasopressin secretion is principally determined by the pattern of action potentials initiated at the cell bodies in the hypothalamus. MNCs principally secrete hormones from terminals in the pituitary, but the secretion also occurs from their dendrites in the supraoptic nucleus, where they diffuse and affect the neighbouring cells. Mechanisms controlling the oxytocin and vasopressin secretion from MNCs have been extensively studied over the last decades and it is assumed that the relationship between Ca2+ signalling, secretion from dendrites, and the firing patterns is essential in understanding the magnocellular neurosecretory system. In this project, we combine mathematical analysis and experimental measurements of Ca2+ activity of MNCs of transgenic rats expressing an arginine vasopressin-enhanced green fluorescent protein (AVP-eGFP) or oxytocin-monomeric red fluorescent...
Chronicles of municipalities
Hromádka, Tomáš
The publication is a set of proven topics, types, and councils by which municipalities, e.g. their chroniclers may or may not follow.
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Aggression and violent attitudes of football fans Slavia Praha
Hromádka, Tomáš ; Janák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Procházka, Jan (referee)
Title: Aggression and violent attitudes of football fans Slavia Praha Object: There is aim of this project to find out and write about negative demonstrations of football fans of Slavie Prague clu band thein stance to aggresse during football matches. How often and what form of violence we can meet at them and what leads them to mentioned action. They do not harm only thein club but also the others at the stadium. Do they really interest in sport or it is only means for venting their aggresse. Methods: The following methods were used in this project: explorative pre-research and quantitative research work. I concentrated on stances of fans which take part in football matches in my pre-research. I will bring up some questions electronicly and in writing. There I'll use my personal contacts for completing some questionaires at fans of Slavie Prague club. I will try to involve some most fans to that action because then I'll be able generalize it for whole base of the fans of the club. Results: On condition if fans of Slavie Prague club are aggressive in investigated manifestations or not it is confirmed the fact that the fans of SK Slavie Prague are not aggressive in next mentioned manifestations. The result of my research is that Slavie fans rank among moderate fans in our society. They are not...
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Study Non-Linear Properties of Single Neurons in the Auditory Cortex
Hromádka, Tomáš ; Kůrková, Věra (advisor) ; Maršálek, Petr (referee)
Neurony v naších mozcích převádějí informace o okolním světě do elektrických akčních potenciálů. Klíčem k pochopení funkce neuronů, a poté neuronových sítí a mozku, je vědět, které části okolního světa jsou zastoupeny v aktivitě neuronů, a jakým způsobem je tato informace kódována. Tradiční metodou zkoumání funkce neuronu je zaznamenání odpovědi neuronu na podněty různé složitosti a následně snaha vysvětlit přenosovou funkci neuronu pomocí lineárního modelu. Většina neuronů však obsahuje nelineární přenosovou funkci. V této práci jsme použili umělé neuronové sítě ke studiu nelineárních přenosových funkcí neuronů sluchové kůry. Zaznamenali jsme podprahovou aktivitu neuronů jako odpověď na stimulaci přirozenými zvuky a poté jsme použili neuronové sítě v roli nelineárních aproximátorů k odhadu přenosových funkcí neuronů. Umělé neuronové sítě úspěšně aproximovali přenosové funkce a v průměru odhadli funkce neuronů nejméně stejně dobře jako lineární modely. Powered by TCPDF (

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