National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Flavonoids in some cultivars of Sambucus nigra L. flowers.
Krulišová, Markéta ; Spilková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Martin, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work was to find out the content of flavonoids in the flowers of eleven cultivars of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) and determine if their contents differ according to the statistical significance. Preparing the list of effects and substances that are contained in the flowers was the goal as well. The drug Sambuci nigrae flos is mostly used for its content of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in the therapy of colds and diseases of the urinary and respiratory tract. Its benefits were confirmed also by studies testing antibacterial and antiviral activity, diabetes and obesity, effects on the immune system and also protection against UV radiance. The content of flavonoids was established by the spectrophotometric method that is listed in the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 in the article Sambuci nigrae flos as the method for the determination of content. The statistic evaluation of the differences in the flavonoids content between the cultivars was made by ANOVA and the Bonferroni test. The demand of Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 on the minimal content of flavonoids is 0,80%. This requirement was fulfilled in the flowers of these cultivars: Albida, Heidegg 13, Riese auß Voßloch, Sambu, Samdal, Sampo and Samyl. On the opposite side, flowers of the cultivars Allesö, Aurea, Dana and Juicy did...
Effect of post-harvest processing on quality of Sambuci fructus
Brňáková, Lenka ; Spilková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kašparová, Marie (referee)
Elderberry is very popular plant, that is due to its beneficial effects to human organism very reputable. The main content substances are flavonoids and anthocyanins. Fruits of this flower are available only seasonally (which is usual for most of flowers), so we have to search for alternative solution of getting them. One of these solutions is conservation. Nowadays there are lots of types of postharvest adjustment, so we have more opportunities to find an optimal concept for every one specific plant. The diploma thesis is focused on assessment of content of phenolic substances harvested in different parts of Hradec Králové. They were conservated at laboratory temperature, elevated (40řC, 60řC) and reduced (-18řC) temperature. Next part of thesis is focused on assessing of the content of anthocyanins in fruits, that had been conservated for 3 years in refrigerator. The theme was finding the best concept of postharvestal adjustment. Despite to the individual places of harvest, there were not mentionable differences found out in content of phenolic substances in fruits. Main differences in content of substances were caused by different temperature of conservating area. With the upper temperature the content of phenolic substances was lower. Storage in the fridge for 3 years did not have any influence...
Biologically active phenolic compounds in small fruit.
This master´s thesis focuses at bioactive compounds in edible berries during its culinary processing. Elderberries (Sambucus nigra L.) were selected as a representative of edible berries variety. Elderberry is known for presence of significant bioactive compound content and usage in traditional medicine. Elderberries were processed acording to common culinary recipes. Amount od selected bioactive polyphenolic compounds (chlorogenic acid, quercetin, rutin, anthocyanes) was detected accordingly. Additionally content of ascorbic acid was determined. On the basis of the experimental determination, it was found that anthocyanes and rutin are the most common compounds found in elderberries. All analytes in juices and sirups gradually decreased during the treatments and long-term storage. On the contrary, the content of quercetin increased with gradual modifications and storage. The highest decrease was observed for vitamin C content. The lowest values in the products from elderberries were reached by quercetin and ascorbic acid.
Flavonoids in some cultivars of Sambucus nigra L. flowers.
Krulišová, Markéta ; Spilková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Martin, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work was to find out the content of flavonoids in the flowers of eleven cultivars of black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) and determine if their contents differ according to the statistical significance. Preparing the list of effects and substances that are contained in the flowers was the goal as well. The drug Sambuci nigrae flos is mostly used for its content of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in the therapy of colds and diseases of the urinary and respiratory tract. Its benefits were confirmed also by studies testing antibacterial and antiviral activity, diabetes and obesity, effects on the immune system and also protection against UV radiance. The content of flavonoids was established by the spectrophotometric method that is listed in the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 in the article Sambuci nigrae flos as the method for the determination of content. The statistic evaluation of the differences in the flavonoids content between the cultivars was made by ANOVA and the Bonferroni test. The demand of Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 on the minimal content of flavonoids is 0,80%. This requirement was fulfilled in the flowers of these cultivars: Albida, Heidegg 13, Riese auß Voßloch, Sambu, Samdal, Sampo and Samyl. On the opposite side, flowers of the cultivars Allesö, Aurea, Dana and Juicy did...
Antioxidant properties of Sambucus nigra flowers. II
Kozoňová, Pavlína ; Spilková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Martin, Jan (referee)
Drug Sambuci nigrae flos - Sambuci nigrae flos is obtained from the wild plants. The drug is primarily used to help reduce the symptoms of colds and flu. Elder flower provides antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and diuretic effects. The main substances are flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid. Elderflowers from bred cultivars are not used to obtain drug so far. The aim of this work was to determine antioxidant acitivitiy of extracts of eldeflower cultivars. Cultivars ′Albida′, ′Allesö′, ′Aurea′, ′Bohatka′, ′Dana′, ′Haschberg′, ′Heidegg 13′, ′Juicy′, ′Korsør′, ′Mammut′, ′Pregarten′, ′Riese aus Voßloch′, ′Sambo′, ′Sambu′, ′Samdal′, ′Sampo′, ′Samyl′, ′Tulbing′ and ′Weinhenstephan′ were analyzed. Antioxidant activity was measured spectrophotometrically using DPPH ((2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical method. Results of antioxidant activity were expressed as IC50 (concentration required for 50% reduction of the DPPH radical). The measured values are in the range 0.0419 - 0.0772 mg/ml. Cultivars 'Heidegg 13', 'Albida', 'Tulbing' showed the highest antioxidant activity, whereas the lowest activity was found in 'Pregarten','Korsør' and 'Allesö' clutivars.
Effect of post-harvest processing on quality of Sambuci fructus
Brňáková, Lenka ; Spilková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kašparová, Marie (referee)
Elderberry is very popular plant, that is due to its beneficial effects to human organism very reputable. The main content substances are flavonoids and anthocyanins. Fruits of this flower are available only seasonally (which is usual for most of flowers), so we have to search for alternative solution of getting them. One of these solutions is conservation. Nowadays there are lots of types of postharvest adjustment, so we have more opportunities to find an optimal concept for every one specific plant. The diploma thesis is focused on assessment of content of phenolic substances harvested in different parts of Hradec Králové. They were conservated at laboratory temperature, elevated (40řC, 60řC) and reduced (-18řC) temperature. Next part of thesis is focused on assessing of the content of anthocyanins in fruits, that had been conservated for 3 years in refrigerator. The theme was finding the best concept of postharvestal adjustment. Despite to the individual places of harvest, there were not mentionable differences found out in content of phenolic substances in fruits. Main differences in content of substances were caused by different temperature of conservating area. With the upper temperature the content of phenolic substances was lower. Storage in the fridge for 3 years did not have any influence...

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