National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The institution of superficiary right of building in the private law restatement in the Czech Republic
Tichý, Luděk ; Hendrychová, Michaela (advisor) ; Šustek, Petr (referee)
The Institute of the Right to Build in the Context of the Recodification of Private Law in the Czech Republic Abstract This master thesis is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the legal regulation of the right to build as a legal institute reintroduced into the legal system of the Czech Republic on 1 January 2014 with the entry into force of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Czech Civil Code, including the placing of the right to build in the context of its historical background or its comparison with the corresponding applicable legal regulations of foreign countries, which represent sources of inspiration for the legal regulation in the Czech Republic. The right to build allows, in particular, the construction of a building by the builder on land that is not owned by him, or, in general, allows the builder to have a building on such land. This legal institute represents a special temporary exception of application of the legal principle of superficies solo cedit. The building, which becomes part of the right to build for the duration of the right itself, does not, according to the general rules of law, accrue to the land on which it has been built. In the introductory part, the thesis focuses on a description of the historical legal development of the right to build from its Roman law origins. This is...
Superficial Right of Construction in Czech and French Law
Srbová, Alena
PRÁVO STAVBY V ČESKÉM A FRANCOUZSKÉM PRÁVU, 2015 Abstract (English) Superficial Right of Construction in Czech and French Law The Superficial Right of Construction is one of the new institutions of civil law after the entry into force of the new Czech Civil Code on January 1st , 2014. But the institute is not quite unknown to Czech law, because it was a part of it until 1964. This fact enables to compare the current legislation with the previous provisions and to follow up the development of the explored institute's concept, both in terms of the shift of its nature from public to private, as well as of its content. It is also possible to identify the characteristics of "new" Czech Superficial Right of Construction which reflect not only the development of law in the last fifty years in general, but also of a similar institute in other (European) countries. One of such an institute is undoubtedly French bail à construction, existing since 1964 which seems appropriate for comparison with Czech Superficial Right of Construction mainly due to its continual development and a fairly frequent practice use in its home country. Apart from the relation of Superficial Right of Construction to the Roman principle superficies solo cedit, identification of the expression and legal nature of the institute, excursion into...
Superficial Right of Construction in Czech and French Law
Srbová, Alena ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee) ; Petr, Bohuslav (referee)
PRÁVO STAVBY V ČESKÉM A FRANCOUZSKÉM PRÁVU, 2015 Abstract (English) Superficial Right of Construction in Czech and French Law The Superficial Right of Construction is one of the new institutions of civil law after the entry into force of the new Czech Civil Code on January 1st , 2014. But the institute is not quite unknown to Czech law, because it was a part of it until 1964. This fact enables to compare the current legislation with the previous provisions and to follow up the development of the explored institute's concept, both in terms of the shift of its nature from public to private, as well as of its content. It is also possible to identify the characteristics of "new" Czech Superficial Right of Construction which reflect not only the development of law in the last fifty years in general, but also of a similar institute in other (European) countries. One of such an institute is undoubtedly French bail à construction, existing since 1964 which seems appropriate for comparison with Czech Superficial Right of Construction mainly due to its continual development and a fairly frequent practice use in its home country. Apart from the relation of Superficial Right of Construction to the Roman principle superficies solo cedit, identification of the expression and legal nature of the institute, excursion into...

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