Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Shift to Service-Oriented Economy and Its Impact on Corporate Strategy
Šmerda, Jiří ; Staníček,, Zdenko (oponent) ; Zich, Robert (vedoucí práce)
The work introduces service-oriented economy paradigms in a broader context and shows their influence on corporate and business strategies. It tries to put together traditional corporate and business strategy models and the new emerging service science. The work points out major ideas of the service-oriented economy in a confrontation with the traditional product-oriented economy. As a result of the comparison, the work shows a need for a new approach in business behavior coming out of current efforts in the world. As the final result, the work brings in practical set of recommendations for corporate and business strategy formulation in service economy. In the practical part of the thesis, the results are demonstrated and applied to the strategy of a selected company.
Shift to Service-Oriented Economy and Its Impact on Corporate Strategy
Šmerda, Jiří ; Staníček,, Zdenko (oponent) ; Zich, Robert (vedoucí práce)
The work introduces service-oriented economy paradigms in a broader context and shows their influence on corporate and business strategies. It tries to put together traditional corporate and business strategy models and the new emerging service science. The work points out major ideas of the service-oriented economy in a confrontation with the traditional product-oriented economy. As a result of the comparison, the work shows a need for a new approach in business behavior coming out of current efforts in the world. As the final result, the work brings in practical set of recommendations for corporate and business strategy formulation in service economy. In the practical part of the thesis, the results are demonstrated and applied to the strategy of a selected company.

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