National Repository of Grey Literature 57 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Jesus Christ in Tomas Gospel and its comparing with canonical gospels
Peřinová, Klára ; Heryán, Ladislav (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
The title of my dissertation for my bachelor degree is the Jesus Christ in the Thomas ' Gospel and its comparison with others canonical gospels. The Thomas' Gospel isn't include in the Bible (in the New testament). This gospel is one of the apocryphal texts, which are not written in the Bible. It has gnosis elements. Generally, the apocryphal texts could be written in others codexes or they are written independently. I would like compare the differences between this specific gospel with others gospels, which are written in the Bible. Especially, my specialization is the comparsion the Thomas' Gospel with the John's Gospel. You can find there many differences, but you can find there also a few similarities. It's interesting that this text wasn't included in the New testament. I'm trying to find the reason, why this text isn't included in the Bible. This dissertation explains the special words: canonical gospels, apocryphal texts and gnosis. For this dissertation is also typical comparation with the historical context. Although the Thomas' Gospel isn't a part of the Bible, it could be hopeful and inspirational for human. It could be also useful for people, who help each other. I think that could help social workers to do to their work better. Today, people know mainly the texts from the Bible. The apocryphal...
Twelve Foundations of the Wall
Hrubeš, Martin ; Mrázek, Jiří (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
Gems in the foundation of the new Jerusalem wall (Rev 21,19-20) were always related with features, as follow: safety, protection, God's independence, basic authority of the twelve apostles, everlasting paradise. Some scholars were seeking a connection between gems and astral systems in ancient times, nevertheless they concede John has utilized these sources in controversy. Despite of scholars' strong effort to identify gemstones exactly, it must be concluded that we are not able to determine all ancient and biblical gemstones according to a modern science. It is not possible to recognize most of twelve breastplate gems (Ex 28,17-20) and some of the new Jerusalem foundation gems because ancient people determined and named gemstones by a completely different way. Therefore, we cannot succeed with dubbing the gems by the names of the old Israel tribes or twelve apostles. As we have few references of gemstones within the entire Bible it is necessary to evaluate them all. Only in this case we could say something stricter on the often mentioned minerals, such as shoham, sapphire, jasper, especially on their symbolic meaning. It has been investigated that the colour, transparency, lustre and hardness are the most important characters of gemstones for the authors of ancient texts. It is essential for...
Paul and Israel in the Epistle to Galatians
Ženatý, Filip ; Roskovec, Jan (advisor) ; Mrázek, Jiří (referee)
This paper deals with a question, how the apostle Paul saw the Christian church in relation to Israel as a people of God in the epistle to the Galatians. As it is an epistle written for a particular reason to the particular people, the first part of the paper deals with a brief analysis of the epistle as such and its context. The main part of the paper is focused on Paul's specific arguments. The role of Paul's conversion, his mission among the gentiles and his relationship with the Jerusalem authorities are evaluated at first. The paper clarifies also what the Antioch incident was about. What follows is the crucial analysis of the term "works of the Law", against which Paul places the faith alone. The paper subsequently focuses on the exposition of the role of Abraham in Paul's theological thoughts. How Paul saw the curse of the Law and how he understood the Jewish Law as such is examined as well. Paul's concept of the church as the newly redefined people of God is demonstrated on the idea of the freedom in the end.
Historical Jesus as Messiah. The presuppositions of Christology in the historical Jesus.
Ficzere, Tamás ; Pokorný, Petr (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee) ; Ryšková, Mireia (referee)
The following doctoral thesis Historical Jesus as a Messiah is aimed at the question of Jesus' Messianism. It contributes to a broad field of study that has at its core this theme and that tries to unravel the unsatisfactory answer if Jesus from Nazareth (or "historical Jesus") considered himself during his earthly life a Messiah. Is it interesting to note that the early Christians, right after Jesus' death, professed him their Lord and Messiah. This "title", which is soon used in relation to Jesus, becomes in its Greek form (Cristo,j - "anointed") Jesus' personal name and Christians recognize as their Messiah Jesus Christ. If we realize that the earthly Jesus never used this title as a self attribution, it remains unclear why it played such an important role for the followers of Jesus. The question of why they did not title him "Son of man" arises. As far as that goes, this is the title earthly Jesus identified with. But the decision of the first Christians, who understood Jesus to be God's messenger and a Messiah, has to have a foundation; it cannot merely be an "overvaluation" of his mission. The question remains: why did Jesus hesitate to identify himself as a Messiah? Even though he never said it about himself, we can trace in the synoptic gospels' indications to let us affirm the statement that the...
Psalm 118 in the New Testament
Zavadil, Tomáš ; Mrázek, Jiří (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
Title: Psalm 118 in The New Testament Author: Tomáš Zavadil Department: Department of The New Testament Supervisor: doc. Jiří Mrázek, Th.D. Abstract: The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the usage of the Psalm 118 in The New Testament. The thesis consists of several parts; first, I give a list of all quotations and allusions of the psalm in The New Testament according to the edition Nestle-Aland. Next, I show links between the texts, describe how the original text enriches the meaning of the new contexts and how the intertextuality can be used in biblistic research. In contrast to traditional approach I emphasize the contribution of one-word allusions. I'm also trying to offer historical background of the Psalm and show its use in liturgy, especially in the context of the first century; as the Psalm was one of the most favourite Psalms. The following part of my work gives brief explanations of the passages in The New Testament where their authors quote or refer to the the Psalm 118. I focus especially on pericopes Mk 11,1-11 and Mk 12,1-12, where I analyze the allusions of the Psalm 118 in detail. The conclusion summarizes all findings of this exegetic work. Key words: quotation, allusion, Psalm 118, The New Testament, Jesus, Messiah, king, salvation, stone, feasts, intertextuallity
The Interpretation of Matthew 23
Muráň, Benjamín ; Mrázek, Jiří (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
This thesis is an interpretation of Matthew 23. It is an exegesis of a New Testament text focusing only on the text alone and its interpretation; moreover, it does not include history of interpretation and its use in liturgy. Individual chapters are gradually dedicated to textual criticism, comparison of various translations, synopsis, structure of the text, language analysis - where an excursion of the term "ouvai" is added, historical context of Mathew's church, historical connections, addressees, literary context, and finally interpretation of the text alone, which is built on the knowledge of the previous chapters. At the end of this thesis is placed concise summary of the exegesis, which includes results of the exegesis followed by a conclusion, where the message of the text is put in a way it touched me. I understand Jesus' speech toward the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees as a polemic, critical speech, but at the same time as an appeal to repentance. "Ouvai" should lead the listener to realization of wrongdoing and resolution to change. Powered by TCPDF (
The Kingdom of God in Paul
Bandhauer, Petra ; Mrázek, Jiří (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
This graduation work focuses on the topic of Kingdom of God which does not belong to the main topics in Pauls Epistles. It seems that the topic of Kingdom of God is not in the centre of Pauls theological concern because there are not often mentioned words about Kingdom of God, Gods government, reign and governing in the Pauls true epistles. But it is in strange discrepancy with synoptical gospels where the topic of Kingdom of God is a principal and in fact main topic. Providing apostle Paul met and knew the tradition about Jesus Christ it must be possible to find some traces of this tradition in his Epistles. The work first researches Pauls theological resources which are based on his Jewish pharisee education. Consequently it interprets Pauls texts, in which he comments directly or indirectly on Kingdom of God, and tries to find relation with texts about Kingdom of God in the synoptical gospels. Then the work tries to describe the character of the topic of Kingdom of God in these gospels. Finally the work compares Pauls conception of Kingdom of God which came up from the exegesis of his texts about enouncement of Kingdom of God as the authors of the synoptical gospels noted. Powered by TCPDF (
The Question of Resurrection and Afterlife in Qumran Manuscripts
Veverka, Roman ; Mrázek, Jiří (advisor) ; Roskovec, Jan (referee)
Táto bakalárska práca spája tému vzkriesenia s oblasťou skúmania zvitkov od Mŕtveho mora. Cieľom autora je skúmanie zmŕtvychvstania ako eschatologickej udalosti na konci vekov. Výskyt tejto tematiky je zúžený na konkrétny spis qumránskej literatúry zvaný Hodayot. V hlavnej časti práce je ťažisko položené na analýze tohto poetického textu pomocou rozboru termínov významných pre vzkriesenie, ako aj ostatných, ktoré pomáhajú osvetliť kontext vybraných pasáží. Práca s hebrejskými výrazmi je vedená formou hľadania paralel v textoch Starého zákona a vo zvitkoch od Mŕtveho mora vôbec, ako aj skúmania ich významov. Rovnako je dôraz kladený aj na pochopenie celkových súvislosti a hlavných tém manuskriptu Hodayot a následne aj špecificky zvolených pasáží. Tie boli zvolené podľa výskytu tematiky a terminológie špecifickej pre vzkriesenie. Pri skúmaní kontextu sú využívané analýzy štruktúry textu alebo paralelizmov ako poetických figúr. Súčasťou práce je rovnako aj ponúknutie názoru odborníkov na qumránske rukopisy, ktorí sa zaoberali aj témou zmŕtvychvstania. V úvodných častiach je načrtnutý v stručnosti starozákonný výskyt vzkriesenie, ako aj vo zvitkoch od Mŕtveho mora celkovo. Hlavnou úlohou práce je pomocou týchto metód a materiálu odpovedať na otázku, či manuskript Hodayot ponúka dostatočný dôkazový...
Did Luke Write also for the Non-Believers?
Kunstová, Mária ; Roskovec, Jan (advisor) ; Pokorný, Petr (referee)
New Testament writings were mostly adressed to the church for education, spiritual formation and liturgical purposes. Concerning Lukan work, there are several different theories about its possible intended readers out of church. These theories could be divided into three groups: 1. Theories about Lukas writing literature which was to be published and distributed in the common book market, 2. theories about possible political intentions of Luke's work and 3. theories about Gentiles who believed in one God and sypathised with Judaism. The work focuses on the whole Lukan cycle - both Gospel according to Luke and Acts. It attempts to find the answer to the question if Luke wrote also for non-Christian audience. It deals with particular Introduction topics (author, date of composition, unity and purpose) and soteriology of the two books. It uses with synoptic comparison and contains exegesae of chosen biblical texts. Klíčová slova Nový zákon, synoptická evangelia, Lukáš, Evangelium podle Lukáše, Skutky apoštolské, soteriologie, lukášovská soteriologie, marnotratný syn, adresát, účel sepsání, politický rozměr Lukáše Keywords New Testament, Synoptic Gospels, Luke, Gospel according to Luke, Acts, Soteriology, Lukan Soteriology, Prodigal Son, Audience, Purpose of Composition, Political aspect of Luke

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