National Repository of Grey Literature 82 records found  beginprevious72 - 81next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Privacy and anonymization in repositories of grey literature
Koščík, Michal
Current trends in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union suggest that the person who systematically processes documents in a repository can be a qualified as a processor of personal data. The operator of the repository can therefore face requests for anonymisation, or removal of information contained in his metadata in order to protect ones personal data . This paper aims to describe real life scenarion that can occur and provide instructions on how to proceed in similar cases.
Fulltext: idr-805_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-805_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-805_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-805_3 - Download fulltextMP4
Oral History on the Internet. Legal, Ethic and Methodological Aspects
Schindler-Wisten, Petra
This paper deals with the problems of publishing oral history on the Internet. The development of digital technology brings new possibilities to present oral history projects to the widest audience. The contribution of oral history from Internet is debatable, and brings many new challenges in this field, noting the need to bring new ethical, legal and methodological issues.
Audit of the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) in NTK using DRAMBORA tool: Third audit 2011
Národní technická knihovna
Třetí audit se opakoval s ročním odstupem a stejnou metodou jako oba dva audity předchozí, opět s využitím externího konzultanta, který opět získal informace rozhovorem s členy týmu NUŠL a studiem nejdůležitějších dokumentů, které zachycují práci s předchozím auditem a pokrok, který NUŠL zaznamenal v roce 2011 včetně změn jeho relevantního okolí.
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Audit of the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) in NTK using DRAMBORA tool: Second audit 2010
Národní technická knihovna
Druhý audit Digitálního repozitáře NUŠL proběhl na konci roku 2010. V auditu se hodnotil aktuální stav repozitáře, pokrok dosažený za rok 2010 a identifikovala se nová potenciální rizika a možné postupy k jejich odstranění nebo k zmírnění jejich dopadu. Dokumentace projektu NUŠL, popis celého projektu, jeho postupů a procesů i související dokumenty pokročily v průběhu roku 2010 kupředu a představovaly tak velmi dobrý základ pro audit.
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Security and protection of the data on Faculty of Management VSE
Deml, Michal ; Pokorný, Pavel (advisor) ; Štrobl, David (referee)
The bachelor thesis describes the possible threats that may jeopardise the data of the common user. It describes the threats in the form of the unwanted software, targeted attack or as result of natural disaster. At the same time it describes how user may protect his data against lost and these above mentioned threats. In other chapters the thesis concerns about the riskiness of the behavior of the user and way of software and hardware protection of data on the Faculty of Management of VŠE. Based on information obtained by these tests the thesis defines the main security gaps in system of the Faculty of Management.
Marketing and Data Protection
Kolandová, Kristýna ; Štědroň, Bohumír (advisor) ; Procházka, Jan (referee)
The goal of this Bachelorś Thesis is to introduce, describe and evaluate processes and stages in the development of legislation. This Bachelor Thesis focuses on the personal data protection in five thematic parts. First part is foreign relations, Participation of the Office in International cooperation and transfer of Personal Data Abroad. In the second part this Thesis describes Resolutions of the Spring Conference 2010 of the European Data Protection. The third part describes Data Protection in the relation to marketing. The fourth part represents the consequences of misuse of personal data and review of sanctions. The Fifth part represents practical knowledges. At the conclusion of this Bachelorś thesis is summary of the current problems and shortcomings of the International cooperation and benefits from International cooperation between countries.

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