National Repository of Grey Literature 41 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Virtual on-line resources for conference interpreter training
Žilková, Anna ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
The aim of this study is to describe the influence of modern technologies on interpreting and interpreter training. It focuses on the content of a good interpreting course and summarizes the main features of remote interpreting, telephone interpreting, videoconference interpreting and interpreting over the internet. It contains an overview of eLearning tools used in interpreter training with the last chapter dedicated to a brand new tool - the ORCIT project. The main outcomes of this work are recommendations for project partners regarding functionality and efficiency of this educational platform.
The Correlation between the Speed of the Source Speech and Simultaneous Interpreter's Performance.
Moravcová, Dagmar ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
The purpose of the present thesis is to look into the correlation between the speed of the source speech and simultaneous interpreter's performance between Czech and French from the perspective of the French listeners of the source speeches in French, of two groups of interpreters (students and professionals) and of the listeners of the speeches interpreted into Czech. The thesis consists of the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part outlines Daniel Gile's Effort Model and than focuses on the delivery rate of the source speech and on various theoretical approaches of different scholars, on the errors occured in the process of simultaneous interpreting, on intrepretation strategies and on the quality of interpretation. The empirical part describes the research method, the experiment itself and the results of the experiment which focuses both on the number of occurences of different interpretation stategies in relation to the source speech delivery rate and on the number of occurences of various error categories depending on the speed of the quasi-authentic source speeches. The empirical part examines the differences between the performance of the students and of the interpreters. Their performance is then assessed by the Czech listeners. Keywords simultaneous interpretation,...
Audio description of dilms for the visually impaired
Hostová, Ľudmila ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
In this thesis its author presents the first theoretical study of audio description (AD) in the Czech Republic. The aim of this paper is to summarize current international knowledge of AD, explore the status quo in the Czech Republic, assess applicability of the international experience in the Czech environment and, finally, propase further steps to be taken in order to enhance AD practice and theoretical research in the Czech Republic. Audio description i s a form of translation where, to quote J oel Snyder' s pa per, visual is made verbal. As such, it plays an important role in today's society: to people with visual impairment AD conveys information that would otherwise be inaccessible. Audio description facilitates access to culture and, in a broader sense, helps integrate the visually impaired into the society. In addition, AD in some countries serves as a learning tool for non-native speakers and for students with learning difficulties. Given its integrative potential, it is highly desirable to promote audio description and ensure its professional quality. As of today, several major countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Germany have taken a clear structured approach to audio description. The model for development of AD is the United Kingdom, where a tenth of digital...
Semiotics of note-taking in consecutive interpreting
Hrušovská, Petra ; Nekvapil, Jiří (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
The present thesis focuses on semiotic aspects of note-taking in consecutive interpreting, in particular with respect to the process of semiosis and factors influencing the interpreters' conception of their notes. Chapter 1 mentions the basic features of note-taking in order to trace its semiotic characteristics in the following parts of the thesis. In Chapter 2, the notes as a specific semiotic system are briefly discussed within the framework of the second Peircean trichotomy of signs (cases of iconicity, indexicality and symbolicity are demonstrated) and in terms of their function, productivity and spatial settings. After these general considerations, Chapter 3 introduces the main theoretical approaches to the technique of note-taking (principally those of the Geneva and Heidelberg schools) including the issues of the languages involved in interpreting or the nature of signs. As the accent is on the process of semiosis (apprehension of signs by interpreters, generating signs according to the meaning of the speech and searching for the motivation for the interpreters' concrete choices of signs and their form), the chapter lists some basic signs and methods well- tested by practitioners. The signs are also analysed in terms of their origin and possibilities of expansion (composition, derivation...
Experience of simultaneous interpreting into "B" languages. Interpretation in the EU institutions
Kodym, Jakub ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tématem, které je v letech po rozšíření Evropské unie velmi aktuální, přesto je velmi málo teoreticky i empiricky zpracováno. Po vymezení pojmu tlumočení do cizího jazyka (tzv. "retouru") a jeho přijímání translatology a tlumočnickou obcí je nejprve podán přehled historie a současného kontextu tlumočení v Evropské unii. Následující část je věnována kritickému přehledu translatologických teorií ve vztahu ke směru tlumočení - touto otázkou se dosud specificky zabývalo překvapivě málo teoretických prací. Proto bylo nezbytné před formulováním hypotéz pro náš empirický výzkum provést jakousi syntézu dosavadního stavu bádání nejen přísně translatologického (zejména deverbalizační teorie pařížské školy a Gilélv model úsiiO, ale také v oblasti očekávání posluchač(} a vnímané kvality tlumočení. Vedle toho hypotézy čerpaly z některých současných psycholingvistických teorií o využití fonologické paměti (zejména Baddeleyova modelu artikulační smyčky). Na základě těchto teoretických poznatkél byl formulován výzkumný předpoklad, že tlumočníci pracující pro evropské instituce jsou fakticky bilingvní, proto neexistují větší rozdíly v kvalitě obou směrél tlumočení a preference tlumočení do A není založena na objektivních faktorech, a že při poslechu v rodné řeči lze lépe využít fonologickou...
KISS: Interpreter's strategy during the interpreting into the mother tongue and into the B language
Malkovská, Alžběta ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
This thesis focuses on the topic of the KISS strategy ("Keep it short and simple") as a hypothetical ideal solution for simultaneous interpreting into the active language. The purpose of this theoretical and empirical study is to describe the issue of interpreting into the active language (B language) and the strategies used in simultaneous interpreting, with emphasis on the KISS strategy. The paper is divided into two parts: theoretical part and empirical part. In the theoretical part, we set up the working hypothesis that we will confirm or disprove in the empirical part. We suppose that the KISS strategy is the ideal and predominant mechanism used for interpreting into the B language. The "retour" or interpretation into the active foreign language presents one of the most discussed topics on the field of interpretation theory. For a long time, Western Europe has been under the influence of the Interpretive Theory of Translation based at the ESIT in Paris. The Interpretive Theory of Translation was followed by many theoreticians and practicians who considered the "retour" to be a non-standard or even inadmissible direction of interpreting. The situation changed after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the onset of the globalization, and the interpretation into the B language has gradually become an everyday...
Semantic and pragmatic aspects of the prosodic component of the message in simultaneous interpretation
Marešová, Julie ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
Julie Marešová, Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of the Prosodic Component of the Message in Simultaneous Interpreting, Institute of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, 2009 The thesis focuses on the prosodic component of the message in SI from the point of view of the speech listener, the interpreter and the interpretation listener. First we described the general function of prosody and its role in SI. We mentioned Gile's Effort model which is closely related to the prosody of source speech. We also considered the interpretation quality assessment from the point of view of the final client. The empirical part is focused on the way the prosodic character of the source speech influences the interpreter's work and whether the same influence can be seen in the client's assessment of the interpretation. Using computer analysis (computer programme PRAAT) and retrospective questionnaires we have found out that the interpreters are completely aware of the source speech prosody. If the prosody is unnatural or inadequate it raises the demands on concentration and understanding and makes interpretation more difficult. We did not confirm the hypothesis that source speech prosody is reflected during SI in the same way. There was a large diversity in the assessments by the...
Polarized discourse in health literature. Comparison of Czech and French
Rucki, Zdeněk ; Sládková, Miroslava (advisor) ; Šotolová, Jovanka (referee)
Every communication implies an author and an addressee. Their relationship and interaction during the communication create the phenomenon of "polarity", whose importance varies according to the type of the text. The role of polarity is significant in the popularizing literature. The popularizing literature aims to provide certain scientific information to as many readers as possible. Thus, the role of communication between the author and the addressee is very important in such texts. By means of the second person of singular or plural, the author can approach directly his addressee, ask him question or give advices. He can also try to gain his confidence by presenting himself, his opinions or experience via the first person of singular. Finally, he can also make his reader participate on the structure of the text and the exchange of information by using the first person of plural. All such means accentuate the polarity. Yet, the concrete communicative strategies can vary according to the linguistic milieu the communication takes place in. The present thesis compares the use of polarity in Czech and French health literature. The choice of this particular branch of texts was motivated by its potentially high degree of polarity and communication between the author and the addressee. The first part of the...
Daniel Gile's effort model and its application on texts with numerals and enumerations
Puková, Zdeňka ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
Tato teoreticko-empirická práce se zaměřuje na model úsilí Daniela Gila a jeho aplikaci na simultánní tlumočení textů nasycených číselnými údaji a výčty. V teoretické části model podrobně popisujeme a analyzujeme a aplikujeme jej na simultánní tlumočení. Dále definujeme základní problémy a nedostatky spojené se simultánním tlumočením projevů z francouzštiny do češtiny u textů nasycených číselnými údaji a výčty z hlediska nároků na pracovní kapacitu v důsledku nasycenosti textu i specifik francouzských číslovek a jejich převodu do češtiny. Při tlumočení číselných údajů a výčtů se zvyšují nároky na pracovní kapacitu, zvláště na poslech a analýzu a na paměť, čímž může dojít ke snížení množství kapacity dostupné pro poslech a zpracování následujících částí projevu. Na základě postulátů Gilova modelu úsilí jsme stanovili pracovní hypotézu, podle které v důsledku vzniku deficitního řetězce dojde ke zhoršení kvality přetlumočení u nenáročných úseků, které následují bezprostředně po náročných segmentech obsahujících číselné údaje a výčty. Deficitní řetězec je důsledkem individuálního deficitu u některého z úsilí či celkového zahlcení pracovní kapacity. Dílčí hypotézou je, že výkon profesionálních tlumočníků bude celkově kvalitnější a zhoršení nebude se zvyšující se obtížností úseků předcházejících sledovaným místům...
Differences in evaluation of the quality of interpretation
Pospíšilová, Lenka ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
Our theoretical-empirical thesis is dedicated to differences in the evaluation of the quality of interpreting. In the theoretical part of our thesis we describe representative studies in aforementioned field and their conclusions. We use them as a basis for the hypothesis of our own research in which we suppose that the formal aspect of an intepreter's delivery will influence the overall evaluation of the quality of his rendering and will be perceived by the respondents as a more important criterion than the logical cohesion of the speech. In the empirical part of our thesis we describe the design and development of our experiment. In this experiment different groups of respondents evaluated nine videos of an interpreter's rendering conducted under specific parameters defined beforehand. Subsequently we evaluate conclusions of our basic and test research. We conclude our work with a partial confirmation of our initial hypothesis.

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