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Development of problems in contemporary cities in South America * City of La Paz
Valdez Jarandilla, Fernando Hugo ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Zezůlková, Marie (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (referee) ; Wittmann, Maxmilian (advisor)
Předkládaná dizertační práce je rozdělena do dvou samostatných literárních celků, z nichž první představuje komparativní analýzu měst Latinské Ameriky a druhý se koncentruje na úspěšný případ plánování rozvoje města Curitiba. S ohledem na lepší pochopení problémů, se kterými se města Latinské Ameriky potýkají, a zejména porozumění specifikům města La Paz, které je hlavním předmětem této analýzy, je nutné na problematiku nahlížet v historickém kontextu současného urbanismu. Zde nalezneme některé odpovědi na otázky původu problémů městského plánování. Nahlížení v rámci historického kontextu také poskytne základní směrnice vývoje měst Latinské Ameriky. Z výše uvedených důvodů je pro potřeby dizertační práce klíčové zkoumat tyto aspekty historie urbanismu, neboť zde nalezneme původ současné podoby latinskoamerických měst a jejich městského plánování. V další části práce je kladen důraz na analýzu případu brazilského města Curitiba, na kterém lze úspěšně zkoumat případné uplatnění principů strategického plánování zaměřeného na udržitelnost města. Curitiba se, stejně jako další latinskoamerická města, potýkala od poloviny do konce 20. století s překotným růstem, dopravními zácpami a snižováním kvality života. Městu se nicméně podařilo tyto výzvy překonat kreativními řešeními v kontextu udržitelného rozvoje. Cílem předkládané práce je definovat principy řešení na základě úspěšné urbanistické zkušenosti města Curitiba a aplikovat je na další města Latinské Ameriky, konkrétně na La Paz. Abychom mohli v rámci práce prezentovat návrhy řešení reálným problémům, se kterými se v současnosti La Paz potýká, je potřeba nejprve důkladně porozumět procesům urbanismu, které z historického hlediska toto město utvářely a transformovaly, a následně předložit analýzu, zda myšlenky a zkušenosti případu města Curitiba lze úspěšně aplikovat na město La Paz.
Architecture of organic farms in Czech republic
Pohanková, Lucie ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Dýr, Petr (referee) ; Doc.Ing.arch.Jarmila Húsenicová,Ph.D. (referee) ; Urbášková, Hana (advisor)
New agricultural constructions in Czech Republic happen, in better case, privilege of civil engineer, in the worse case only privilege of the investor, in the past. While architects or enlightenment project architects with inventive and feeling for architecture, rarely interfered to their projection. In the practice, the preferred and implemented misconception, that it is a purely purpose-built buildings with economical advantageous solution type, when external design of the building and his effect in landscape plays just a minor role, meant a huge mistake, which disfeature face of a lot of villages. With the gradual development of organic and sustainable agriculture is obvious, that to the design of these buildings gets back the idea of invention and emotion of construction into the landscape. Essence of a dissertation is how to proceed with the draft of a new or completion of original organic farm in conditions of the Czech Republic and on which specific points to focus in the design. Objective of thesis is generalization of rules design new modern organic farm or new buildings on the existing organic farm, using the principles of organic architecture and architecture undemanding of energy, renewable source of energy and non-waste management and verification on the specific examples in the Czech Republic and neighboring Europa countries. Where else should apply the principles of organic architecture more than in the construction of organic farms. Moreover, organic farm offers a great number of functions and with related different operations with requirements for specific areas. This is an added bonus, diversity of construction and the possibility of building creativity in architectural solutions. It is then mainly limited functionality of the building, legislative, public health, fire and traffic regulations, with which any proposal must cope. Organic farms are a phenomenon, but also the future of sustainable agriculture in the Czech Republic, as well. Not only production side of organic farms, but also neglected building stock deserves the attention of experts. Only organic farm with the right comprehensive created building and energy concept on an ecological principle is becoming a well-functioning self-contained unit connected with the cycle of nature, the surrounding landscape and regional tradition.
Pedestrian movement in the city structure
Dokoupilová Pazderková, Kateřina ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Sklenář, Vavřín (referee) ; Ing.arch.Jaroslav Tušer,CSc. (referee) ; Koutný, Jan (advisor)
The city was from the past the place where people were meeting together, living and creating together. Therefore the role of individuals – city inhabitants should growth in today´s anonymus times. The role of pedestrian as individual enabling direct contact face to face, individual communicating with surroundings, is becoming essential part of „vivid“ city. In order the city to be functional, it is necessary to concentrate human beings and events, only then the city is becoming city of people, city of place, city of moment. The difinition of city sustainability and viability should be measured by city capability to provide quality life conditions to its inhabitants. It includes mainly high quality of natural and artificial environments, good life and working conditions, people rights for housing, working, social service and infrastructure. It should also protect cultural identity of the city and allow the possibility to participace in the city decision-making. Line traffic influences in a large scale accruing Urban Sprawl, forms large transport distances and increases the transport necessity mostly by private cars. It is important to make efficient planning with the politics of innovating traffic systems, which will be able to reduce the transport needs. For the city sustainability we can claim that the pedestrian transport has the contribution in restricting the suburbanization, in recuding the portion of motor vehicles and in restricting the risks of spatial segregation. It is necessary to create cities where people can get around and meet, where different forms and functions are mixed together in that way, that there will be no abandon city centres and no monofunctional zones. It is importnat to rely on principle that the streets are a social space. No only a traffic space, but also a social space. To design quality system of connected, function and safe pedestrian roads between residential buildings and local destinations, so the buildings can offer views to the streets which increases not only the safety, but especially connects course of events of these two worlds. To forms vivid, vibrant city, where the pedestrian movement is the interlinking element in between constantly developing town and preserving the life inside the town, is an immense challenge to all of us.
The parallel between the concept of work in architecture and music
Lukačovič, Markéta ; Petelen, Ivan (referee) ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Koleček, Ivan (referee) ; Drápal, Jaroslav (advisor)
The doctoral thesis preliminary focuses on the comparison of concepts of creation in music and architecture and to explore the connection and possible blending of both arts. The main focus of the dissertation is the research of the parallel between the composition of music and architecture, in their characters, means of composition and methods. The methods of approaching the topic were the analysis's of music and architectural materials such as dedicated books, magazines, internet articles, as well as audio recordings, realisations of architectonic works, printed materials on acoustics, psychology of perception and aesthetics as well as own experience and knowledge in the field of music and architecture and the experiment in composition. Results of the dissertation are theoretical conclusions enlightening the given topic and the practical experiment in the form of the analysis of the music composition and the application of its compositional methods into the architectonic design.
Integration of social life with urban space syntax
Al-Ibrahim, Najeh Mohammed Mohammed ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Šilhánková, Vladimíra (referee) ; Fridrich, Lubor (referee) ; Wittmann, Maxmilian (advisor)
Studium prostorové syntaxe a prostorového poznání (vnímání) ukázalo a určilo statistický vztah mezi vlastnostmi prostoru a prostorovým poznáváním (schopnost jednotlivců připomenout a představit si mapu prostoru). Disertační práce zdůrazňuje aspekt prostorového poznávání, který je založen na podobě a kvalitě prostředí. Prezentuje myšlenku, že poznávací mapování jako proces je kulturně vymezený. Jeho výsledky jsou přejímány a filtrovány z prostředí, v němž lidé žijí. To znamená, že mohou vznikat různé výsledky poznávacího mapování a různé výsledky založené na lidských hodnotách. Pokud by se prokázalo, že proces je ovlivněn hodnotami lidí a jejich kulturními návyky, znamenalo by to, že existuje další faktor individuální mentální reprezentace prostoru. Ten zahrnuje aspekty, které pomáhají jednotlivcům získat specifické povědomí o tom, co je pro ně vyhovující prostředí. Cílem disertační práce je analyzovat tento předpoklad zkoumáním vztahu mezi vlastnostmi prostoru a prostorovým poznáváním a prokázat, že rozdíl v kultuře lidí ovlivňuje tento vztah. V práci jsou zodpovězeny dvě klíčové otázky: První - zda existuje souvislost mezi prostorovým vnímáním a satisfakcí lidí z jejich životního prostředí, a druhá - zda taková spokojenost ovlivňuje vztah mezi prostorovým uspořádáním a prostorovým poznáním. Další otázka plynoucí z analýzy zní: Které kulturní hodnoty jsou spojeny s procesem prostorového poznání? Mezi hlavní nástroje a postupy používané v práci patří: software prostorové syntaxe, analýza vlastností prostoru v rámci dvou studijních oblastí - Brno centrum města (Česká Republika) a staré Město Damašek (Sýrie), dotazník zkoumající spokojenost lidí, test prostorového mapování a pozorování chodců. Z analýzy vyplývá: Za prvé - existuje vztah mezi prostorovým poznáním a satisfakcí, za druhé - prostorové poznání má tendenci být ovlivněno nejen strukturou prostoru, ale také způsobem, jakým ho lidé vnímají a jaký mu přisuzují smysl. Práce se snaží celkově objasnit vliv prostorové konfigurace na vztah mezi lidmi a prostorem, zvlášť na vztah mezi prostorovou konfigurací a množstvím lidí v prostoru.
Public spaces - indicators of city life quality
Vaďurová, Jana ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Pondělíček, Michael (referee) ; Doc.PhDr.Jana Šafránková,CSc. (referee) ; Šilhánková, Vladimíra (advisor)
This doctoral thesis is based on an approach of the city planning and control of its development as well as principals of sustainable development. Permanent sustainability of city planning and control of city development needs indicators for valuation of effectiveness of these processes. The doctoral thesis deal with valuation of public space quality and the opportunities of description quality of public space as an aggregate indicator of city life quality. Thesis is focused on selection of indicators, which is crucial for valuation of public space quality linked with processes of city planning, and proposal of its methodology. Based on analyses of existing approaches and valuations of public space, the indicators representing quality were proposed. The main requirement for proposed indicators was effort for clarify and simplicity as well as availability of dates needed for indicator´s measurements. The thesis includes theoretical proposal of methodology as well as its examination in practice. Final linkage indicator - "public space - indicator of city life quality" is verified on chosen public spaces of cities in the Czech Republic. Complete methodology was proved on Hradec Králové city.
Recreation potential of public spaces of panel district in Slovakia
BALI, Peter ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Mansfeldová, Alena (referee) ; Riedl, Dušan (referee) ; Šilhánková, Vladimíra (advisor)
RECREATION POTENTIAL OF PUBLIC SPACES OF PANEL DISTRICT IN SLOVAKIA This task discuss about relation between natural place potential and how place influence regeneration of public spaces to create live and usefull spaces for dwellers. In literary overview this task disscus about different kinds of recreation, which every dveller can do in public spaces of our panel districts, than about regeneration of publick spaces and types of living spaces, which exist in panel districts. The important element of this task was evaluate contemporary conditions of publick spaces in Slovak nanel districkts, if it possible to use them and what is their activity range, because natural givennes of panel districts markedly enfluent oportunities and ways how to regenerate spaces for recreation. I made two evaluations, which are aimed at of panel districts recreation atraction for dwellers. The second evaluation searched public spaces of panel districts in detail, their conditions and use range of dwellers. On base of these evaluations I created four recreation potential categhories of panels districts and we tried to find the infuence of this recreation potential to creating of public spaces. On the base of our results from choosed panel districts we found out, that panel districts, which care about their natural givennes are more often used by dwellers, than panel districts which created new artificial public spaces. Based on this results I confirmed my hypothesis. Use of this task is in many ways, in theoretical way as base for next searching of panel districts regeneration. In practical way it can be used as regeneration tool
Water in an Urbanized Environment Svratka Raceway
Pavlovský, Tomáš ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Löw, Jiří (referee) ; Sátora, Josef (referee) ; Lhotáková, Zdenka (advisor)
The dissertation describes the historic development of watercourses in Brno territory focusing on the artificial canal Svratka raceway and the present state is described based on the available map data, preserved picture materials and photographic documentation of the present state. The work offers memories of several people from Brno who remember the artificial watercourse, these complete the picture of the Svratka raceway at the time of its extinction. The dissertation documents the present state of areas where the raceway used to run and on which it bordered. What attitude the twin towns of Brno - Leipzig and Graz - take, is outlined in the chapter Examples of Raceway and Natural Stream Reconstruction in Here and Abroad. The presented work should serve as a comprehensive source material for further study of Svratka raceway and further possible studies of arrangement of the areas where the raceway used to run and its - at least - partial reconstruction.
Forms of caring for the unprovided children
Velková, Soňa ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Budkeová, Branislava (referee) ; Špačková, Eva (referee) ; Glosová, Dagmar (advisor)
This paper deals with forms of compensatory care of unprovided children, taking in consideration their specific needs from the architecture-type point of view. The target group is that of big foster families, evaluation of their life requirements and defining their requirements of the living space, preparing the ground for legislative introduction of professional foster care.
The Significance and Function of Artificial Water Courses in the Present-Day Urban Environment
Ležatka, Lukáš ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Ing.arch.Jaroslav Tušer,CSc. (referee) ; Löw, Jiří (referee) ; Lhotáková, Zdenka (advisor)
The objective of this dissertation is resolving the issues of both form and function of water courses in a present-day city. The dissertation focuses primarily on water courses which may be described as man-made, i.e. those resembling a canal, and addresses their prospective revitalization within the context of urban renewal and development in the present-day post-industrial era. The introduction includes a comprehensive analysis of the historical and typological development of artificial water courses, essential for grasping the connections as well as the current overall state of water courses in an urbanized setting. Detailed attention is devoted in particular to the most frequently occurring artificial water course - i.e. the race. The dissertation strives to defend the irreplaceable role of the water course as a public space in the urban landscape and - consequently - also its prospective essential revitalization. Examples, especially from throughout Western Europe, are used to demonstrate particular solutions, approaches and strategies to predominantly artificial water course renewal within the urban environment. The dissertation also devotes attention to the tools used in reaching relevant solutions.

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1 Kyselka, Martin
2 Kyselka, Michal
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