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Possibilities of financial resources for water management
This thesis deals with financial possibilities in water resources management. The thesis submits a general view of utilization of financial resources possibilities to improve the quality of water resources management from both national and European resources. The analysis of financial support availability is also the part of the thesis. The result is that available financial resources are insufficient because they do not satisfy all applicants. Another scope of this thesis was the process of sample projects from different supported programs. They should serve to potential applicants as a guideline for request submission so applicants have no worries about managing of the whole grant application process. Processed projects were compared according to specific criteria which resulted in suggested recommendations for the improvement of application processes.
The growth of large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) SCOP). biomass in salt contaminate soil - a greenhouse experiment
Nováková, Markéta ; Gajdová, Iveta ; Šerá, Božena
Large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) SCOP.) is not registered on the list of Ellenbergs halophytic plant species. Despite it is a frequent species commonly growing along the roads on salt contaminated soils. The tests in the greenhouse were focused on finding the values of salinity in which Large crabgrass may produce biomass. Standard soil substrate contaminated by salt NaCl in the range from 0.12 % to 1.96 % was used. Tests have shown successful growth of underground and aboveground biomasses of tested plants in soil contaminated by lower concentrations of salt. Some plants despite the loss of biomass at higher concentrations were able to create generative organs with seeds. It was documented that Large crabgrass is a facultative halophyte.
Care for an oncology patient
The diploma thesis addresses in detail the issue of a terminally ill individual and things closely associated with this topic including spiritual direction of the bereaved after the death of a close relative. Based on information from the literature it tries to reflect the basic conditions of approach to an oncology patient and his relatives (including the necessity of truthful communication and abidance by basic ethic rules). In order to provide a comprehensive view of the topic, the work includes research among the patient?s relatives realized in 4 out of the 14 hospice centers in the Czech Republic. On the basis of this research some positive aspects have been revealed on one hand, which are worthy acknowledgement and appreciation. On the other hand, there are areas and restraints motivating and challenging both types of healthcare centres to take steps that would lead to a better quality of care provided in the future.
Analisis and comparison of manuscripts with graphology method with the possible usage of gained knowledge in social pedagogy
This Bachelor thesis deals with one of the psycho-diagnostic and projective method-graphology. This work represents as well as approaches and captures the essence, the basis and the principle of graphological analysis of manuscript as one of the possibilities of knowledge of human personality. It is about finding how graphology can contribute to the recognition of characteristics, tendencies and psychological dispositions of personality and it points to the close connection between psychosomatic characteristics of personality and its written expression. The bachelor thesis focuses on clarifying the concept of graphology and concepts associated with this method, the possibilities to use information obtained especially in social pedagogy. Further, it highlights the advantages of this method, which has over other methods of psychological testing. The work includes analysis and comparison of manuscripts of socially healthy adults with manuscripts of individuals who have problems integrating into society.
Contemporary trends in the commercial communication focused on the purchasing cycle
Nováková, Markéta ; Mikeš, Jiří (advisor) ; Rozlivka, Milan (referee)
The thesis explains the term the commercial communication, especially parts of the communication mix. But mainly it analyzes contemporary situation in the commercial communication, which changes are happening and it also describes trends in the adressing the customers. One chapter is dedicated to the Purchasing cycle which is a product of the McCann-Erickson advertising agency.
Attitude of the public to the adoption of children of another ethnicity to substitute family care
For most of us parenthood is a natural part of life. Still the number of families today who remain childless even though they wish to have a child, is on the increase. On the other hand, there are still many children living in caretaking institutions. This raises the question as to how this situation can be dealt with? One of the possible solutions is the substitute family care. This thesis is divided into two separate parts, the first dealing with theoretical aspects and the second with research. The aim of the theoretical part of the bachelor thesis was to explain the concept of substitute family care and describe its different forms. In the conclusion of the theoretical part I have outlined the pitfalls of the substitute family care in relation to a child from a different ethnic group. In the practical part I focused on establishing the opinion on accepting children of different ethnic origin into substitute family care among the general public in České Budějovice. I tried to reach the set goal through a quantitative research using the questionnaire method. A questionnaire including 17 questions was used as a research technique. The questions were arranged in two groups: the questions to obtain identification characteristics of respondents and those concerning respondents{\crq} views on the given problems. 200 questionnaires were handed out and 113 were returned, i.e. the participation rate amounted to 56.5 %. The research results have shown that people are quite tolerant as far as sex and age of a child are concerned. Regrettably, it is not the case when it comes to ethnic origin of a child. People who are not tolerant towards and willing to accept a child from a different ethnic group into substitute family care still prevail in society.
Earnings system of manufacturing company
This essay treats of wages and setting of a salary structure in a manufacturing company. First part contains a theoretical concept which explains basic notions and attitudes used for a creation of a salary structure. Practical part introduces the concrete manufacturing company. Next the current salary structure is characterised and analysed. Proposed recommendations for an eventual change of salary structure results from findings during the practical part.
A Social Worker in a Mobile Hospice (A Position of a Social Worker in a Multispecialty Team
This dissertation deals with a question of dying, accompanying and a service of incurable patients in all forms of hospice treatment only marginally. I am mainly focusing on a homecare service as well as on the role of a social worker there. The first part is about a principle of hospice, accompanying and palliative care. It is describing several forms of hospice service including ethic problems. The next part is telling about begining of social work as a part of paliative medicine and describing a contexture between these two branches A question of voluntary work is also mentioned there. The third part is dealing about multispecialty team and a contexture among particular professional occupations, including social worker and his role, his position in the team, activities, competences, knowledge and abilities etc. The fourth part of this essay is about social work in a mobile hospice and about the importace of taking care of oneself as a burn-out prevention. The last, (fifth, sixth, seventh) parts introduce operative part , where I am trying to introduce information achieved through descriptive metod of interwiev with particular members of the multispecialty team and with the concrete mobile hospice social worker.
Land use planning practices in Liberec
Nováková, Markéta ; Šulcová, Irena (advisor) ; Linka, Zdeněk (referee)
The bachelor's work is devoted to land use planning in Liberec. After theoretic introduction of the topic based on definitions, implications and conjuctions of land use planning, spatial development, strategic planning and regional policy I try to analyse socioekonomic, estate and land use charakteristics of town Liberec. The aim is to point out the most important specifics of town's lay out and asses the influence of land use plan, Construction Law, Strategy of town Liberec development in 2007-2020, community and decision making of authorities on features and aspekts of town area.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 42 records found   beginprevious32 - 41next  jump to record:
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1 Nováková, M.
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