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Czech social songbooks as a cultural phenomenon in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries
Svobodová, Věra ; Tyllner, Lubomír (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis is based on the catalogue of Czech social songbooks put together by the author in a form of a computer database for Department of Ethnomusicology, Ethnological Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences. Analyzis of these songbooks is complemented by taking research conducted in the past by wide range of scholars (E. Meliš, B Václavek, R. Smetana, M. O adlík, J. Plavec, V. Pletka, V. Karbusický, J. Kotek) into account. This provides basis for characterization of origin and developement of Czech social singing in the first half of the 19th century including characteristics of its key personalities (A. J. Puchmajer, J. J. Ryba, V. J. Tomášek, V. Hanka, F. M. Kníže, A. Jelen, J. K. Chmelenský, F. Škroup, F. L. elakovský, F. J. Vacek Kamenický, J. K. Tyl, V. J. Picek a K. Havlí ek Borovský) as well as characteristics of important publications (among others V nec ze zp v vlastenských, 1835-39, 1843-44). Following section provides an overview of the century long tradition of Czech social songbooks (1848-1948); the founding importance of Spole enský zp vník eský by J. B. Pichl (1851), later in musical cooperation with J. L. Zvona (1863) is highlighted. In the last chapter author thoroughly discusses the principles of the computer catalogue of songbooks and possibilities of its future use for other types of...
An insight to bastard childs problematic in Bohemia, based on the research of selected Church birth records of Kostelec nad Černými lesy lordship between years 1785-1873
Bayerová, Vanda ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Štěpánová, Irena (referee)
The tittle of this dissertation is The Probe into Probleme of illegitimated Children in Czech on the Basis of Research selected ecclesiatistic Registers on Dominion Kostelec nad Černými Lesy between 1785 and 1873. This study presents one of the most prodigies in the family life of our ancestors. The first theoretical part is composed of ten chapters with more subchapters. The second chapter is about archive materials and literature by czech and foreign authors. The third chapter consists in description of historical and ethnological names of illegitimated children, their mothers, their fathers and abortus, pragnancy etc. The next essay talks about prenuptial sex, possibility of meeting young single people, opinions their parents and rural society on, for example, virginity. The fourth chapter is generally about illegitimated children and their parents, their nuptial and reasons of their positions in the society. The next essay consists in description of crime of the past - infanticide. The subsequent theme is about natality theories, especially malthusianism. The succeed part is about obstruction of weding for unwealthy rural and municipal people. The next chapter is specially ethnological and folkloral. This is called The unbaptisted children, abortus and infanticide in the folk traditions. At the end of...
The concept of woman on the background of social change at the turn of the 19. century (1895-1905)
Košutová, Klára ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor)
The paper is focused on studying the traditional concept of woman in view of its conflict with the gradually enforced demands of women within the feminist movement. The main demands of women on their way to coequality were the right to higher education, free choice of occupation, and unsegregated legal status. As they struggle for their rights, the traditional concept of woman, which places her in a role of domesticity, is used as a strong instrument against their wishes. A woman is only supposed to be a wife, mother and a housewife and she is considered incapable of and unfit to gain any other position in society. The concept of unequal status of a woman particularly governed middle class life, depicting a specific glamour in the role of an ideal woman and family life. Social changes brought up by industrial revolution and upheavals in demographic equilibrium where the percentage of women alarmingly outnumbered that of men confronted society with the task of increasing quantity of women left without possibility of subsistence, either by occupation or marrying a male- provider. Hostility toward the new claims of women was based on men's fear of competition and an unwillingness to share heretofore exclusively men's domains of power; the higher education system, the labor market and the right to vote. It...
Jewish wedding rites in Czech and in Moravia in past and nowadays
Veselská, Dana ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The introductory part of this work touches upon Jewish life and culture, sources, and, in general, the importance and course of marital union in Judawell as briefly looking at issues concerning the legal status of Jewish weddings emia and Moravia and the status of women in Jewish society. The next pdeals with the wedding preparations, ceremony and festivities, focusing on the actuawedding ceremony and, to a certain extent, following the structure of its usual coThe Jewish wedding has two basic portions - the betrothal (Heb. Kiddushin or Erushin) and the wedding (Heb. Nissuin). Before the actual ceremony under the wedding baldachin (Heb. huppah), the bride and groom fast, take a ritual bath (Heb. mikveh) and sign the wedding contract (Heb. ketubbah) with witnesses. After thceremony of bedeken - the veiling of the bride's face - the groom (Heb. hatan) athe bride (Heb. kala) are brought under the huppah, where the first part of the ceremony - the betrothal - begins. The bride circles the groom, a blessing is said over wine which is then drunk by the wedding couple, the ring is placed on the bride'finger and the wedding contract is read. The betrothal is then followed by the awedding, during which seven nuptial blessings (Heb. Sheva Berakhot) are recited and the wedding couple drink from a second cup of wine....
Myth of P. Antonín Koniáš and its changes
Beneš, Pavel ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Fiala, Jiří (referee)
Pojem "mýtus" - chápaný ve smyslu falešných, iluzorních představ -je používán i v následující disertační práci, jež si klade za cíl zdokumentovat a analyzovat problematiku genese, vývoje a funkce mýtu, s nímž je česká veřejnost již více než dvě staletí konfrontována, mýtu spojeného s osobností českého jezuitského misionáře, P. Antonína Koniáše. Smyslem této práce přitom není shora uvedený mýtus bořit, ale jen vykládat. Koniášovský mýtus je jen jedním z mnoha mýtů a stereotypů, vytvořených českou společností v období novověku a je třeba ho vnímat jako jejich součást. Tento mýtus, podobně jako mnohé další, procházel během své existence řadou proměn a svou roli sehrál i v rámci aktivit, souvisejících s národně - emancipačním hnutím. V souvislosti s tím budeme sledovat, jak byl P. Koniáš českou společností v různých etapách jejího vývoje vnímán. Výslovně zde hovořím o "české společnosti", protože veškeré mé dosavadní výzkumy nasvědčují tomu, že do širšího povědomí českých Němců tento misionář nevstoupil, ač sám německy kázal i psal a rovněž tak nejstarší zmínky o něm jsou vedle latinských pramenů psané právě v německém jazyce. Zaměření disertační práce odpovídá i její struktura. Uvedená tematika je sledována na pozadí proměn české společnosti od doby baroka po současnost, přičemž hlavní pozornost je soustředěna...
Myth of P. Antonín Koniáš and its changes
Beneš, Pavel ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Fiala, Jiří (referee)
Pojem "mýtus" - chápaný ve smyslu falešných, iluzorních představ -je používán i v následující disertační práci, jež si klade za cíl zdokumentovat a analyzovat problematiku genese, vývoje a funkce mýtu, s nímž je česká veřejnost již více než dvě staletí konfrontována, mýtu spojeného s osobností českého jezuitského misionáře, P. Antonína Koniáše. Smyslem této práce přitom není shora uvedený mýtus bořit, ale jen vykládat. Koniášovský mýtus je jen jedním z mnoha mýtů a stereotypů, vytvořených českou společností v období novověku a je třeba ho vnímat jako jejich součást. Tento mýtus, podobně jako mnohé další, procházel během své existence řadou proměn a svou roli sehrál i v rámci aktivit, souvisejících s národně - emancipačním hnutím. V souvislosti s tím budeme sledovat, jak byl P. Koniáš českou společností v různých etapách jejího vývoje vnímán. Výslovně zde hovořím o "české společnosti", protože veškeré mé dosavadní výzkumy nasvědčují tomu, že do širšího povědomí českých Němců tento misionář nevstoupil, ač sám německy kázal i psal a rovněž tak nejstarší zmínky o něm jsou vedle latinských pramenů psané právě v německém jazyce. Zaměření disertační práce odpovídá i její struktura. Uvedená tematika je sledována na pozadí proměn české společnosti od doby baroka po současnost, přičemž hlavní pozornost je soustředěna...
Provincial town, culture and etnography
Jeníčková, Kateřina ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor)
Eleonora and Marie Prosek were the teachers and ethnography research workers, which on the break 19 and 20 century worked in Turnov. Their fates show us what acceptance had ideas of women emancipation among active women in small provincial town. Their interest in ethnography show us beginning of ethnography as a scientific branch and what importance had women in that. Eleonora was born on 13 th December 1844 in Prague and Marie was born on 10 th February 1858 also in Prague. Sisters obvious come from family, which came under the middle classes. In Prague sisters attended the school. Sisters were venerable much distant and so possibilities of education they had different. Eleonora gained education of teacher of needlework, but Marie was able to gain education on school for teachers and started to teach also specialist subjects. To Turnov came Eleonora in 1872 and started to teach needlework on school for girls. In this time she was interesting of national dresses and textile. This interest she specified from 1886 in cooperation with museum in Turnov. She cooperated also on preparation on big exhibitions in 90. 19 century, which took place in Prague. She completed national dress of Turnov and lake the first she described national dress of Turnov, which retained in 80. 19 century. With museum she cooperated to...
Anna Regina Husová (1857-1945)
Tůmová, Marie ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor)
The main theme of the presented dissertation is life's work of Anna Regina Husová (1857 - 1945). The autor, ethnology student Marie Tůmová (Department of Ethnology Charles University in Prague), prowides a comprehensive overview of many aspects of her life which hasn't been mapped in the academic scene of the Czech republic yet. The author proposes first, that she was an outstanding personality in ethnology of our regional history. The work itself is divided into two main sections (life and life's work of Anna Regina Husová) and subsections which analysing the topic in a specific context: a brief introduction, structure, proposition, conclusion and full bibliography. There are also seven appendices (activities, friends, a brief look into her prose and poetry, illustrations, this English summary and CD disk), literature and sources. The methodological backround of the presented thesis was grounded in the professional qualifications, archive's sources, literature and recent literature as well. Cardinal method used in this thesis is a dense and holistic case study: a mohography. Although the thesis of graduate student Marie Tůmová, led by lecturer Irena Štěpánová, concerns many aspects selected regional personality exceeding 180 pages in lenght, it still raises several unanswered questions.
Pecirka's National Calender and its authors
Slavíková, Šárka ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor)
The core topic ofthis thesis is National Calendar (Národní Kalendář), later also known as Pečírka' s National Calendar (Pečírkův Národní Kalendář), and its formers. National Calendar had been published in Bohemia yearly for almost a hundred years, from the 1850's till the end of the 1940's. The success of National Calendar was undeniably the result of the efforts of Dr. Josef Pečírka, the founder of the Calendar, and his wife Mariana, who carried forward the tradition of publishing the popular book after her husband's premature death. However, not even her own death brought the end to the Calendar; the Pečírka family kept compiling and publishing it regularly each year until 1949. ln this thesis, the author focused mainly on the period 1858 - 1904, the era spanning between publishing of the first issue of the Calendar and the death of Mariana Pečírková who represented the first generation of its creators. The first chapter represents an introduction to general history of calendars. It gives an account of inception of calendar as a system, describes the first means of its recording and the later shift towards book-like calendars, and depicts the evolution of calendars in the world. This chapter also mentions the predecessors of classical calendar literature and follows the bloom of calendars in Bohemia,...
Prague folk-tales in the second half of 19th century
Janeček, Petr ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
Presented study analyzes local oral tradition in the second half of the 19th century with particular interest in Prague local legends, their character, genesis and function. The ca se study of Prague local legends, collected by Czech writer Popelka Biliánová, has two main goals: to analyse and classify these oral texts, and to connect their interpretation by their collector to Czech national movement, ethnic stereotypes and archeological, historical and mythological studies of the period. Prague local legends collected by Popelka Biliánová represent, unlike other prague local legends, which were heavily influenced by medieval chronicles or literary tradition, in its larger part authentic oral texts. None of the collectors of Prague local legends before and after Biliánová's period, with possible exception of Biliánová' s precessedor, historian Josef Svátek, was able to collect such authentic local folklore tradition. Biliánová' s Prague legends could be classified as a folklore genre of superstitious legends and have relatively recent origin: some derive from Catholic pious legends connected to local churches and holy places (the oldest of them stemming from the 17th and 18th century), some are quite recent individual memorates. Although Biliánová' s Prague legends were collected mainly for support of Czech...

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5 Sochorová, Lenka
2 Sochorová, Lucie
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