National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Možnosti optimalizace krajinné struktury a podpora zemědělství metodou komunitně vedeného místního rozvoje
Frühaufová, Jana
This diploma thesis focuses on options for landscape structure optimization and the support of agriculture by community-led local development. The first part of the thesis offers a literature review, including a brief introduction of the role of MAS (translated as local action groups), their representation in the Czech Republic, and their financing of local development. The practical part of the study analyses and assesses the study area of MAS Jemnicko using specific strategic documents and specific criteria. The goal of the thesis is to describe the current condition of the study area and to identify risks in relation to landscape structure. Based on that, recommendations for strategic administra-tion of the MAS are suggested along with the measures to improve the landscape struc-ture to face the identified risks. The introduced measure are considered as model solu-tions for different risks or their combination.
Srovnání přístupu k adaptačním opatřením na změnu klimatu v lesích ve vybraných státech na úrovni národních plánů a politik
Papalová, Alexandra
The topic of the bachelor's thesis is Comparison of the approach to climate change adaptation measures in forests in selected countries at the level of national plans and policies. In this context, the bachelor thesis deals with adaptation measures that are applied in order to mitigate the effects of climate change on forests and forestry. The bachelor thesis is written in the form of research. The thesis first deals with basic concepts such as climate change and its effects in general, the effects of climate change on forests and forestry, and adaptation to climate change. Subsequently, it deals with the characteristics of natural and socio-economic conditions and their vulnerability, the distribution of forest ownership and change in forest cover in Finland, Spain and Kenya. The last part is devoted to applied adaptation policies and national plans to climate change in the mentioned countries.
Impact of being evergreen or deciduous on the wood anatomy of the trees in polar regions during the warm geological period : case study from Upper Cretaceous of the James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula)
Chernomorets, Oleksandra ; Sakala, Jakub (advisor) ; Gryc, Vladimír (referee)
Global warming and its influence on the environment has become a popular and widespread issue. Nowadays, an analogy of a high latitude ecosystem during the greenhouse type of climate does not exist. The Cretaceous polar ecosystem gave us a unique possibility of understanding these extreme ecosystems and the specific adaptations of organisms to these conditions. Such types of ecosystem are crucial for a better understanding of possible future climate changes. This thesis focusses on the adaptation strategies of land plants during the Late Cretaceous in the Arctic peninsula. The land plants responded to these specific solar conditionals in two different ways: evergreen or deciduous. The fossil material for this study comes from Brandy Bay and Crame Col, James Ross Island, Antarctic. The material was collected in a continuous sequence from Kotic point to Santa Marta Formation (Cenomanian - Companian). A detailed and systematic analysis was performed on five out of fifty-five samples that well represented the studied region and age: Agathoxylon kellerense, Agathoxylon antarcticus, Araucarioxylon chapmanae, Podocarpoxylon multiparenchymatosum and Phoroxylon sp. Based on the detailed study of Agathoxylon kellerense (sample number AN34) wood anatomy and growth rings structure, adaptation strategies were...
Impact of being evergreen or deciduous on the wood anatomy of the trees in polar regions during the warm geological period : case study from Upper Cretaceous of the James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula)
Chernomorets, Oleksandra ; Sakala, Jakub (advisor) ; Gryc, Vladimír (referee)
Global warming and its influence on the environment has become a popular and widespread issue. Nowadays, an analogy of a high latitude ecosystem during the greenhouse type of climate does not exist. The Cretaceous polar ecosystem gave us a unique possibility of understanding these extreme ecosystems and the specific adaptations of organisms to these conditions. Such types of ecosystem are crucial for a better understanding of possible future climate changes. This thesis focusses on the adaptation strategies of land plants during the Late Cretaceous in the Arctic peninsula. The land plants responded to these specific solar conditionals in two different ways: evergreen or deciduous. The fossil material for this study comes from Brandy Bay and Crame Col, James Ross Island, Antarctic. The material was collected in a continuous sequence from Kotic point to Santa Marta Formation (Cenomanian - Companian). A detailed and systematic analysis was performed on five out of fifty-five samples that well represented the studied region and age: Agathoxylon kellerense, Agathoxylon antarcticus, Araucarioxylon chapmanae, Podocarpoxylon multiparenchymatosum and Phoroxylon sp. Based on the detailed study of Agathoxylon kellerense (sample number AN34) wood anatomy and growth rings structure, adaptation strategies were...
Elaboration of methodical data and technical data in relation to the temperature conditions in the city, survey of attitudes and public participation and adjustment of the system of monitoring by adaptations in the city
Lorencová, Eliška ; Cuřín, Vojtěch ; Geletič, Jan ; Baďura, Tomáš ; Bašta, Petr ; Nawrath, Martin ; Lekeš, Vojtěch ; Vačkář, David
This report presents outputs from analyses supported by City Council of Prague. The report summarizes the results from the simulation of temperature extremes (heat waves) and the evaluation of the potential solutions for the pilot area of Prague 6. The second part introduces survey, aimed at investigating public attitudes in the field of climate change impacts and adaptation and elaboration of the basis for realization of the crowd-source mapping and elaboration of the methodology for participation and communication with the public, urban areas and the wider public. This part presents the results of the public survey processed on a representative sample of 550 inhabitants of the city of Prague. In addition, a proposal for setting up monitoring for the selection and evaluation of pilot adaptation projects is presented, which is focused on the monitoring and evaluation of ongoing and new projects implemented in the framework of the Prague Adaptation Strategy. \n \n
Methodology of preparation of climate change adaptation strategy on city level
Pondělíček, M. ; Emmer, Adam ; Šilhánková, V. ; Končinská, A. ; Kadochová, Š. ; Lupač, M. ; Struha, P. ; Šafařík, M.
Metodika tvorby adaptační strategie sídel na změnu klimatu je určena především menším, středním i větším městům (případně větším obcím a městysům) v České republice. Tato metodika vznikla na základě znalosti podmínek v České republice, geografických podmínek ČR, na základě znalosti a sběru dat ve třech pilotních lokalitách, a to v Dobrušce, Žďáru nad Sázavou a v Hradci Králové a také na základě spolupráce s veřejností, a to nejen uvnitř projektu Adaptace sídel na změnu klimatu, kde metodika vznikala, ale i mimo tento projekt. Metodika by měla umožnit sestavit základní strategii pro přizpůsobení se dopadům změny klimatu srovnatelnou s podobnými materiály vznikajícími v zahraničí. Jednotlivé kroky zohledňují jak objektivní hodnocení a fyzickogeografické podmínky, tak i stav města a jeho okolí a umožňují vstup lidem – tedy osobám veřejně činným.
Impact of Institutional Setting on Current Creation of Environmental Strategies in Cities of the Czech Republic
Dubová, Lenka ; Vojáček, Ondřej (advisor) ; Matula, Miloš (referee)
Urban areas play important role in relation to potential risks and impacts of climate change. Adaptation experience is accumulating in the public and private sector across the world. This diploma thesis evaluates current creation of adaptation strategies in cities of the Czech Republic with the use of institutional analysis by the IAD framework. The aim of the thesis is to identify the most common constraints on the adaptation strategies making process and to suggest possible solutions. Data collection method is based on in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the cities of Pilsen, Prague and Brno. Identified constraints include lack of policy support, different level of experiences with creation of conceptual documents and problem with funds for adaptation action. As a solution deepen partnership between self-government and non-profit institutions and deepen cooperation between politics and civil servants with focus on information exchange is needed. In addition conceptual characterization of problems in cities together with their identification, which can helps to obtain funding for implementation of adaptation actions (e.g. through the LIFE programme) is recommended.

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