National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Influence of the epitaxial strain at the lateral thin film-stripe interface on the Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic phase coexistence in FeRh
Hrdinová, Sára ; Kepič, Peter (referee) ; Zadorozhnii, Oleksii (advisor)
Ekviatomická slitina FeRh vykazuje fázový přechod z antiferomagnetického do feromagnetického uspořádání při teplotě kolem 350 K. Díky tomu se stává ideálním materiálem pro studium výměnných interakcí mezi ferromagnetickou a antiferomagnetickou fází v rámci systému tvořeného jedním materiálem. Díky relaxaci kompresivního epitaxního napětí způsobeného substrátem MgO na okrajích struktur a následné stabilizaci feromagnetické fáze, bychom mohli vytvořit vhodné rozhraní mezi relaxovaným feromagnetckým drátkem a napjatou antiferomagnetickou vrstvou. V této práci jsou nejprve popisány magnetické vlastnosti materiálů, jejich původ a vlastnosti slitiny FeRh s důrazem na fázovou přeměnu. Dále práce obsahuje shrnutí aktuálních výzkumů a článků, týkajících se nukleace fázových domén na strukturovaných i souvislých vrstvách. K samotným měřením byly použity techniky jako je magnetronové naprašování, kterým byly nadeponovány vrstvy FeRh o tloušťkách 36 nm a 180 nm. Po úpravě vrstev pomocí elektronové litografie byly charakterizovány pomocí mikroskopie magnetických sil. Tato měření ukazují, že relaxave napětí výrazně závisí na orientaci proužku vzhledem ke krystalové struktuře substrátu. Pro orientaci 0° je vliv substrátu výraznější než pro 45°. Vrstva FeRh tloušťky 36 nm netvoří souvislé rozhraní na proužcích šířky 1000 nm. Místo toho vytváří malé domény, které vypovídají o rozložení napětí ve struktuře. Silnější vrstvy tloušťky 180 nm nám poskytují jasně definovaného rozhraní pro drátky delší něž 25 µm. Rozhraní bylo dosaženo pro šířky proužků od 1250 nm do 300 nm. U struktur s širšími proužky se feromagnetická fáze na okrajích souvislé vrstvy spojuje s feromagnetickou fází v drátku a tím zakřivuje rozhraní. Toto spojení se postupně přerušuje u tenších proužků s rozměry 800 nm a 600 nm. Proužek šířky 300 nm vykazuje jasné rozhraní mezi svými kraji, které je kompletně odděleno od souvislé vrstvy.
Variable Field Magnetic Force Microscopy
Turčan, Igor ; Nováček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Urbánek, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with magnetic force microscopy of permalloy discs in an external magnetic field. Main objectives of the thesis are design of an external magnetic field module, preparation of magnetic probes, fabrication of samples and the measurement itself. We prepared functional probes with various magnetic coatings. For the measurement in external magnetic field we fabricated probes with a~layer of magnetically hard Co and for the measurement without external magnetic field we used probes with a~layer of magnetically soft permalloy. Our probes are at least comparable with standard commercial probes. We observed the cores of magnetic vortices, using our home-coated probes with no external magnetic field and also in the external magnetic field. Further, we study the influence of the external magnetic field on nucleation of the cores of magnetic vortices. Experimental techniques used for fabrication and measurement of the samples are briefly summarized.
Correlated probe and electron microscopy for the study of modern magnetic nanomaterials
Novotný, Ondřej ; Flajšman, Lukáš (referee) ; Pavera, Michal (advisor)
High pressure on the development of new magnetic materials and their miniaturization also emphasizes the development of new analytical techniques. This diploma thesis deals with the development and demonstration of correlated magnetic force and electron microscopy, which is a promising tool for the characterization of magnetic nanomaterials. The first part of this thesis describes the fundamental physics of micromagnetism with a focus on cylindrical nanofibers. The following pages describe optic, probe, electron, and synchrotron methods for mapping the magnetic properties of materials. The next part describes magnetic domain wall motion in cylindrical nanowires performed as a part of a more extensive material study. The last part of the thesis describes the development of correlated magnetic force and electron microscopy on LiteScope device. A production of magnetic probes was designed and successfully tested. Probes were fabricated by focused electron beam-induced deposition from the Co2(CO)8 precursor. Further, the developed correlated microscopy is demonstrated on a multilayer PtCo sample, magnetic cylindrical nanofibers, NiFe vortex structures, and FeRh metamagnetic nano-islands.
Study of Properties of Metallic Thin Films and Nanostructures Using Scanning Probe Microscopy
Doupal, Antonín ; Fejfar, Antonín (referee) ; Kalousek, Radek (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on investigation of metallic thin films and nanostructures using scanning probe microscopy. Magnetic properties of these objects are studied by magnetic force microscopy, which is modification of scanning probe microscopy. In the theoretical part basic principles of scanning probe microscopy and magnetic force microscopy are summarized, and also principle of creation of magnetic domains and some special properties of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. Further, two techniques of fabricating nanostructures are described. Experimental part is focused on imaging and simulating of magnetic domains. Further, exchange bias is revealed. This phenomenon is present in systems composed from ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. One part of this diploma thesis is also focused on discussion of problems with magnetic force microscopy.
Structure and magnetic interactions in nanomaterials with application potential
Pacáková, Barbara ; Kalbáčová Vejpravová, Jana (advisor) ; Jirásková, Yvona (referee) ; Svoboda, Pavel (referee)
The thesis is focused on the physics of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs), starting from the solution of magnetic structure, internal alignment within the single particle and role of interactions and particle structure in magnetic response of systems of the NPs. Moreover, the macroscopic arrangement of the NPs and its effect on the properties of system containing the NPs are discussed. The work brings several new results and concepts, such as the solution of magnetic structure of the ε-Fe2O3 phase, methods of proper detection and description of magnetic metal catalyst in carbon nanotubes and role of the NP arrangement and their effect on graphene placed on the top of substrates decorated with the NPs. 1
Correlated probe and electron microscopy for the study of modern magnetic nanomaterials
Novotný, Ondřej ; Flajšman, Lukáš (referee) ; Pavera, Michal (advisor)
High pressure on the development of new magnetic materials and their miniaturization also emphasizes the development of new analytical techniques. This diploma thesis deals with the development and demonstration of correlated magnetic force and electron microscopy, which is a promising tool for the characterization of magnetic nanomaterials. The first part of this thesis describes the fundamental physics of micromagnetism with a focus on cylindrical nanofibers. The following pages describe optic, probe, electron, and synchrotron methods for mapping the magnetic properties of materials. The next part describes magnetic domain wall motion in cylindrical nanowires performed as a part of a more extensive material study. The last part of the thesis describes the development of correlated magnetic force and electron microscopy on LiteScope device. A production of magnetic probes was designed and successfully tested. Probes were fabricated by focused electron beam-induced deposition from the Co2(CO)8 precursor. Further, the developed correlated microscopy is demonstrated on a multilayer PtCo sample, magnetic cylindrical nanofibers, NiFe vortex structures, and FeRh metamagnetic nano-islands.
Structure and magnetic interactions in nanomaterials with application potential
Pacáková, Barbara ; Kalbáčová Vejpravová, Jana (advisor) ; Jirásková, Yvona (referee) ; Svoboda, Pavel (referee)
The thesis is focused on the physics of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs), starting from the solution of magnetic structure, internal alignment within the single particle and role of interactions and particle structure in magnetic response of systems of the NPs. Moreover, the macroscopic arrangement of the NPs and its effect on the properties of system containing the NPs are discussed. The work brings several new results and concepts, such as the solution of magnetic structure of the ε-Fe2O3 phase, methods of proper detection and description of magnetic metal catalyst in carbon nanotubes and role of the NP arrangement and their effect on graphene placed on the top of substrates decorated with the NPs. 1
Study of Properties of Metallic Thin Films and Nanostructures Using Scanning Probe Microscopy
Doupal, Antonín ; Fejfar, Antonín (referee) ; Kalousek, Radek (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on investigation of metallic thin films and nanostructures using scanning probe microscopy. Magnetic properties of these objects are studied by magnetic force microscopy, which is modification of scanning probe microscopy. In the theoretical part basic principles of scanning probe microscopy and magnetic force microscopy are summarized, and also principle of creation of magnetic domains and some special properties of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. Further, two techniques of fabricating nanostructures are described. Experimental part is focused on imaging and simulating of magnetic domains. Further, exchange bias is revealed. This phenomenon is present in systems composed from ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. One part of this diploma thesis is also focused on discussion of problems with magnetic force microscopy.
Variable Field Magnetic Force Microscopy
Turčan, Igor ; Nováček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Urbánek, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with magnetic force microscopy of permalloy discs in an external magnetic field. Main objectives of the thesis are design of an external magnetic field module, preparation of magnetic probes, fabrication of samples and the measurement itself. We prepared functional probes with various magnetic coatings. For the measurement in external magnetic field we fabricated probes with a~layer of magnetically hard Co and for the measurement without external magnetic field we used probes with a~layer of magnetically soft permalloy. Our probes are at least comparable with standard commercial probes. We observed the cores of magnetic vortices, using our home-coated probes with no external magnetic field and also in the external magnetic field. Further, we study the influence of the external magnetic field on nucleation of the cores of magnetic vortices. Experimental techniques used for fabrication and measurement of the samples are briefly summarized.

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