Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
The composition and physical-mechanical properties of self consolidating mortars
Čepčianska, Jana ; Bílek, Vlastimil (oponent) ; Palou, Martin (vedoucí práce)
This Master thesis is focused on characterization of multicompound self-compacting heavy-weight mortars resistant against long lasting influence of ionizing radiation in the underground nuclear waste storage. It examines a specific combination of properties of heavy-weight concretes and self-compacting mortars while considering the ecological and energetic impact of their production, as well as the productibility of partial substitutions that do not have negative impact on material properties. The Experimental part provides a comprehensive overview of composition and properties of self-compacting heavy-weight mortars with varying percentages of cement-to-mortar ratio. Sample properties were evaluated based on mechanical test results, thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.
The composition and physical-mechanical properties of self consolidating mortars
Čepčianska, Jana ; Bílek, Vlastimil (oponent) ; Palou, Martin (vedoucí práce)
This Master thesis is focused on characterization of multicompound self-compacting heavy-weight mortars resistant against long lasting influence of ionizing radiation in the underground nuclear waste storage. It examines a specific combination of properties of heavy-weight concretes and self-compacting mortars while considering the ecological and energetic impact of their production, as well as the productibility of partial substitutions that do not have negative impact on material properties. The Experimental part provides a comprehensive overview of composition and properties of self-compacting heavy-weight mortars with varying percentages of cement-to-mortar ratio. Sample properties were evaluated based on mechanical test results, thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.

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