Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
A Rationalization of Purchasing Logistics in Grafobal a. s.
Balát, Dominik ; Hránek, Ivan (oponent) ; Bartošek, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the purchase logistics of the joint stock company based in Grafobal Skalica, which key production activity is the manufacture of solid cardboard packages. In thesis I am focusing mainly on vendor evaluation and selection of the most suitable candidates, which accomplish the criteria for supplying clothing for the company. The thesis has a theoretical and analytical part where I tried to explain and evaluate the contractor selection process. The third part deals with the proposal to improve the evaluation when selecting suppliers.
Critical Analysis and Comparison of Possible Entry of Company AMICUS SK Into the Foreign EU and non EU Market
Balát, Dominik ; Štefko, Martin (oponent) ; Chlebovský, Vít (vedoucí práce)
Diploma thesis deals with analyses possible options of entry of Slovak company into the foreign market. The aim of this thesis is comparison the most effective options of company expansion to the member state of EU with the non EU state and finding one of the most suitable alternative. Findings from literature attached in theoretical part of this diploma thesis represent essential base for selection of appropriate methods and analyses to design an analytical part. Final part of thesis is dedicated to specific suggestions and proposals of feasible solutions, which lead to the achievement of defined objectives.
Critical Analysis and Comparison of Possible Entry of Company AMICUS SK Into the Foreign EU and non EU Market
Balát, Dominik ; Štefko, Martin (oponent) ; Chlebovský, Vít (vedoucí práce)
Diploma thesis deals with analyses possible options of entry of Slovak company into the foreign market. The aim of this thesis is comparison the most effective options of company expansion to the member state of EU with the non EU state and finding one of the most suitable alternative. Findings from literature attached in theoretical part of this diploma thesis represent essential base for selection of appropriate methods and analyses to design an analytical part. Final part of thesis is dedicated to specific suggestions and proposals of feasible solutions, which lead to the achievement of defined objectives.
A Rationalization of Purchasing Logistics in Grafobal a. s.
Balát, Dominik ; Hránek, Ivan (oponent) ; Bartošek, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the purchase logistics of the joint stock company based in Grafobal Skalica, which key production activity is the manufacture of solid cardboard packages. In thesis I am focusing mainly on vendor evaluation and selection of the most suitable candidates, which accomplish the criteria for supplying clothing for the company. The thesis has a theoretical and analytical part where I tried to explain and evaluate the contractor selection process. The third part deals with the proposal to improve the evaluation when selecting suppliers.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
1 Balát, David
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