National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Prospects for electric individual transport
Skoupý, Martin ; Strecker, Zbyněk (referee) ; Mazůrek, Ivan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis was to create a complex summary of the possibilities of the use of electric vehicles in individual transport, identification of the problems connected with the implementation of electromobility and listing the possibilities of their solutions. The thesis therefore dealt with the benefits in terms of emissions production, with the capacity of infrastructure or the trends in transportation. The need of the changes in the system of transportation was concluded based on the gathered information, i.a. greater use of lighter vehicles or shared transport. At the same time, more measures will need to be taken in the field of electricity production, which is still largely dependent on fossil fuels.
Prospects for electric individual transport
Skoupý, Martin ; Strecker, Zbyněk (referee) ; Mazůrek, Ivan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis was to create a complex summary of the possibilities of the use of electric vehicles in individual transport, identification of the problems connected with the implementation of electromobility and listing the possibilities of their solutions. The thesis therefore dealt with the benefits in terms of emissions production, with the capacity of infrastructure or the trends in transportation. The need of the changes in the system of transportation was concluded based on the gathered information, i.a. greater use of lighter vehicles or shared transport. At the same time, more measures will need to be taken in the field of electricity production, which is still largely dependent on fossil fuels.
Transport Accessibility of Municipalities in the Karlovy Vary Region by Individual and Public Transport
Jaroš, Václav
This thesis deals with the spatial orientation of transport links in the Karlovy Vary region, with emphasis on links between the centers of the region and its hinterland. The first part describes the general characteristics of this area. It is followed by a selection of the Karlovy Vary Region transport centers and analysis of their acccesibility. This forms the basis for the transport-geographical regionalization of the region, according to the accesibility rates. The final part of this thesis is devoted to the comparison of the individual regionalizations and the identification of factors that affect them.
Transport Accessibility of Municipalities in the Karlovy Vary Region by Individual and Public Transport
Jaroš, Václav
This thesis deals with the spatial orientation of transport links in the Karlovy Vary region, with emphasis on links between the centers of the region and its hinterland. The first part describes the general characteristics of this area. It is followed by a selection of the Karlovy Vary Region transport centers and analysis of their acccesibility. This forms the basis for the transport-geographical regionalization of the region, according to the accesibility rates. The final part of this thesis is devoted to the comparison of the individual regionalizations and the identification of factors that affect them.
Transport Accessibility of Municipalities in the Karlovy Vary Region by Individual and Public Transport
Jaroš, Václav ; Marada, Miroslav (advisor) ; Kraft, Stanislav (referee)
This thesis deals with the spatial orientation of transport links in the Karlovy Vary region, with emphasis on links between the centers of the region and its hinterland. The first part describes the general characteristics of this area. It is followed by a selection of the Karlovy Vary Region transport centers and analysis of their acccesibility. This forms the basis for the transport-geographical regionalization of the region, according to the accesibility rates. The final part of this thesis is devoted to the comparison of the individual regionalizations and the identification of factors that affect them.
Possibilities for developing sustainable transport in Prague
Macháč, Richard ; Černá Silovská, Hana (advisor) ; Kolaříková, Jana (referee)
This diploma thesis is concerned with the issue of sustainable transport. In the theoretical part, the emphasis is placed on setting the concept of sustainable transport into a broader context; it also describes various factors influencing the choice of the means of transport, which is crucial for transport planning. Furthermore, it describes a set of diverse tools used for transport regulation. At the end of the theoretical part, it mentions specific approaches implemented in selected cities all over the world. The practical part is based on a significant personal research, which helps to understand the issues of transport in a selected area of Prague. On the basis of this research, it subsequently suggests possible measures that might lead to a decrease in the intensity of automobile transport in the aforementioned area. Most of those measures can be similarly applied in other city areas as well.
Availability of pharmacies in the South Bohemia
The thesis focuses on availability of pharmacies in the South Bohemia. In the following chapters are comprehensive theoretical solutions, analysis of the literature and the setting hypotheses. Another part of the thesis deals with the methods,that are used to make an analysis of the availability of the pharmacies using geographic information systems. The last chapter ,,Analysis of the availability of pharmacies" deals with the placement of pharmacies on the South Bohemia, the operators of the pharmacies, availability of the catchment communities, the time availability, map and tabular outputs.
Podnikání v silniční dopravě
Malá, Vladislava ; Eisler, Jan (advisor) ; Kunst, Jaromír (referee)
Dopravou rozumíme pohyb dopravního prostředu po dopravní cestě. Výsledkem dopravního procesu je přeprava, která tvoří užitečný efekt (produkt) dopravy. Individuální potřeby a zájmy jednotlivých dopravců se na přepravním trhu prosazují ve dvojím významu. Jednak jde o střetávání nabídky mezi jednotlivými dopravci uvnitř daného druhu dopravy, jednak střetávání nabídky dopravců různých druhů dopravy s poptávkou. Doprava je součástí infrastrukturních národohospodářských odvětví, která zajišťují předpoklady pro rozvoj ekonomiky. Podnikání v dopravě se řídí živnostenským zákonem a zákony upravujícími podnikání v jednotlivých druzích dopravy. Provozně ekonomický proces v dopravě má svá specifika. Založení podniku má svá rizika.

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