National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Vliv turismu na výkonnost regionu Šumpersko
Šímová, Petra
This bachelor thesis deals with analysis of influence of tourism on productivity of Šumpersko region. Its aim is to identify the influence of tourism on indicators of productivity of region. The influence will be evaluated on the basis of secondary and primary data.
Geografical modeling and data modeling
Roubínek, Jiří ; Pechanec, Vilém (advisor) ; Šímová, Petra (referee)
Title: Geographical modeling and data modeling Author: Jiří Roubínek Department: Mathematical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: Mgr. Vilém Pechanec, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail Abstract: This work deals with geographical modeling and data modeling. The first part of this work contains the theoretical background of geographical modeling and data modeling. The second part of this work focuses on building data model for geodata. Data modeling is important part of development of software for geographical modeling and for geographical information systems. Keywords: model, data, geography, GIS
Percepce sociálního podnikání českými spotřebiteli
Šímová, Petra
Šímová, P. Perception of social entrepreneurship of Czech consumers. Thesis. Mendel university in Brno, 2017. This thesis deals with the perception of social entrepreneurship of Czech consumers and the promotion of social enterprises in the Czech Republic. To determine the perception of social entrepreneurship of consumers was used questionnaire (n = 403). For research, it was also used in-depth interviews with social entrepreneurs (n = 7) and as a complementary method was evaluation of websites of social enterprises by consumers (n = 7). Based on the information was performed comparison of views of consumers and social entrepreneurs. The results will be used for recommendations for social entrepreneurs mainly in the field of promotion.
Geografical modeling and data modeling
Roubínek, Jiří ; Pechanec, Vilém (advisor) ; Šímová, Petra (referee)
Title: Geographical modeling and data modeling Author: Jiří Roubínek Department: Mathematical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: Mgr. Vilém Pechanec, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail Abstract: This work deals with geographical modeling and data modeling. The first part of this work contains the theoretical background of geographical modeling and data modeling. The second part of this work focuses on building data model for geodata. Data modeling is important part of development of software for geographical modeling and for geographical information systems. Keywords: model, data, geography, GIS
Usability of connectivity metrics as predictors of species distribution
Kučera, Michal ; Šímová, Petra (advisor) ; Krčílková, Šárka (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate whether connectivity indices are usable for bird prediction. The study area contains of the whole country but is divided into separate squares with area of 133 km 2 each, where the presence or absence of the bird species is known. The dependence is tested on landscape connectivity indices presented by prof. S. Saura. The land cover contains of Corine land cover 2012 data. The results will be evaluated with logistic regression approach on sample data including 4 different dispersal distances (500 m, 1 000 m, 2 000 m and 3 000 m) and 10 specific bird species typical for given land cover. The corelation between land cover area presence of the bird is also tested.
Impact of horizontal and vertical pattern of habitats on birds diversity
Schovánková, Hana ; Šímová, Petra (advisor) ; Moudrý, Vítězslav (referee)
This diploma thesis follows up the influence of horizontal and vertical structure of biotopes on biodiversity of bird species of Czech Republic of forest and open sites. Vertical structure model was created from digital model of surface of Czech Republic (1st generation) and digital model of relief of Czech Republic (5th generation). Information about horizontal structure were derived by analyzing aerial imagery. Then single variables were detected from these data. Subsequently, it was analyzed which of these variables and which way influence bird diversity. On both types of sites was found increasing bird diversity with increasing diversity of vertical structure. With increasing horizontal structure, however, bird diversity significantly increased only on open sites. The influence of other characteristics was mostly different on bird diversity of open and forest sites, but, for both types of sites, the positive influence had for example edge density of land cover categories or edge density of height categories. Additional part of this thesis was to explore if vertical characteristics of biotopes could influence prediction of selected bird species. Results was different in forest and open biotopes, nevertheless in both types of sites was found potential use of both horizontal and vertical variables.
Tool to assess the landscape connectivity in different area units and dispersal distances
Chrumko, Adam ; Šímová, Petra (advisor) ; Krčílková, Šárka (referee)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to introduce a basic summary of landscape connectivity calculations mainly focusing on the Conefor program and the effect of input parameters on output landscape connectivity indices. One of the main goals is to create an ArcMap Toolbox to simplify the calculation of landscape connectivity indices for many areas of interest. Basic squares that cover the whole Czech Republic were chosen as main areas of interest. These units are used for example for mapping the abundance of flora and fauna. The same indices were calculated for NUTS3 and LAU1 areas in order to compare effect of size of input areas. This thesis provides a simple solution in the form of a Python Toolbox for Esri ArcMap to calculate overall indices of landscape connectivity through a Conefor command line application for a large number of input areas. Forest connectivity for different dispersal distances and input areas of interest was calculated with this Toolbox. As an input vector layer of forests, CORINE land cover data from mapping period 1990, 2000, 2006 and 2012 were used. Input dispersal distances were chosen in the range from 50 to 50.000 meters in order to comprehensively describe their effects on indices. Resultant forest and connectivity changes are represented by cartograms; the effect of input data on output indices is shown in graphs.
Analysis of connectivity of territorial system of Landscape ecological stability in Hradec Králové region
Jebavá, Lucie ; Šímová, Petra (advisor) ; Skaloš, Jan (referee)
The thesis deals with analysis of connectivity of a territorial system of landscape ecological stability in the Hradec Králové region. This area is also famous for its typical agricultural production. The calculations done in software Conefor were counted for three groups of animals with different dispersal possibilities. It was made in several phases. At first, the connectivity of all biocentres was counted then the connectivity without nonfunctional biocentres. In the next step was counted connectivity for three categories of biotopes and the same calculations were made for newly proposed biocentres. The results from software Conefor show that the indicies are not so clear. Also the rate of connectivity in the study area is questionable.
Impact of tourism on the occurence of Black grouse in location Krušné hory
Korunková, Andrea ; Šímová, Petra (advisor) ; Bejček, Vladimír (referee)
Location Krušné hory is important area with habitat of Black grouse. This mountain is very favorite for tourist last time. Number of Black grouse is getting lower both in the Czech repulic and Europe. The view to occurance of Black grouse depending on the visiting of tourist trails offers some questions without answers. If the getting lower number of Black grouse is caused by tourism rush and if this is significant. Number of Black grouse is identify every year at lekking time. In this study frequency of trails is identified in location of regions Chomutov, Most. Based this frequency is done with ArcMap 10.2 visualization of Black grouse in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2014. Data have been compared together. It is possible to say, that tourism has influence to number od Black grouse, but i tis not possible to say this influence is signifiant or determining.
Quality assessment of the OpenStreetMap data in Prague
Zídek, Jan ; Moudrý, Vítězslav (advisor) ; Šímová, Petra (referee)
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the largest and objectively the most successful project from all attempts to open-source alternative to commercial map databases and projects of the official agencies. OSM is widely popular in Czech Republic, but the quality of this VGI (volunteered geographic information) dataset has not yet been studied. This master thesis evaluates several aspects of quantifiable characteristics of buildings in Prague. The objective was to primarily evaluate completeness, semantic accuracy and shape accuracy of building footprints. Data from OSM were compared with Digital map of Prague by Geoportal Prague, which is the official map resource covering the area of the city Prague. The data processing was done in ArcGIS by the ESRI company. The results show that OSM in Prague have high semantic accuracy and almost 100% completeness in terms of total area, but more than 50% of buildings are missing basic descriptive data. In terms of shape accuracy the footprints were identified by smaller amount of vertices than the footprints from Geoportal Prague and in some cases certain architectural details were missing.

See also: similar author names
1 Šímová, Pavla
1 Šímová, Pavlína
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