National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Tvorba vexilografického modulu s využitím jazyků MetaPost a Lua
Treťák, Marek
This bachelor thesis deals with creation vexillographic module for typesetting system ConTeXt. The first part describes vexillology, its history and terminology and basic patterns of flags. Next part focuses on typesetting system TeX, its format ConTeXt and programming languages MetaPost and Lua. The third passage discusses implementation of module. The last section presents capabilities of module.
Aspects of registration of vessels in maritime law
Mládek, Matěj ; Ondřej, Jan (advisor) ; Balaš, Vladimír (referee)
Název diplomové práce: Aspekty registrace plavidel v mezinárodním právu (oblast mezinárodního práva mořského a registrace námořních plavidel) (Aspects of the registration of vessels in the International Law) Abstrakt: Along with fishing, navigation is the oldest use of the sea, and remains one of the most important. Ships are the most important means of transporting goods on such routes: ninety-five per cent, by weight, of all international trade is seaborne. On the military side is it same important battle field. While almost all costal States and some landlocked (right now without Czech Republic) ones have a merchant navy of some description, one of the remarkable features of the international shipping industry is the degree to which ships are concentrated under the flags of relatively few States. This does not necessarily indicate a similar distribution of ownership. We are talking about "flags of convenience" and it is one of the topics of this thesis. This thesis deals transformation from customary international law to current codified regulation of the registration of vessels. The ascription of nationality to ships is one of the most important means by which public order is maintained at sea. As well as indicating what rights a ship enjoys and to what obligations it is subjects, the nationality of a...
Nástup červenobílých a Vlajka in the period from 1939 to 1940
Otcovská, Karolina ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Suk, Pavel (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on two periodicals that were published simultaneously during 1939-1940, i.e. in the initial period of the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Both periodicals presented themselves as press platforms of the sympathizers of fascist groups. One of the periodicals related to the pre-war fascist group Červenobílí and the other referred to a fascist movement called Vlajka. Despite seemingly similar orientations, the magazines got themselves into a dispute that resulted in an extensive press campaign. The aim of my thesis is the detailed analysis of this campaign. Most of the people concentrated around Nástup Červenobílých magazine were active in the committee of Národní souručenství (the only legal Czech political organization of that time), or in its satellite institutions. Nástup Červenobílých thus acted loyally towards Národní souručenství and was financed by its leading officials. Vlajka magazine, on the contrary, was against Národní souručenství from the beginning, which was reflected in the attacks on Nástup Červenobílých. The press campaign was led on the level of personal insults and the main protagonists were Zdeněk Zástěra, publisher of Nástup Červenobílých, and Jan Rys with Josef Burda on the other side, both Vlajka officials. Both magazines used various...
The Truth Will Win 1938 anti-Czechoslovak broadcast of Vienna radio
Cvachovcová, Klára ; Suk, Pavel (advisor) ; Knapík, Jiří (referee)
This thesis concentrates on 1938 radio broadcast Pravda vítězí (The Truth Will Win), broadcasted from Vienna in both Czech and Slovak languages in the two months preceding and following the signing of the Munich agreement. Its theoretical part follows the genesis of the two broadcasts, the personalities involved and also the connection between Pravda vítězí and Vlajka, the infamous Czech fascist movement. In the practical part, Nazi propaganda themes are being analyzed in both broadcasts during October 1938. Main focus is on the campaigns against president Beneš, against freemasonry and bolshevism, pro-German campaign and antisemitism. In the Slovak language broadcast, anti-Czech campaign was a significant part of the Nazi propaganda, along with the support of Slovak separatism. Comparison of the ideological focus and goals of both broadcasts is supported by numerous quotations. In the final part, the thesis offers a brief look at the reactions to the broadcasts. Also, it attempts to evaluate the broadcasts' possible effects on both Czech and Slovak audience in the light of its primary goal - the disintegration of Czechoslovakia.
Nástup červenobílých a Vlajka in the period from 1939 to 1940
Otcovská, Karolina ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Suk, Pavel (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on two periodicals that were published simultaneously during 1939-1940, i.e. in the initial period of the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Both periodicals presented themselves as press platforms of the sympathizers of fascist groups. One of the periodicals related to the pre-war fascist group Červenobílí and the other referred to a fascist movement called Vlajka. Despite seemingly similar orientations, the magazines got themselves into a dispute that resulted in an extensive press campaign. The aim of my thesis is the detailed analysis of this campaign. Most of the people concentrated around Nástup Červenobílých magazine were active in the committee of Národní souručenství (the only legal Czech political organization of that time), or in its satellite institutions. Nástup Červenobílých thus acted loyally towards Národní souručenství and was financed by its leading officials. Vlajka magazine, on the contrary, was against Národní souručenství from the beginning, which was reflected in the attacks on Nástup Červenobílých. The press campaign was led on the level of personal insults and the main protagonists were Zdeněk Zástěra, publisher of Nástup Červenobílých, and Jan Rys with Josef Burda on the other side, both Vlajka officials. Both magazines used various...
Aspects of registration of vessels in maritime law
Mládek, Matěj ; Ondřej, Jan (advisor) ; Balaš, Vladimír (referee)
Název diplomové práce: Aspekty registrace plavidel v mezinárodním právu (oblast mezinárodního práva mořského a registrace námořních plavidel) (Aspects of the registration of vessels in the International Law) Abstrakt: Along with fishing, navigation is the oldest use of the sea, and remains one of the most important. Ships are the most important means of transporting goods on such routes: ninety-five per cent, by weight, of all international trade is seaborne. On the military side is it same important battle field. While almost all costal States and some landlocked (right now without Czech Republic) ones have a merchant navy of some description, one of the remarkable features of the international shipping industry is the degree to which ships are concentrated under the flags of relatively few States. This does not necessarily indicate a similar distribution of ownership. We are talking about "flags of convenience" and it is one of the topics of this thesis. This thesis deals transformation from customary international law to current codified regulation of the registration of vessels. The ascription of nationality to ships is one of the most important means by which public order is maintained at sea. As well as indicating what rights a ship enjoys and to what obligations it is subjects, the nationality of a...
The journalist Julius Pachmayer in the people's court
Dvořáková, Tereza ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Suk, Pavel (referee)
The thesis named Journalist Julius Pachmayer in the People's Court in detail and comprehensively deals with the case of the fascist, pro-Nazi political movement Flag member Julius Pachmayer. Pachmayer was also an editor and editor in chief of the newspaper of the same name, which was published in the First and Second Republic and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Pachmayer was a professional journalist, who in addition to Flag has also contributed to the People's leaves, the Czech word, National politics and other pro- German sheets that were issued in the time of Protectorate. After the Second World War, the People's Court tried and convicted Pachmayer of collaborating with the Nazis to prison, where he died in 1947. This thesis deals with Pachmayer's life and his journalistic praxis, the behaviour in Flag and also deals with the court process from arrest to Pachmayer's death in a prison hospital. The main goal of this thesis is to answer the question whether the Julius Pachmayer was an activist collaborator, or rather just conformist performing the orders which war period requested.
The personality of Jan Rys as a journalist and his work at The Flag magazine
Petříková, Lucie ; Cebe, Jan (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee)
This diploma thesis named The Personality of Jan Rys as a journalist and his work in the Flag magazine describes the personality of Jan Rys in all aspects of his life and work. In the introductory part it is set into the historical context where the state of protectorate journalism is described focusing on illegal and collaborant and activistic journalists. Part of the chapter concentrates on subsequent retribution courts. Another chapter focuses on the historical context where the origin and formation of fascism in our country is described and concentrates also on antisemitism in a Protectorate. The main part is focused on the character of Jan Rys, while his work in Vlajka movement is described whose leader he was until 1942, when he was sent at first to Terezin and than to Dachau, where he stayed till the end of war as well as his literature and his journalistic work. In the journalistic work it deals mainly with journal the Vlajka in the period when Jan Rys was an editor in chief, attention is paid to Rys' articles and their focus. A separate chapter analyzes a court trial with Jan Rys and other representatives of Vlajka, the seventh chapter concludes with the judgement of the National Court, which sentenced him to death by hanging.
Czech aryanisation and anti–semitism in thirties
Fabianová, Petra ; Rataj, Jan (advisor) ; Háka, Antonín (referee)
The bachelor thesis on the topic of Czech aryanisation and anti--semitism in thirties is describing, on the background of historical events, displays of hate against Jews in a period of liberal first republic and authoritarian second republic. The first chapter of this thesis follows activities of anti-semites and individual Jewish streams during the first republic. One part of this chapter is composed of author's analysis about a periodical named Vlajka, which was being published by a fascist organisation. In the second chapter, there are described fascist actions against Jews during the second republic and also anti-semitic exposures of the party Národní jednota. Besides, the chapter is also dealing with anti-semitic legislation. The last, third chapter is engaged in the problems of Czech aryanisation and tries to explain its rising illusion. The end of this chapter is also dealing with a historical period of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, to explain the process of expropriation of Jewish properties in Czech lands. So the purpose of this bachelor thesis is to define how the Anti -- Semitism was expressed during thirties in Czech lands.

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