National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Exotarium ZOO Brno
Kučera, Jiljí ; Wittmann, Maxmilian (referee) ; Šindlar, Jiljí (advisor)
The topic of the bachelor thesis is the design of a pavilion for the Australia - New Guinea exhibition in Brno Zoo. The building serves mainly as an exposition and home for exotic species of birds, small mammals and fish. The building should meet all the conditions of buildings for the public, working conditions for employees and animal welfare. The area under consideration is located in the premises of the Brno Zoo, in the northern part of the district of Bystrc. The construction site is located roughly in the middle of the zoo at the crossroads between the Tropical Pavilion and the African Village. The relatively sloping, irregular plot is accessible from the north and east sides by a campus road. The kangaroo enclosure is directly adjacent to the west side, while the bison and camel enclosures are located to the north, across the road. The resulting design consists of a two-storey building that follows the contour line of the site. It is a building composed of two regular masses of rectangular plan. The upper smaller mass is superimposed on the lower larger mass. The pavilion includes indoor and outdoor aviaries, terrariums, aquariums, staff facilities, animal facilities and food preparation. The facade of the Exotarium imitates the red rock typical of Australia. It is made up of an ETICS system to which a moulded polystyrene layer and a painted surface will be added. An extensive green roof with aviaries is proposed on the main building. The design includes a small plaza to provide shade for visitors. Two buildings are proposed within the square - refreshments and public toilets. The bachelor thesis is based on documents in the form of assignment, dwg drawing of the cadastral situation and architectural study from the course BGA036 - Architectural Atelier 5.
Návrh nízkonákladového řešení regulační a ovládací jednotky pro akvária a terária
PAPAJ, Michal
Bachelor's thesis is focused on a design of a low-cost regulation and control unit for aquariums and terrariums. Initial part examines demands of animals on the environment and possibilities of suitable technologies for aquariums and terrariums. A suitable low-cost technology for the regulation unit is selected. Practical part aims on the design and construction of the control unit system. It is capable of monitoring or regulating, among other things, temperature, pH, water level or lighting. Mobile and web applications are designed and implemented. The system allows a user to oversee the state of the environment and regulate it remotely.
Utilization of aquarium in the biology education
Špůrová, Hana ; Hanel, Lubomír (advisor) ; Andreska, Jan (referee)
This thesis focuses on the use of freshwater animals in biology lessons. It especially provides detailed instructions for school experiments and observations of these animals, which can be bred in a freshwater aquarium at school. Manuals have worksheets for pupils and are anter keys. Each worksheet has got guidance for teachers, which contains specific instructions for the preparation of observation and experimentation and also gives some additional information. Individual worksheets are focused on representatives of cold water and tropical freshwater fish, shrimp and crayfish. A considerable part of the worksheets is devoted to our invertebrates, which can be caught in nature, and placed into the aquarium for a limited period, so there we can see the experiments and observations of some aquatic larvae of insects, flatworms, bugs, beetles, molluscs, annelids and arthropods. It also includes information about the various representatives used in the worksheets, such as a brief description of the animal and its demands for breeding. There are also instructions on how to obtain these animals. This thesis also contains practical manuals onwhere to place the aquarium in the classroom and how to manage and maintain it because this work is conceived as a handbook for teachers of biology, who have no...
Utilization of aquarium in the biology education
Špůrová, Hana ; Hanel, Lubomír (advisor) ; Andreska, Jan (referee)
This thesis focuses on the use of freshwater animals in biology lessons. It especially provides detailed instructions for school experiments and observations of these animals, which can be bred in a freshwater aquarium at school. Manuals have worksheets for pupils and are anter keys. Each worksheet has got guidance for teachers, which contains specific instructions for the preparation of observation and experimentation and also gives some additional information. Individual worksheets are focused on representatives of cold water and tropical freshwater fish, shrimp and crayfish. A considerable part of the worksheets is devoted to our invertebrates, which can be caught in nature, and placed into the aquarium for a limited period, so there we can see the experiments and observations of some aquatic larvae of insects, flatworms, bugs, beetles, molluscs, annelids and arthropods. It also includes information about the various representatives used in the worksheets, such as a brief description of the animal and its demands for breeding. There are also instructions on how to obtain these animals. This thesis also contains practical manuals onwhere to place the aquarium in the classroom and how to manage and maintain it because this work is conceived as a handbook for teachers of biology, who have no...

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