National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The Effect of Presence and Abundance of Parasites (Nomada, Stylops) on the Host Species Population (Hymenoptera: Andrena) at the Level of Entire Communities
Bureš, Vít ; Straka, Jakub (advisor) ; Libra, Martin (referee)
Bees (Anthophila) play a crucial role as pollinators, vital for maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems. However, the decline in pollinator populations in recent years raises concerns about ecosystem stability. This study investigates the impact of parasitism on host bee populations of the genus Andrena as a potential factor influencing the decline of insects. Additionally, it examines populations of parasites of the genera Stylops and Nomada as indicators of host population status. Bees of the genus Andrena are abundant in the western Palearctic and are commonly parasited by Stylops and Nomada. Leveraging a large dataset from Europe, this study uses abundance data to explore the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the parasitization rates of host Andrena bees. Specifically, the effects of abiotic factors such as altitude, habitat type, annual rainfall, and average temperature on the parasitization rates by both parasite types has not been confirmed. The results indicate that within small geographical units (sites), larger populations of host Andrena bees are more heavily parasitized by Stylops compared to smaller populations, while this trend does not hold true for Nomada. Interestingly, this study reveals that Stylops and Nomada coexist within the same host populations without competing for...
Host specialization and species diversity in Strepsiptera of the genus Stylops
Jůzová, Kateřina ; Straka, Jakub (advisor) ; Malenovský, Igor (referee)
The twisted-wing parasites (Strepsiptera) are entomophagous insect order with cosmopolitan distribution. There are about 600 known species up to date. In spite of this, they have very broad host spectrum. Strepsiptera parasites in seven insect groups (Thysanura, Blattodea, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera). The mutual relationship between genera or even between species are not known, except for the species list and the host specification. Moreover, there is an anambiguous use of their species concept. Some authors consider Strepsiptera as the specialists and they match almost every host species with one separate strepsipteran parasite. The opposite concept is to consider strepsiptera as the generalists. The presence of the crypctic species also affect our understanding of the diversity of Strepsiptera. Therefore, the knowledge of Strepsiptera phylogeny provide us the important information about species diversity of studied group as well as about their coevolution with their hosts. On the basis of molecular analyses of three genes constructed the phylogeny genus Stylops. This genus has the wider spetrum of the host species from other strepsipterans of Stylopidae, It is obvious, that strepsipterans of genus Stylops are mainly specialised on their host subgenus. There was detected two...
Population genetics and speciation in Stylops (Strepsiptera)
Kodejš, Karel ; Straka, Jakub (advisor) ; Černá, Kateřina (referee)
This thesis is focused to population genetics of selected species of genus Stylops in Europe. Within this genus, five species was analysed by usage of two approaches - microsatellite analysis in Stylops ater and analysis of mitochondrial DNA in all five species. Mitochondrial gene for cytochome c oxidase (1st subunit) was used. For microsatellite analysis was performed bayesian clustering analysis and ABC approach (Aproximate Bayesian Computation). Mitochondrial markers were processed by making haplotype networks and demography analysis by computing Bayesian skyline plots. For Stylops ater, surprisingly low lewel of population subdivision was detected, yet with clearly differentiated population clusters from Scandinavia and baltic coast of Europe, which may imply period of isolation of these populations or relativelly recent population expansion and genetic differentiation due to lower population sizes. Next, hypotesis of possible temporal segregation of subpopulations of Stylops nevinsoni based on different aktivity period of their host species groups, was supported. In other three species, population subdivision was observed to be related either due to host specialisation (Stylops mellitae) or geographic consequences (S.nassonowi, S.spreta). Interesting finding is also detection of population...
Host specialization and species diversity in Strepsiptera of the genus Stylops
Jůzová, Kateřina ; Straka, Jakub (advisor) ; Malenovský, Igor (referee)
The twisted-wing parasites (Strepsiptera) are entomophagous insect order with cosmopolitan distribution. There are about 600 known species up to date. In spite of this, they have very broad host spectrum. Strepsiptera parasites in seven insect groups (Thysanura, Blattodea, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera). The mutual relationship between genera or even between species are not known, except for the species list and the host specification. Moreover, there is an anambiguous use of their species concept. Some authors consider Strepsiptera as the specialists and they match almost every host species with one separate strepsipteran parasite. The opposite concept is to consider strepsiptera as the generalists. The presence of the crypctic species also affect our understanding of the diversity of Strepsiptera. Therefore, the knowledge of Strepsiptera phylogeny provide us the important information about species diversity of studied group as well as about their coevolution with their hosts. On the basis of molecular analyses of three genes constructed the phylogeny genus Stylops. This genus has the wider spetrum of the host species from other strepsipterans of Stylopidae, It is obvious, that strepsipterans of genus Stylops are mainly specialised on their host subgenus. There was detected two...

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