National Repository of Grey Literature 20 records found  previous11 - 20  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Evolutionary design and optimization of components used in high-speed computer networks
Grochol, David ; Sekaj, Ivan (referee) ; Jašek, Roman (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
Výzkum prezentovaný v této práci je zaměřen na evoluční optimalizaci vybraných komponent síťových aplikací určených pro monitorovací systémy vysokorychlostních sítí. Práce začíná studiem současných monitorovacích systémů. Jako experimentální platforma byl zvolen systém SDM (Software Defined Monitoring). Detailně bylo analyzováno zpracování síťového provozu, protože tvoří důležitou součást všech monitorovacích systémů. Jako demonstrační komponenty pro aplikaci optimálních technik navržených v této práci byly zvoleny klasifikátor aplikačních protokolů a hashovací funkce pro síťové toky. Evoluční algoritmy byly zkoumány s ohledem nejen na optimalizaci kvality zpracování dat danou síťovou komponentou, ale i na čas potřebný pro výpočet dané komponenty. Byly zkoumány jednokriteriální i vícekriteriální varianty evolučních algoritmů.     Byl navržen nový přístup ke klasifikaci aplikačních protokolů. Přesná i aproximativní verze klasifikátoru byla optimalizována pomocí CGP (Kartézské Genetické Programování). Bylo dosaženo výrazné redukce zdrojů a zpoždění v FPGA (Programovatelné Logické Pole) oproti neoptimalizované verzi. Speciální síťové hashovací funkce byly navrženy pomocí paralelní verze LGP (Lineární Genetické Programování). Tyto hashovací funkce vykazují lepší funkcionalitu oproti moderním hashovacím funkcím. S využitím vícekriteriální optimalizace byly vylepšeny výsledky původní jednokriteriální verze LGP. Paralelní zřetězené verze hashovacích funkcí byly implementovány v FPGA a vyhodnoceny za účelem hashování síťových toků. Nová rekonfigurovatelná hashovací funkce byla navržena jako kombinace vybraných hashovacích funkcí.  Velmi konkurenceschopná obecná hashovací funkce byla rovněž navržena pomocí multikriteriální verze LGP a její funkčnosti byla ověřena na reálných datových sadách v provedených studiích. Vícekriteriální přístup produkuje mírně lepší řešení než jednokriteriální LGP. Také se potvrdilo, že obecné implementace LGP a CGP jsou použitelné pro automatizovaný návrh a optimalizaci vybraných síťových komponent. Je však důležité zvládnout vícekriteriální povahu problému a urychlit časově kritické operace GP
A platform for Automatic Testing of Embedded Devices
Dušek, Oto ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Vašíček, Zdeněk (advisor)
The bachelor thesis describes design and implementation of a platform which can be used for testing embedded devices like printers and scanners. The platform is composed of the server and concrete testing elements interacting with devices. The elements can be controlled via the server, which hosts REST API. The result is the fully functional application system including creation of hardware prototype of card emulator and paper sensors for testing the basic functionality of printer devices. However, in future new requirements can be added for testing, so the platform has been developed with easy extensibility by new sensors and actuators.
Advanced Measurement of Motorcycle Fuel Consumption
Šoc, Matěj ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Mrázek, Vojtěch (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the measurement of fuel consumption, speed and distance. It explains the principles of these measurements. This thesis also describes the design and implementation of a system able to perform these measurements and then analyze them in detail.
Co-Learning in Cartesian Genetic Programming
Korgo, Jakub ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Wiglasz, Michal (advisor)
This thesis deals with the integration of co-learning into cartesian genetic programming. The task of symbolic regression was already solved by cartesian genetic programming, but this method is not perfect yet. It is relatively slow and for certain tasks it tends not to find the desired result. However with co-learning we can enhance some of these attributes. In this project we introduce a genotype plasticity, which is based on Baldwins effect. This approach allows us to change the phenotype of an individual while generation is running. Co-learning algorithms were tested on five different symbolic regression tasks. The best enhancement delivered in experiments by co-learning was that the speed of finding a result was 15 times faster compared to the algorithm without co-learning.
Modern Programming Language Julia
Fojtík, Pavel ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Nikl, Vojtěch (advisor)
This work describes dynamic programming language Julia. Firstly, user is introduced to syntax and implementation of this language. Next there are advices for writing effective code and his optimalization. Also some examples of using Julia in scientific projects are described. Comparison between Julia, C and Python is in experimental part. Python and C were chosen as examples of statically and dynamically typed languages.
USB Bus Communication Analyzer
Jančo, Tomáš ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Šimek, Václav (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on designing a USB analyzer. First part of this work describes the USB bus and types of USB data transfers. Next part explores existing USB analyzers. After that, FitKIT Minerva is presented as target platform for USB analyzer implementation. Next part of this project is dedicated to design the analyzer architecture and its parts: physical layer circuit, communication interface and user interface. Rest of the work show how the analyzer was implemented and evaluates the results achieved. Final result of this thesis is a working USB analyzer on FitKIT Minerva platform with graphical user interface accesible via web browser.
Document Archiving System
Grochol, David ; Přibyl, Bronislav (referee) ; Ševcovic, Jiří (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create a system for conversion of paper archives into digital form, creating new archives and management of these archives. Application allows to collect image data using external device and storing it into the database. Another important feature is working in online and offline mode. Application is implemented in C# programming language. After start it cooperates with MySQL server and it uses third party application for sharing data.
Fast Detection of Application Protocols
Grochol, David ; Vašíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
Master thesis is focused on classification of application protocols based on application data taken from layer L7 of ISO/OSI model. The aim of the thesis is to suggest a classifier for SDM system (Software defined monitoring) so it could be used for links with throughput up to 100 Gb/s. At the same time it should classify with the fewest possible errors.Designed classifier consists of two parts. First part depicts encoders for encoding selected attributes. Second part deals with evaluating circuit which detects series characteristic for particular application protocols on the output from the first part. Considered attributes and series are taken from statistic analyzes of application protocol data.The classifier itself is designed so it can be implemented in FPGA and enables modification set of application protocols who intended for classification. The quality of  designed classifier is tested on real network data. The results of classification are compared with current methods used for classification of application protocols.
Adaptive Plot Generation in Role-Playing Game
Vymazal, Jiří ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Hrbáček, Radek (advisor)
Generating a story, while trying to preserve at least some qualities of author-written narrative is a complex issue. In this thesis several currently existing systems and approaches are discussed. Then, a solution based on evolutionary computation is presented, and its traits shown on small-scale proof-of-concept scenario. Finally, this approach is compared againist existing solutions.
GUI Library on SDL2 Platform Designed for Games
Staněk, Jan ; Grochol, David (referee) ; Záň, Drahoslav (advisor)
This thesis examines the graphical user interfaces in computer games as a medium for communication between the user and the application. Then it describes the design and implementation of generic user interface using the SDL2 platform and the OpenGL specification.

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