National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Compliance with the Law to Free Access to Information in the Conditions of Southern Bohemia
HROTKOVÁ, Kateřina
This bachelor's thesis explores how the right to information is practiced in southern Bohemia on the basis of Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information. The work introduces the theoretical legal basis, which is further applied in the analytical part with the use of the method of mystery shopping, so filing to own requests to information to selected obligated entities, which are Municipal authority of České Budějovice, Municipal authority of Tábor, Municipal authority of Netolice, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Hospital in České Budějovice and Remand jail in České Budějovice. The work also includes an analysis of annual reports from years 2015-2020, where is possible to see the number of applications, appeals, complaints or administrative lawsuits filed against selected obligated entities. Next survey was realised as interviews with two people of selected obligated entities, from who I gained a lot of interesting information. Subsequently, a questionnaire survey was also included to ascertain people's awareness of the right to information and, if any of the respondents had already made a request, where was filed and what it related to. Finally, possible legislative and methodological changes are mentioned that could improve the functioning and application of this law not only in southern Bohemia but in the whole Czech Republic.
Right to information of business corporations
Novotný, Jan ; Korbel, František (advisor) ; Rajchl, Jiří (referee)
Right to information of corporations The master thesis is focused on corporations as liable subjects to the right to information. The thesis also deals with a conflict of constitutional laws during the proces of requesting the information from corporations. There is a dynamic development of constitutional right to information from year 2000 on in the Czech Republic. A brief Right to Information Act and not so many amendments made it possible to complete the information law by using extensive judicature. The amount of case law in that field of law is unusual in continental law system. However, the judicature of a few last months indicates that extensive interpretation of the right to information already reached its height and further extension of information law stopped for some time. In some cases we witness even the limitation of information rights. Nevertheless the right to information of corporations is still a very turbulent field of law with its unresolved constitutional conflict. Many kinds of informations still stay behind the curtain, out of a public surveillance. Thus the main premise of this thesis is a dominance of the right to information over other constitutional rights in cases of corporations owned solely by public authorities whether directly or through other public or private...
Persons subject to duty under Act. No.106/1999 Sb., on a free access to information
Molatová, Iveta ; Mikule, Vladimír (advisor) ; Millerová, Ivana (referee)
Persons subject to duty under Act. No. 106/1999 Sb., on a free access to information Abstract Thesis Persons subject to duty under Act. No.106/1999 Sb., on a free access to information, which aim is to uncover the particular groups of the obliged persons and to point out to the most frequent problems, that during the application of the mentioned legal regulation around this groups occur, consists of the eleven parts in total. The first part deals with the right to information in its wide connection - as a constitonally embodied right, that on the one hand helps to fulfil partial principle of transparency of the public administration, which is a subset and a component of the democratic state of law principle, and on the other hand is means of effective utilization of the another rights, especially the political ones. The second chapter gives the definition of the term "information" and pursues to its typical attributes. This part of the text also points out the potentional non-standard handling with information and its legal consequences following from the various legal regulations. The third part summarizes the previous historical evolution of the emboding of right to information and the access to it in the worldwide and european context. The fourth chapter gives the Czech republic current legal adjustement...
Entities bound to inform under the Free Access to Information Act
Obert, Radim ; Mikule, Vladimír (advisor) ; Staša, Josef (referee)
Presented thesis called "Obliged entities according to The Act on Free Acces to Information" deals with obliged entities in compliance with current legislation, also with legislative development and with current specification in The Act on Free Access to Information. This thesis brings comprehensive view of current problems which arise from practice, primarily from point of view of legal science and specialized literature. Field of obliged entities is especially recently the frequent subject of decision-making practice, which is executed by the constitutional and administrative justice. Mentioned courts spread the number of obliged entities by their judicial working. Author of this thesis tries to present his own solutions of problems, which are related to current legal regulations. Obliged entities are those which have an obligation to provide informatik related to their activities in compliance with The Act on Free Access to Information. The Act on Free Access to Information enumerates four circles of obliged entities. These entities are state authorities, communal authorities and their bodies, public institutions and subjects to whom the law has entrusted deciding about legal matters, legally protected interests or duties of natural persons or legal entities in the area of public administration,...

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