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The thermal injury in children in emergency prehospital care
The topic of this thesis is thermal injury of children in pre-hospital urgent care. This issue is still often discussed as these injuries are three of the most frequent causes of death of children. The thesis introduces the reader to the injuries caused by contact burns or scalds. The theoretical part deals with an anatomy and physiology of skin. It focuses especially on the specifics of children skin. In the following chapters it presents overall information on the thermal injuries. Main focus is on the burn trauma. This part of the work contains information on patophysiology, etiology, laic treatment and subsequent therapy provided by the emergency services. The research part has three main goals. First to find out if the paramedics have experience with thermic injuries in pre-hospital urgent care. The other goal is to find out what the cooperation between emergency care and specialized burn treatment centers looks like. And the last goal is to map the level of knowledge of paramedics in this area of expertise. A method of qualitative research was used to achieve these goals. The data for the research was gathered by using a semi-structured interview. The research team consists of 8 paramedics from Jihočeský kraj and Vysočina. The research showed that paramedics have experience with this problematics and their cooperation with the burn treatment center is on a good level. The knowledge of treatment of thermic injuries of children in pre-hospital care is satisfactory yet not all of the answers are optimal. The results of the research will be presented on Anesteziologické dny in České budějovice in 2018.
Comparison of the activities of the emergency services and military medics Czech Republic
This thesis is focused on the most common injuries that are attended by health care armies workers in the Czech Republic, and also the most common traumas that are attended by ground ambulance. I would like to divide my thesis into two parts. The first part focuses on general information on the structure and training of health professionals AČR and ground ambulance services, but especially for injuries that are most cosistently found in the literature of these two groups. Which are thermal injury, massive bleeding, wounds, traumatic amputations and injuries of the respiratory systém. This theoretical part is followed by data collection, which was conducted using questionnaries and semi-structured interviews, whose filling were participated by twelve randomly selected respondents from across the Czech Republic. Six from the first group and six from the second group. Evaluation of responses and transcribed interviews are presented in the practical part of this thesis. The second part contains a database of the three most common traumas to men between the ages of 18 40. The ambulance services of South Bohemia medical rescue provided a database of three most common injuries. The second source was from health care of armies in the Czech Republic, which were provided to me by the military Hospital in Brno. On evaluation of these databases follows another theoretical part describing traumas. I would like to point out the differences between traumas which have been documented in medical journals and real life trauma situations. From interviewing civilian health care professionals I found out that the most common injuries were too the head, while gunshots and splinter wounds were most common in the military . The information and conclusions are based on the database for both groups, and are representative of attendence of real life emergency situations. The conclusions are consistent with the reality. The survey also revealed that AČR medics generally treat simpler injuries. For example, in terms of intervention during natural disasters, paramedics answered coherently and clearly. To improve this situation more frequent training is required for paramedics in this area. Medics also reported the attendence of a larger number of mandatory courses, while for paramedics, the most of the courses were voluntary. Further research revealed that paramedics often engage in minor cases, whereas health professionals do not.Suggestions for improving these issues could be charging for unnecessary call outs and for patients who repeatedly use the service. It is not easy to solve this problem and I think that the soloutions are currently being trialled. Regarding to access to various injuries, both groups of respondents proceeded according to their own practice and in my opinion, it can not be compared with each other.
Peculiarities of nursing care for a child under 6 years old with burns
Peculiarities of nursing care for a child under 6 years old with burns Current status This thesis deals with the peculiarities of nursing care for a child under 6 years old with burns. Children belong to one of the groups at risk of thermal injury. Treatment of burns is long and painful, because it involves surgical procedures, such as necrectomy, necrotomy and autotransplantation. After burns treatment scars are formed, which can harm a child physically and emotionally. Subsequent rehabilitation requires patience and consistency. The theoretical part is devoted to children burns. It deals with factors affecting the severity of the burn trauma. These factors include the mechanism of injury, location, extent, depth of injury and age of the individual. The work is further focused on the first aid for a burned area of a child and describes the necessary measures to safeguard children's condition. Treatment of burns is divided into conservative and surgical parts. Work aims and research questions To achieve the goals four research questions were created. Question 1: What are the peculiarities of nursing care for children with burns? Question 2: How a follow-up care with burns is done? Question 3: What are the main needs to be satisfied in terms of children with burns? Question 4: What are the problems in meeting higher needs of children with burns? Methodology of work In this work a research qualitative method was carried out, using semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Before undertaking the survey, the principal and head nurse were asked for permission to carry out the survey and they agreed. Interviews were conducted with six nurses who have experience with treating children with burns. The interviews were held separately with each nurse and were recorded in writing. For the purpose of the interview 29 key questions were made (see Appendix 3), and others were added during the interviews, depending on the answers of the nurses. Four nurses were observed at the intensive care unit department. Before the observation an observation sheet was compiled (see Appendix 6) and nurses were observed during their daily services. Results The research showed that the nursing care of children with burns has its own specifics. The selected nurses stated in the interviews that under nutrition having enough proteins and fluids is very important. Regarding the excretion the nurses indicated that when genitalia are burned, they introduce, as prescribed by a doctor, the permanent urinary catheter (hereinafter PUC). Other specifics has the pain treatment. All nurses reported that pain is checked regularly. Apart from analgesics they talked about alternative methods of pain treatment. Another area was sleeping. All nurses reported that they inquire sleep rituals from parents to put their children easier to sleep. Questions about the children needs, nurses had problems with accurate requirements listing. They were unable to identify needs. The results of the observation confirmed that nurses respect the principles of nursing care for a child with burns, as reported in the interviews. Nurses abided by aseptic approach and increased genital hygiene in terms of PUC Conclusion The survey revealed that nurses working at the burns clinic are fully qualified in the field of nursing care for burned children. Nurses know the specifics of nursing care, nutrition, excretion, hygiene, sleep and needs of children. They are aware that in terms of burns it is essential to follow aseptic approach, which means to use sterile disposable equipment and protective clothing. During the interviews with the nurses it was difficult to obtain information about the children needs and their satisfaction. From the interviews and observations emerged that nurses tried to satisfy the children needs as much as possible within the boun
Injuries of children at home
The theoretical part of this thesis is oriented at an actual issue of accidents involving children in home environment, their prevention and a correct provision of first aid by a non-professional at these types of selected accidents. The practical part of this thesis was led by a qualitative form of research, a method of a semicontrolled interview. The interview given was led by chosen caring people, who gave first aid to children with a home environment injury. The whole process of the interview was recorded at a digital record book and then rewritten to a text form, with the approval of the respondents. The respondents were chosen on the basis of a survey. The final information from the interviews were analyzed and subsequently summarized into results. Six respondents were registered into the research part. Six basic questions were given to the respondents. The questions were chosen to find out information about an injured child, an injury character, a procedure of caring person while giving first aid, or other professional care and permanent effects. While preparing the research part, I was expecting that most of the respondents would manage to give first aid, however, according to the results, half of the parents didn't know how to deal with giving first aid. Non- professional first aid, provided at the right time and done correctly, is one of the basic and essential steps to reverse the injured person back into the normal quality of life. This is why, all people should be able to give first aid without special equipment and tools. The aim of my thesis was to monitor the process of the caring person while giving first aid for selected accidents involving children in home environment. I gave myself one fundamental research question: What was the process of the caring person while giving first aid for accidents involving children in home environment? At the final evaluation and comparison of my results, I achieved the results, in most examined facts, which are presented in other different studies dealing with similar issues- children's injuries and giving first aid for accidents involving children.
First Aid in Terrain delaing with Scalds
RYBA, Antonín
My bachelor thesis, which bears the title ?First aid for scalds on the spot?, deals with first aid in the area cited in the title of the thesis, and first-aid knowledge of medical rescue workers in the Region of South Bohemia. My research is to confirm the knowledge and procedure of medical rescue workers in administering professional first aid. The next part focuses on surveying non-professionals? knowledge about the general first aid and the methods when administering first aid for scalds. The theoretical part contains a definition and subsequently a division of first aid into separate parts. It outlines the anatomy and function of the skin. Scalds are defined into grades of damage of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue. It deals with pathological processes in the human organism in the event of scalding, and further with its prevention and cure. The practical part focuses on the knowledge of administering first aid for scalds in the crews of the Medical Rescue Service. Further, it focuses on testing the knowledge of administering first aid for scalds in the non-professional public. The research was conducted in the quantitative form of questioning.
The level of education of the patient with burn trauma
Burn trauma is as old as the mankind itself. Forwarding information, whether oral or in any other form is important nowadays. Most of the patients want to be informed about their health condition, treatment procedures applied by physicians and nurses, methods, options and regimes that have to be adhered to in home treatment. The Bachelor Thesis focuses on education of patients with burn trauma. Patients? view on the issues in question, but also that of the nurses taking care about burnt patients is important. The aim of the work was to find whether patients with burn trauma have sufficient information on the follow-up care and whether nurses educate patients with burn trauma about the follow-up care, what methods nurses apply on education of patients with burn trauma. We asked the following research questions before the research started: ?Do patients with burn trauma have enough information on follow-up care??, then: ?Do nurses educate patients with burn trauma?? and: ?What form of receiving information about burn trauma and the follow-up care do patients prefer?? The above questions were answered by a quantitative research by the method of semi standardized depth interviews with patients of the Burn Medicine Clinic of the University Hospital Královské Vinohrady in Prague and with the caring staff, general nurses from a standard department thereof. The interview with patients consisted of 20 depth questions and that for nurses of 17 depth questions. The interviews were anonymous. All the obtained information was processed into case studies and then into category charts. The research confirmed all the 3 aims of the Thesis. Patients with burn trauma do not have sufficient information on follow-up care even though nurses do educate them about such care. We also tried to find what kind of methods nurses used for patient education. The solutions proposed are: to improve awareness of prevention and first aid, to provide more information on treatment regime during hospitalization and subsequent home care in the form of leaflets or brochures. Apart from being costly the care about patients with burn trauma is also mentally and physically demanding. On the other hand patients hospitalized at the BMC for a long time deserve to be informed on their trauma. The nurses mentioned a lack of time for education. It is however clear that if patients had information in written oral education would not be so time consuming then. None of the patients required permanent presence of a nurse, but they did require information on the treatment methods they were undergoing, about which they did not have any information.
Temperature injures in pre-hospital emergency care
The content of my bachelor thesis of the title Thermic injuries in pre-hospital urgent treatment is a brief summary of this issue theory with the performed research whose task is to confirm the knowledge of medical rescuers concerning the attitude to these injuries. The theoretical part deals with certain thermal shocks ? hypertermiae, burns, hypothermiae and frostbites. In each of these conditions a simple pathophysiology, its division, symptoms, possible risks, lay (non-expert) first aid and special pre-hospital urgent treatment are described. The technique of content analyses of expert monographies as well as magazines in the electronic form were used at work with literature. The practical part deals with the research and the intention to determine the level of rescuers´ knowledge concerning this issue from the point of view of pathophysiological thermic injuries and ways of their tratment in the pre-hospital urgent care. To verify the hypotheses, the method of quantitative research was used. Data acquisition was realized through the method of questioning in an anonymous questionnaire, distributed to regional centres of health rescue service in Moravian-Silesian region. Out of the total number of 100 distributed questionnaires, 82 returned, the rate of return thus equalled 82 %. The research outcomes are stated in this thesis in form of graphs with percentage results. The hypotheses which were set at the beginning of the reserach have been confirmed. Practical skils as well as theoretical knowledge of Moravian-Silesian region rescuers respond in a high rate to expert literary sources and attitudes. Of course, even incorrect answers have appeared, however their amount has not exceeded 50 % in any of the questions. Despite this, I would like to publicize my thesis content, for example, on the Internet pages with the intention of a brief and clear acquaintance with this issue so that it could serve as a kind of instruction in case of little ignorance. Even we, paramedical workers, are only humans and make mistakes at times. Therefore I think it is important to know where to find help in case we are not completely sure.
Thermic injuries in adults
Burns is a type of injury which is lawfully regarded as one of the heaviest injuries in the area of human traumatology. This kind of thermic injury has already damaged many human lives and left many psychical and physical consequences. Injuries of this kind require the most complicated, longest and thus the most expensive treatment. Some burned clients are deformed by scars for life and gradually start to realize their social limitation. Crucial part in these cases is played by good family background and simultaneously sensitive attitude of society, which has a significant influence on the patient life quality. As a consequence of this injury most people tend to insulate from society and simultaneously change his or her value system and life style. From the psychic point of view the most serious are the cases where on the basis of thermic effect affection and deformity of face occurred. . The people affected like this are frustrated by views of strange people who are determined to have two types of feelings-antipathy or sympathy. The aim of my thesis was to map the level of burned people knowledge of prevention measures and laic first aid during thermic injuries. Research group was created by the clients of The Burn Medicine Clinic at Královské Vinohrady, who were hospitalized or treated as outpatients in consequence of thermic injury from 1 August to 31 October 2007. The collection of data was carried out by means of anonymous questionnaire. With the view of this I asked the personnel of the clinic for cooperation; the personnel took willingly charge of the mediator and continued to distribute the questionnaires to clients older than eighteen years, who were affected by thermic injury. The clients filled in 95 questionnaires of the total number of 150 (63.34%); filled in questionnaires were used for the processing of experimental part of my thesis. The final part of this thesis will be the processing of an information leaflet proposal concerning the primary prevention and administration of laic first aid at thermic injuries; this leaflet may be applied in terms of certain prevention programmes or in the area of further research.
The significance of education in prevention of children´s injuries in home setting
Abstract The significance of education in prevention of children´s injuries in home setting Constantly increasing number of children´s injuries and even fatal injuries, is a warning signal not only for professionals, but also for laymen. Statistics indicate that injuries have fatal results for 300 children every year and they are traditionally the most frequent cause of children´s death. There is a common, but widely spread opinion, that injuries simply occur, belong to a life, happen accidentally and there is no possibility to prevent from them. The aim of our work was to monitor information of parents about possibilities of preventive measurments from children´s injuries at the age from 0 {--} 6 years in a home. We wanted also to map out occurence of the most frequent injuries of children, to make educational lessons which would be aimed at recognized problemacy, the most frequently incident injuries and fulfilling the aims of qualified modern nursing care in a field of primary care. Relating to the above-mentioned we stated three following hypotheses: Hypothesis No.1: Parents are informed about possibilities of prevention from injuries of children at the age of 0 {--} 6 years in a home Hypothesis No.2: The most frequent causes of injuries in a home are falls and burns Hypothesis No.3: There is not elaborated educational process(lesson), which deals with prevention from burns and falls in detail We used a method of questionnaires for research of given problemacy. We monitored basic information with a pilot research of parents in a Parent Centre. On this basis we elaborated and administrated a questionnaire determined to other respondents from parents, who showed interest in taking part in our research. When we analyzed results from questionnaires, we drew a conclusion that parents have sufficient information about a prevention from children´s injuries, but they often approach to them carelessly and underestimate safety measurments in a home, which cannot result in a decrease of children´s accident frequency rate. Hypothesis No.1 was corroborated. The most frequent occured children´s injuries were falls and termic injuries in our research file. Hypothesis No. 2 was approved. We found out in analysis of results that respondents did not meet any possibility of taking part in repeated professionally lead actions about prevention from children´s injuries, in detail and specifically aimed at a serious problemacy of falls and children´s burns. Hypothesis No.3 was approved. The benefit of this work consists in practical use of our elaborated educational lesson, aimed at prevention from termic injuries and falls of children at the age of 0 {--} 6 years in a home, aimed at observation of preventive measurments by parents and learning basic procedures of providing effective first aid. This work should be also suggestive for paediatric nurses and also for experts whose branch is providing primary aid in a field, but also for nurses working in paediatric wards in hospitals, in a field of secondary care. When nurses in this type of ward realize an educational lesson aimed at prevention from termic injuries and falls, it will be significant not only for them, but also it contributes for improvement of medical care and fulfilling aims of modern nursing. This work can be also used for study purposes and it can help students who deal with study of nursing, but it can be also used by students dealing with problemacy of medical-social prevention also in other branches in the framework of their study.

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