Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Use of GPS in the Car Industry Oriented on Self-driving Vehicles
Gróf, Marko ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of GPS in the automotive industry with a focus on unmanned vehicles. The aim was mainly to approach the GPS system but also other temporary systems, and to describe and characterize autonomous vehicles and all the hardware and software they use. The first half of the work characterizes the GPS in great detail so that the reader gets to know how the navigation system works. In the second part of this work, the reader will learn about autonomous vehicles, to which levels we divide them and which systems are used. Reader will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles, the main differences between today's cars and autonomous cars. At the end of this work is intelligent transport and its benefits, but also a insight into the future of transport and vehicles.
Use of GPS in the Car Industry Oriented on Self-driving Vehicles
Gróf, Marko ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of GPS in the automotive industry with a focus on unmanned vehicles. The aim was mainly to approach the GPS system but also other temporary systems, and to describe and characterize autonomous vehicles and all the hardware and software they use. The first half of the work characterizes the GPS in great detail so that the reader gets to know how the navigation system works. In the second part of this work, the reader will learn about autonomous vehicles, to which levels we divide them and which systems are used. Reader will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles, the main differences between today's cars and autonomous cars. At the end of this work is intelligent transport and its benefits, but also a insight into the future of transport and vehicles.
Use of GPS in the Car Industry Oriented on Self-driving Vehicles
Gróf, Marko ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of GPS in the automotive industry with a focus on unmanned vehicles. The aim was mainly to approach the GPS system but also other temporary systems, and to describe and characterize autonomous vehicles and all the hardware and software they use. The first half of the work characterizes the GPS in great detail so that the reader gets to know how the navigation system works. In the second part of this work, the reader will learn about autonomous vehicles, to which levels we divide them and which systems are used. Reader will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles, the main differences between today's cars and autonomous cars. At the end of this work is intelligent transport and its benefits, but also a insight into the future of transport and vehicles.
Use of GPS in the Car Industry Oriented on Self-driving Vehicles
Gróf, Marko ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of GPS in the automotive industry with a focus on unmanned vehicles. The aim was mainly to approach the GPS system but also other temporary systems, and to describe and characterize autonomous vehicles and all the hardware and software they use. The first half of the work characterizes the GPS in great detail so that the reader gets to know how the navigation system works. In the second part of this work, the reader will learn about autonomous vehicles, to which levels we divide them and which systems are used. Reader will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles, the main differences between today's cars and autonomous cars. At the end of this work is intelligent transport and its benefits, but also a insight into the future of transport and vehicles.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
2 Gróf, Michal
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