National Repository of Grey Literature 33 records found  beginprevious24 - 33  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The reformation in Transylvania and its responses in the Romanian-speaking environment
Plíšková, Dora ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Lutherská větev reformace do Sedmihradska pronikala v šestnáctém století prostřednictvím saského obyvatelstva, kalvínská prostřednictím maďarského. V roce 1566 bylo v Sedmihradsku založeno tzv. rumunské kalvinistické biskupství, jehož cílem bylo šířit reformovanou víru mezi místní rumunské obyvatelstvo, a to dosažením vysluhování mší v rumunštině (místo církevní slovanštiny), podporou tisku rumunskojazyčných náboženských knih, zvyšováním vzdělanostní úrovně kněží a administrativní reorganizací církve. Po období vlády knížat z rodu Báthoryů se reformace v Sedmihradsku opět prosazuje zhruba od třicátých let sedmnáctého století, v letech čtyřicátých získává pod vedením kalvinistického superintendenta Istvána Gelejiho Katony značně netolerantní charakter. Metropolita sedmihradské pravoslavné církve musí před svým zvolením podepsat body tzv. kalvinizačního programu. Z doktrinárního hlediska však reformace, jejíž šíření mezi sedmihradskými Rumuny definitivně končí se vznikem řeckokatolické církve (r. 1700), nezanechala v rumunském prostředí žádné stopy kromě prosazení rumunštiny jako liturgického jazyka - to se v Sedmihradsku podařilo zhruba s náskokem půldruhého století oproti Valašsku a Moldavsku. Pozoruhodné je soužití reformované a pravoslavné dogmatiky v rumunských dílech připisovaných vlivu...
Mateieu I. Caragiale and Romanian literary decadence
Vyorálková, Jiřina ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Summary: Mateiu I. Caragiale and Romanian literary decadence This statement deals especially with works by Mateiu I. Caragiale, who is the only one Romanian author of decadence prose. It contains the brief biographical chapter, because the certain biographical details are necessary for understanding of author's work. Further it deals gradually with all Caragiale's literary pieces and each is devoted to the separate chapter and they are sorted chronology by the period, when they were written (not published). It is observed mainly the unifying elements of all work and the gradual evolution as well. The second chapter is about author's poetry summarized to the collection The eagles (Pajere) and explores it from versological, language and thematic perspective. It also looks for the connections with the contemporary poetic lines as parnasism, symbolism, decadence and disproves the definite assignment this largely original and peculiar poetry to parnasism. Other chapters deal gradually with Caragiale's prosaic works: the story Remember,the top novel The kings fromthe old court (Craiide Curtea-Veche) and novel fraction Under the seal of secrecy (Sub pecetea tainei). All proses are observed from the following aspects:stylistic, narrative (here I obviously come out the conception F. K. Stanzel's, G. Genette's and S....
Romanian dramatic production in 60-70 years of 20th century
Mendlová, Petra ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Romanian dramatic production of 60 - 70 years in 20th century is the topic of my diploma thesis. In this period of time dramatists they had much more freedom in their creativity than in previous years. Reason for that was politic release and that had led to artistic release as wel1. I have decided to analyze these four playwriters and their dramas: Ion Baie~u - Iertarea (Forgiveness), Chitimia, Vinovatul (Cuplrit), Escrocii in aer liber (Cheaters under the blue sky), Dresoarea de fantome (Ohosts buster). Teodor Mazilu - Pro~tii sub c1ar de luna (Fools under the moonlight), Ace~ti nebuni fiítamici (These crazy hypocrites), Frumos e in septembrie la Venetia (Beutiful Venice in september), Sarbatoarea princi ara (Prince ly banquet), PMaria de pe noptiera (Hat on the bedside table). Dumitru Radu Popescu - Ace~ti ingeri tri~ti (These sad ange1s), Piticul din gradina de vara (Dwarf in the summer garden), Visul (Dream), Dirijor (Conductor), Cezar, mascariciul piratilor (Cesar, c10wn ofthe pirates) Marin Sorescu - Iona (Jonah), Parac1iserul (S acrist) , Matca (River-channel), Raceala (Cold), A treia teapa (The third executive stake). In my diploma thesis I was mostly concem about the style of the dramas, what affected them, the strongest influence that allowed the artist to open up and describe specific1y each and...
Eminescu's poetry in Slovak and Czech translation
Němečková, Lucia ; Vajdová, Libuša (advisor) ; Valentová, Libuše (referee)
The present thesis is dedicated to the translations realised in Chzech and Slovak from the poetry of the Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. The poems that were selected for this presentation are characteristic to the literature that was published during Eminescu's life, translated by Karol Strmen and Ivan Krasko in Slovak, respectively by Vilém Závada in Chzech. The thesis is concerned with the work and life of Mihai Eminescu and also with the spcific means of expression used by 'the great romantic'. The original poems were also compared to their translations. What can be said about these poems is that they belong to some very different periods of time. Each of the poets lived and created in different times. Krasko's poems appeared in the '20s, Strmen's poems, in the '40s and Závada's in the '60s. Krasko's selection was made especially according to the semantic and poetic aspect. The motives in his literature are similar to the ones in Eminescu's: the motive of the mother, of solitude, of sadness and also the signs of symbolism. Karol Strmen preferred the romantic poems - he selected only poems belonging to this current. Vilém Závada's selection was the most complex one, including poems from all the periods of creation from Eminescu's literary work. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first part refers to...
Language situation on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and of the bordering regions of Ukraine, position of the Romanian language
Pospíšil, Ludvík ; Našinec, Jiří (referee) ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor)
In this thesis we tried to capture and compare the linguistic situation in the Republic of Moldova (including unrecognized Transnistria and Gagauzia autonomous) and operating conditions of the Romanian language in Ukraine - In the northern Bukovina, and the "Ukrainian Budzák Transnistria. In Moldova, we focused on the legal status of Romanian, the language of the schools and on which language is most often in the Moldovan media. We address the Romanian position as one of the official languages in the autonomous region of Gagauzia and Language Policy separatist authorities of Transnistria. In Ukraine, we were interested in how the guaranteed by law and fulfilled the functioning of Romanian language as the second largest ethnic minorities. The question of sociolinguistic and we look etnolingvistického terms. Furthermore, we focused on the Romania-Russian bilingualism in the case of northern Bukovina rumunskoukrajinskému bilingualism. Language situation in Moldova and Ukraine through the difficult period after the break Soviet Union, which systematically trodden under foot the ethnic and linguistic rights of non-Russian peoples.
Prepositions in Romanian
Chiroiu, Ralu ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Našinec, Jiří (referee)
Prepositions in romanian treats analysis of prepositions, comparation of preposition use in romanian and czech language and their resulting translation in czech language. For this purpose have been selected three kinds of texts, each one din different domai n : bellet r i t i c , a d mi n i s t r at i v e and scientifi c l i t e r a t u r e . Thesis consists from two parts. In theoretic one are examined problems of prepositions in romanian and czech language from academical point of view, definitions and classifications of this morphological categories. In practical one were analysed chosen texts from point of view of translation and practical use of prepositions. From b e l l e t r i s t i c l i t e r a t u r e were chosen two p i e c e s , Baltagul - Tř i j e z d c i , from Mihail Sadoveanu and Întoarcerea huliganului - Chuligánův návrat, from Norman Manea. Choosing of this two texts was motivated by need of underline differences between romanian and czech language in use of prepositions in different historical periods: 1930 (or 1938) and 2003 (or 2008). From the domain of administrative l i t erature was chosen Declaražia Universală a Drepturilor Omului - Deklarace práv člověka a občana. Original version was written in english and consequently it was translated in different languages of the world. S c i...
Town Targoviste and literary and cultural personalities linked to this place
Mádrová, Gabriela ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
The reason, why I chose as a topic of my thesis just Târgoviste and personalities of the cultural and literal life connected to this place, is simple. It is given by my very close relationship to this city. I had spent my childhood in Târgoviste and I have to remark, it was a very happy childhood. We have moved with my parents to here from Ploiesti, another city bound to me with a strong emotional feeling - I was born here. At the same place is still living my godmother, her family and my friends. In my theses I took direction to the most significant literal personalities, importance of which far crossed the city border, because they are a part of roman literature treasury, they are a part of literary encyclopedias and obligatory school readings, too. Choice of these writes was determinated by place of birth in Târgoviste or by their activities and literal works here. I aimed to bring proofs, that even the smaller cities or regions can be a good topic and inspiration for wonderful works and that the writers or personalities from them coming or working there, are able to be superior over the regional range and scope by their works and significance. The basic history in the introductory part of my theses is followed by individual authors. All of them I describe from both points of view to their lives - the...
Jewish identity in Romanian literature before the Second World War
Růžičková, Monika ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
In the beginning is important to mention close personal interest to write a final thesis on such a difficult but rewording subject based on direct connection with jewish community, their traditions and culture. The thesis is formulated in two parts. The First part reflects brief history of Jews ( Jews in general but also including Jews from Romania). The Second part is focused on Romanian Jewish writers and their literary contribution mainly during Second World War era, their difficulties, inrigues and torture. In this thesis I attempt to examine the right association of Romanian intellectuals between First World War (Jews received status of human rights which led to cultural and literature re-born time) and Second World War when the country was an ally and satelite of Nazi Germany. The thesis will focus on the impact of the ideas behind Hitler's power on Romanian society and in particular on its intellectuals.
Romanies in Romanian literature
Severýn, Adam ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee) ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor)
Postavy Romů se v rumunské literatuře vyskytují poměrně hojně a oproti jiným literaturám jsou nazírány často ze zajímavých úhlů (např. Rom Răzvan na knížecím stolci, obraz "dobrého Cikána" v literatuře bojující proti otroctví). Je to logický důsledek dlouhodobé přítomnosti romského etnika na rumunském území. Od svého příchodu až do současnosti jsou jednou z největších národnostních menšin v rumunské populaci a jejich procentuální zastoupení je jedno z nejvyšších i ve srovnání s jinými evropskými zeměmi. Romové tak značně ovlivnili i rumunskou kulturu, zejména folklor. Většinová společnost byla jednoduše nucena se vypořádat s jejich kulturní a sociální odlišností. Proto je překvapivé, že fenomén Romů v rumunské krásné literatuře nebyl uspokojivě popsán v žádné rozsáhlejší a obecně dostupné práci. To se ale netýká jen Rumunska, i v jiných zemích patří toto téma mezi opomíjená. V první polovině 19. století byl na základě filologických zkoumání obecně přijat názor o původu Romů z Indie. Po prvotním zájmu o romský jazyk se začaly v Evropě objevovat studie zabývající se jejich historií, způsobem života a také folklorem. V Rumunsku se zájem o Romy zvýšil zvláště ve druhé třetině 19. století v souvislosti s bojem proti společensky a politicky již dále neudržitelnému otroctví. Ve 20. století se pak zajímají o romské...
Romanian prison literature (1944-1989)
Rokoská, Jana ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Záměrem této práce Je přiblížit a charakterizovat rumunskou literaturu zaznamenávající existenci komunistických detenčních zařízení v Rumunsku v letech 1944 až 1989 a posílit zájem o toto téma. Po druhé světové válce se Rumunsko ocitlo na více než čtyři desetiletí pod komunistickou nadvládou, která postupně cíleně likvidovala vš,echny své skutečné domnělé odpůrce. Metastázemi vznikl v zemi systém represivních zařízení (věznice, pracovní tábory, psychiatrické léčebny), do nichž byly postupem času uvrženy statisíce nevinných lidí. Ostatní vzpurné či nepohodlné obyvatelstvo bylo deportováno do zapomenutých kraj ů a státostrana dala likvidaci časem rozměr genocidy. F orm)' a rozsah politických represí proti společnosti se měnily spolu se změna.mi uvnitř politického systému a údaje z nedávno otevřených archivů rumunské tajné policie Securitate a komunistické strany a svědectví těch, kteří zařízeními prošli, potvrdily, že největším rozmachem koncentráčnického systému se vyznačuje začátek padesátých let a následné desetiletí. Zločinecký systém si byl dobře vědom skutečnosti, že tužka je nástroj em paměti, jímž se přesně zachytí myšlenka nebo pocit, který z mozku časem vymizí, a tudíž v rumunské literární historii nenajdeme písemnosti zaznamenané politickými oběťmi pnmo ve vězeňském prostředí. Do pádu...

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12 Valentová, Lucie
2 Valentová, Ludmila
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