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Forced labour camps and their regulation in the legal order of Czechoslovakia
Musílková, Martina ; Soukup, Ladislav (advisor) ; Adamová, Karolina (referee)
55 Závěr Hodnotit období tzv. padesátých let, byť "jen" z hlediska problematiky Táborů nucených prací a Pomocných technických praporů je velmi obtížný úkol. Složitý pro historiky, právníky, ale i současnou politickou scénu. Rehabilitace a především odškodnění lidí, nuceně nasazených, zůstává ještě dnes nedořešenou otázkou. Obávám se, že i v mnohých nedořešenou otázkou zůstane. Ať už z nedostatku relevantních informací, potažmo důkazů, tak ze strany státní moci, která dá, asi logicky, přednost aktuálním problémům. Téma své diplomové práce jsem si vybrala proto, že jsem o něm něco věděla z vlastní rodiny, ve které se vždy diskutovalo o všem. O tom, že moje prababička byla vystěhovaná ze statku jsem se dozvěděla už jako malá, stejně jako to, že rodiče matky nemohli studovat a těžko hledali práci mimo dělnické obory, přestože ukončili středoškolské vzdělání s maturitou. Prababička byla "přikázaná" do sběrného TNP v Dlažkovicích, kterému se vyhnula útěkem do Bratislavy, její statek byl znárodněn, zbytek rodiny vystěhován do vlastního, též ale znárodněného deputátního domku, kde byl trpěn. K jakési "nápravě" došlo až po listopadu 1989. Moje hodnocení tak může vyznít jako částečně subjektivní, i přes značný časový odstup. Pro většinu mojí generace je toto období dávnou historií, podobně jako II. světová válka,...
Rašín's currency reform
Křiváček, Tomáš ; Adamová, Karolina (advisor) ; Kuklík, Jan (referee)
- 94 - Rašín's monetary reform This diploma thesis is dealing with the Czechoslovak monetary reform performed in March 1919 whose originator was the first finance minister Alois Rašín. After the dissolution of Austria-Hungary at the end of WWI new-formed Czechoslovakia assumed a heritage in form of totally depreciated currency. The Austro- Hungarian Bank as the central bank of monarchy financed the war through war loan to the state. The central bank de facto became a money printer and the result was galloping inflation. The Aim of monetary reform was mainly to separate the currency from the original Austro-Hungarian currency and create a new own one, eliminate inflation money and appreciate the new currency. The longer-range aim of reform was to connect the Czechoslovak currency with gold, thus to establish the gold standard currency. All preparations for reform passed absolutely secretly. The law about monetary reform was adopted during the secret session of Revolutionary National Assembly on February 25th, 1919. Even that night from February 25th to 26th, the state boundary was enclosed and all communication with foreign countries was interrupted to prevent inflow of Austro-Hungarian money from neighbouring countries. The separation of the currency was executed by stamping of banknotes. The stamping was...
Registration of real property in Bohemia and Moravia (development of the land registry)
Peichlová, Adéla ; Soukup, Ladislav (advisor) ; Adamová, Karolina (referee)
86 Resumé REGISTRATION OF REAL ESTATE IN BOHEMIAAND IN MORAVIA (HISTORY OF CADASTRE OF REAL ESTATES) The purpose of this Thesis, as it is apparent from its name, is to create an overview of the process and history of the registrations of real estates from the beginning to the present. The reasons of needs and affords of the rulers to start creating some directories of the lands were purely economical. Every sovereign and ruler needed enough finance to keep and reinforce their power and the most effective way how to do it was to institute the land tax. The land was divided in the land of the vassals, called rustic, and the land of the masters, called demesne. Over the centuries, the object of the land taxes was only the land of the vassals. The land of the masters had to be free of the taxes till the year 1706. In order to make the tax collection more effective and well-organized, it was necessary to create a proper registration of the rustic land. Therefore, the original purpose of the rustic land registration, which had various names during individual historical periods, had only fiscal function. The history of the cadastre of real estates started in the year 1022 when the duke Old ich united the tax policy and instituted the tax collection from the grounds - policy which his followers continued in....
Witch trials in the region of Šumperk
Křiváček, Petr ; Adamová, Karolina (advisor) ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee)
Witch trials in the region of Šumperk The purpose of my thesis is to outline the period of second half of the 17th century when the witch trials in the region of Sumperk occurred and to draw attention to new results in research for this matter. This work also focuses on the legal aspects of these witch trials. The thesis is composed of eight chapters. Chapter One (subdivided into three parts) is introductory and explains who was considered as a witch and what these people might cause, what black and white magic is, and the differences between men and women witches. Chapter Two is the introduction to witch trials. Part One examines the origin of the trials and their present shape and Part Two explains the problem of witch-hunting. Chapter Three briefly compares in three parts the effects of religion, natural and human factors on the inception of witch trials. Chapter Four presents the most important writings supporting the battle against witches, such as the bulla "Summis desiderantes affectibus" of Pope Innocent VIII., the infamous "Malleus Maleficarum" of Heinrich Kramer or Delrio's "Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex". The law aspects of punishment for witchcraft in German and Czech territories is drawn in Chapter Five. In a few parts there are mentioned important enactments concerning witchcraft...
Legal status of Jews under the rule of Marie Therese and Joseph II
Javůrková, Johana ; Adamová, Karolina (advisor) ; Soukup, Ladislav (referee)
67 Resumé The legal statute of the Jews in the time of the reign of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the legal statute of Jewish minority in the Czech lands in the time of the reign of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. Main concentration is thus focused upon the second half of the 18th century. The reason for my research is to try to understand the background of their long lasting bad treatment during previous centuries and its changes in the upcoming time of the Enlightenment. The thesis is composed of three chapters, each of them dealing with different historical background and timeline. Chapter One is introductory and describes the long way of the Jews from the origin of Jewish nation in the Middle East, followed by the beginning of jewish diaspora and its european history until the French Revolution. Chapter Two describes the legal history of the Jews settled in the Czech lands since their beginning in the 10th century until the introduction of the infamous restrictive so called Familiants laws in 1726. Chapter Three deals directly with the main topic, the legal statute of the Jews in the Czech lands in the time of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. It consists of two main parts. First is dedicated to the time of the reign of Maria Theresa and her well known decision about the...

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6 ADAMOVÁ, Kateřina
9 Adamová, Karolina
9 Adamová, Karolína
6 Adamová, Kateřina
2 Adamová, Klára
1 Adamová, Květoslava
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