National Repository of Grey Literature 60 records found  beginprevious41 - 50next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
AC power supply with remote control
Štěpnička, Martin ; Papica, Petr (referee) ; Kubíček, Michal (advisor)
The project describes the design of controlled inverters or power generator simulating one phase of European or American distribution network. The generator is able to enter into an output signal of a certain fault conditions designed to testing the electromagnetic compatibility of connected devices. The text is divided into three main chapters. The first one deals with the design of the power generating low-frequency signal. The second part describes the power source used for this generator. In the third section describes the program management unit. End of text summarizes the results. The annex contains a schematic designs and printed circuit boards.
EMS Testing
Dušek, Michal ; Hoder, Karel (referee) ; Havlíková, Marie (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with electromagnetic compatibility. Beginning of this thesis is devoted to general problems of EMC. Next part refers of the various tests for robustness. The next chapter deals with device Seaward Mace and a more detailed description of the resistance tests. The last part describes the test apparatus and implementation tests in the laboratory measurement of the Institute of Electrical Control and Instrumentation FEEC
Numerical Analysis of Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on Small Airplanes
Řezníček, Zdeněk ; Hazdra,, Pavel (referee) ; Karban,, Pavel (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
This thesis deals with numerical analyses of electromagnetic fields on small aircraft with composite parts as an innovative way for assessment of their inherent protection against electromagnetic effects of outside environment in all development stages. It is concentrated for procedures of creation of geometrically and materially complex models for simulating calculations in the time as well as frequency domains, execution of the simulations itself and comparisons of results between the internal electromagnetic calculations and executed experimental tests. Achieved results were verified on a simplified reference model of aircraft's fuselage and two aircraft prototypes VUT100 and EV-55 of the company Evektor, spol. s r. o.
Numerical solutions of EMC problems of small airplanes
Šeděnka, Vladimír ; Dědková, Jarmila (referee) ; Mazánek, Miloš (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
Disertace popisuje současné problémy v certifikaci malých letadel, které by se měly v budoucnu řešit numerickým modelováním. Tento postup má zefektivnit návrh a zlevnit certifikaci letadel. Práce je úzce spjata s projektem HIRF-SE, který se problematikou certifikace letadel numerickými metodami zabývá. Podstatná část práce je věnována popisu dvou modulů pro platformu HIRF-SE: řešič BUTFE založený na metodě konečných prvků v časové oblasti a budicí nástroj BUTFE_EXC. Práce popisuje řešení pohlcujících okrajových podmínek, modelování disperzních a anizotropních materiálů a aproximaci tenkých drátů. Speciální pozornost je věnována řešení aproximace tenkých drátů s ostrými ohyby, jejíž současná formulace způsobuje překryvy mezi jednotlivými segmenty drátu.
The Appliances Immunity to Short Voltage Dips and Interruptions
Bok, Jaromír ; Beláň, Anton (referee) ; Santarius, Pavel (referee) ; Drápela, Jiří (advisor)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with problems about voltage dips and short voltage interruptions, generally named as voltage events, which origin in power supply networks and have a negative influence for all connected electric appliances. In this thesis single phase appliances are considered. These problems closely relate with area of electromagnetic compatibility which solve all questions about correct operation of different types of electric appliances during electromagnetic disturbances impact. Voltage events are ones of the many types of electromagnetic disturbances. The connection between disturbance sources and sensitive electric appliances is created by power supply lines. The immunity of electric appliances to voltage dips and short interruptions is currently tested via voltage dips with strictly defined parameters which are intended by class of electromagnetic environment in which the usage of electric appliance is recommended. During immunity tests the rectangular shape of voltage dips is preferred. The main descriptive parameters of testing voltage events are the residual voltage and the event time duration. But voltage dips and short interruptions defined by this way do not closely relate with parameters of real voltage dips and interruptions occurred in public supply system where parameters of voltage dips are variable. Moreover in the power supply system there are many of others voltage parameters which can have a significant influence to immunity level of connected electric appliances. This Ph.D. thesis also deals with finding more voltage event parameters. Although the voltage events occurrence in the power supply system is not limited and voltage events are considered only as informative voltage parameter it is important to monitor voltage events occurrence. The monitoring device has to be able to operate for ling time period and it has to detect parameters of voltage events with adequate accuracy. The accuracy of detected event parameters and the detection delay depends on the detection algorithm characteristics. That is why the part of this thesis relates with a comparison of several detection algorithms and their abilities to correct detection of voltage event parameters. The main purpose of this thesis is the proposal of connection between classification of voltage dips and short interruptions occurred in power supply system with the classification of electric appliances immunity to these voltage events. On the base of many of provided electric appliances immunity tests and also on the base of long time period voltage events monitoring the special compatibility levels are proposed in this thesis. The observation of proposed compatibility levels will bring the increasing level of reliable operation of all connected electric appliances.
The Optimal Accuracy of Measurement Assurance in Accordance with Metrological Confirmation
Frank, Petr ; Kocman, Karel (referee) ; Nenadál, Jaroslav (referee) ; Hruška, Karel (advisor)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of accuracy of measurement and achieving the required accuracy level. This includes global analysis of the uncertainty evaluation, the calibration interval design and the creation of confirmation system. Basis of this work is in identification of all possible problems, which may occur during evaluation of accuracy and achieving the required accuracy level. The analysis is followed by suggested solutions for identified problems. It means namely the selection of probability distribution in case of uncertainty type A, evaluation of degrees of freedom in case of uncertainty type B, nonlinear correlation of input values, evaluation of coverage factor, the choice of method for calibration interval design and the procedure for meeting all metrological confirmation requirements. The last part of the thesis is practical measurement and result evaluation in the field of surge protection devices. This chapter demonstrates conclusions from the syntactical part.
Testing and measurement EMC
Bartoň, Jiří ; Hoder, Karel (referee) ; Havlíková, Marie (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on a problem field of electronic compability as a whole - both the technical and biological side. Each legislative requirements and regulations of EMC are analyzed in this thesis Part of thesis is to design a test procedure for verification of EMC information technology equipment (ITE). Practical work is devoted to an overview and implementation of EMS according to the applicable test standards in the laboratory measurement of the Institute of Electrical Control and Instrumentation FEEC and services in the Research Institute in Brno.
Modelling of data transfer over LV and HV power lines
Feit, Kamil ; Koutný, Martin (referee) ; Mišurec, Jiří (advisor)
In this thesis work I am attending to matter of interference in transmissions by Power Line Communication. The goal of this thesis is to determine the impact of interference on the signal, which transmits data. This is achieved by implementing an interfering signal to the power line with the generator. There will also be an analysis of a way how to implement interference to the power line. After the implementation of interference I will monitor the impact of interference on the ongoing data transfer between the modems. At the end of this thesis is dissected the impact of interference in the transmission of data, with depicted transferred signal. Next is shown how the transferred signal affects communication between the modems and what happens when the interference
Measurements of electromagnetic interference in anechoic and semi-anechoic chambers
Deneš, Roman ; Růžek, Václav (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is focused on a detailed analysis of the mechanisms of electromagnetic wave propagation in anechoic chambers. The analysis takes into account the influence of the measurement distance, setup of anechoic chamber and other parameters. Furthermore, the work deals with a validation of both types of anechoic chambers and examines the impact of selected parameters on the measurement results. Based on the theoretical analysis and practical measurement, the comparation between semi and fully anechoic chamber, or a three and ten meter measuring distance was made. This thesis also contains a detailed analysis of sources of the uncertainty.
EMC Test laboratory for low voltage circuit breaker
Vejtasa, Leoš ; Dřínovský, Jiří (referee) ; Dohnal, Petr (advisor)
Nowadays there are electronic systems almost in every new device. They are emitting and receiving electromagnetic interferences. The safety levels for circuit breakers are also increasing. Because of these issues the circuit breakers must work properly also in areas filled by electromagnetic interference. This thesis describes the issues of electromagnetic susceptibility of the circuit breakers.

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