National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ketogenic diet as a treatment for inherited disorders of ATP synthase
Kudrnovská, Barbora ; Mráček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Tesařová, Markéta (referee)
The Tmem70 protein plays a significant role in the biogenesis of ATP synthase, mutations in the Tmem70 gene are a common cause of mitochondrial disease and have been associated with neonatal encephalocardiomyopathy. Similar to other mitochondrial disorders, there is currently no available treatment for Tmem70 defects. However, the ketogenic diet (KD) appears to be a potential therapeutic intervention for various mitochondrial disorders, and our preliminary results demonstrate its positive impact in a mouse model of Tmem70 dysfunction. Therefore, using this Tmem70 model, we decided to test a modified KD, which could be a better alternative for a potential application in human patients. The effect of the modified KD was examined in a mouse model of tamoxifen-induced whole-body knockout of Tmem70 (Tmem70 KO). The modified KD led to improved survival, slowed weight loss, and normalization of plasma indicators of liver damage. We detected a positive effect of the modified KD on the assembly of ATP synthase in liver tissue, however, skeletal muscle showed only a minimal response. Based on the results of this study, we infer that although the absence of functional Tmem70 affects both liver and muscle tissues, the greater impact on the phenotypic manifestation in the Tmem70 KO mouse model is due to liver...
Rekonstrukce metabolických drah bakterií Legionella polyplacis a Candidatus Riesia pediculischaeffi, symbiontů vší
The genomes of two bacteria, Legionella polyplacis and Candidatus Riesia pediculischaeffi, lice endosymbionts, were examined and compared. Preserved genes were identified, assigned to appropriate metabolic pathways, and listed in an electronic attachment table. Completeness and functionality were assessed for individual metabolic pathways. Based on the results, metabolic maps were created for both bacteria
The role of nuclear-encoded subunits of cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondrial metabolism
Čunátová, Kristýna
Mitochondria, 'the powerhouses of the cell', house the integral metabolism pathway of oxidative phosphorylation to produce the majority of cellular energy. Mammalian cytochrome c oxidase, also called complex IV (cIV), is indispensable for the overall oxidative phosphorylation function as the terminal oxidase, and for its regulation to sustain energetic needs. Since cIV is a multimeric enzyme composed of subunits encoded by nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, its biogenesis is a complicated process, which needs to be coordinated to complete a fully functional complex. Further, the setup of individual nuclear-encoded subunits isoforms of cIV may fine-tune cIV function based on the tissue or the environment context. Despite the physiological and pathological relevance of cIV composition, biogenesis, and the secondary deficiencies triggered by cIV defects, nuclear-encoded subunits' function remains poorly understood. At first, mammalian COX4 subunit isoforms with tissue- and oxygen-dependent expression were studied in the HEK293 cellular model with an exclusive expression of COX4I1 or COX4I2 isoform. Remarkably, the COX4I2 isozyme showed lower affinity to oxygen, which may imply regulation of cIV activity under hypoxia, and is of physiological relevance for the oxygen-sensing mechanism. Further,...
The role of nuclear-encoded subunits of cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondrial metabolism
Čunátová, Kristýna ; Pecina, Petr (advisor) ; Gahura, Ondřej (referee) ; Ugalde, Cristina (referee)
Mitochondria, 'the powerhouses of the cell', house the integral metabolism pathway of oxidative phosphorylation to produce the majority of cellular energy. Mammalian cytochrome c oxidase, also called complex IV (cIV), is indispensable for the overall oxidative phosphorylation function as the terminal oxidase, and for its regulation to sustain energetic needs. Since cIV is a multimeric enzyme composed of subunits encoded by nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, its biogenesis is a complicated process, which needs to be coordinated to complete a fully functional complex. Further, the setup of individual nuclear-encoded subunits isoforms of cIV may fine-tune cIV function based on the tissue or the environment context. Despite the physiological and pathological relevance of cIV composition, biogenesis, and the secondary deficiencies triggered by cIV defects, nuclear-encoded subunits' function remains poorly understood. At first, mammalian COX4 subunit isoforms with tissue- and oxygen-dependent expression were studied in the HEK293 cellular model with an exclusive expression of COX4I1 or COX4I2 isoform. Remarkably, the COX4I2 isozyme showed lower affinity to oxygen, which may imply regulation of cIV activity under hypoxia, and is of physiological relevance for the oxygen-sensing mechanism. Further,...
The role of mitochondria in adaptation to chronic hypoxia in the spontaneously hypertensive and conplastic rats.
Weissová, Romana ; Kalous, Martin (advisor) ; Rauchová, Hana (referee)
Adaptation to chronic hypoxia provides cardioprotective effects. Molecular mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet completely understood, but it is known that cardiac mitochondria play an essential role in induction of protective effects. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to study effects of continuous normobaric hypoxia (CNH; 10 % O2, 21 days) on spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and conplastic strain that is derived from SHR. These animals have nuclear genome of SHR strain and mitochondrial genome of Brown Norway (BN) strain. Cardiac homogenate was used to measure enzymatic activity of malate dehydrogenase (MDH), citrate synthase (CS), NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase and cytochrome oxidase (COX). Using Western blot procedure the protein amount of antioxidant enzymes was measured - manganese superoxide dismutase and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (MnSOD, Cu/ZnSOD), catalase and chosen subunits of oxidative phosphorylation complexes (Ndufa9, Sdha, Uqcrc2, COX-4, MTCO1, Atp5a1). Under normoxic conditions the conplastic strain has lower amount of complex IV subunit MTCO1 in comparison with SHR. This subunit is encoded by mitochondrial DNA and it is one of the seven protein-coding genes in conplastic strain that differ from SHR. Adaptation to hypoxia causes an...
The role of mitochondrial respiratory chain in invasiveness and metastasis of cancer cells and possible therapeutic interventions
Legátová, Anna ; Brábek, Jan (advisor) ; Truksa, Jaroslav (referee)
The mitochondrial respiratory chain, also called the electron transport chain (ETC), has a pivotal role in key features of cancer cells e.g., proliferation, the metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) to aerobic glycolysis, or the ability to form metastases. This review summarizes current knowledge about ETC and its relationship to cancer, especially to invasiveness and metastases formation. Firstly, it deals with a process called the Warburg effect and with metabolic complexity in the tumor microenvironment. Then it shows how OXPHOS activity affects invasiveness of cancer cells and metastases formation, and it points out the connection between invasiveness and increased levels of ETC-generated reactive oxygen species. At the end, the review deals with possible use of ETC inhibitors in anticancer therapy.
Structural composition and functional properties of mitochondrial FoF1 ATP synthase on models of specific subunits deficiencies
Efimova, Iuliia ; Mráček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kalous, Martin (referee)
Mitochondrial ATP synthase represents the final complex of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Its primary role is to utilize mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) generated by respiratory chain complexes to produce energy in the form of ATP. Mammalian ATP synthase comprises of 17 different subunits organized into membranous Fo and matrix-oriented F1 domains. Defects of complex V and their manifestation have been studied on mitochondrial, cellular, tissue and organism levels using different models, including human cell lines and cell lines derived from patient tissues. In many cases mitochondrial diseases display threshold behaviour, when genetic defect is phenotypically manifested only bellow certain threshold in particular enzyme complex activity and/or content. This work was aimed at elucidation of functional consequences of ATP synthase deficiency in HEK293 cell lines with suppressed gene expression of γ, δ or ε subunits of ATP synthase central stalk. We have analysed range of clones with respective subunits knockdown and found varying decrease in assembled ATP synthase content, which was mirrored by the decrease in individual ATP synthase subunits. The only exception was subunit Fo-c, whose levels remained unchanged or even increased. ATP...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 17 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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