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Smart Tourism Destination
Based on an analysis of the smart city and smart region concepts and case studies, the aim of the thesis was to identify the possibilities of their use in the tourism industry and to create a proposal for their application in selected tourist destinations. In cooperation with the selected destination of Písek, which endorses the smart city concept, and based on discussions with city representatives, the objective was narrowed down to the introduction of new iBeacon technology implemented in Písek through the eCulture project. This technology helps fulfil the concept of the smart city as a tourist destination. The main goal of applying this method is effective presentation of the City of Písek. Together with the destination company Píseckem, s.r.o., a total of 12 beacons were proposed in the historic city centre and three more in its immediate vicinity. First, the content of individual beacons was prepared in the practical part of the research, which was divided into basic and supplementary text. The basic text provides the main information, while the supplementary text is primarily designed to attract attention. Subsequently, the destination company was provided with graphic designs for display-ing information to end-users through selected beacons. To ensure effective presentation of the City of Písek through iBeacon technol-ogy, selected visuals were tested with an eye camera. Eye tracking is a modern research method in which the eye movements of participants (respondents) are monitored. The results were presented using heat maps, which show the intensity with which individual places in the graphic design are viewed by respondents. The proposal part of the thesis was prepared based on the results of eye tracking tests and subsequent in-depth interviews. A total of four graphic designs were created, namely beacon 01 (Great Square), beacon 02 (Town Hall Courtyard), beacon 03 (Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) and beacon 05 (Bakaláře).
Software-based eye tracking
Dominec, Adam ; Zitová, Barbara (advisor) ; Horáček, Jan (referee)
Abstract. This thesis presents a software library for eye gaze tracking. The typical use case is a person watching their computer screen. All data is obtained from a single video camera and is processed in real time. The resulting software is freely available including its source code.
Display negative emotions and their impact on the perception of advertising messages
Pištěková, Karolína ; Kincl, Tomáš (advisor)
This Diploma Thesis analyzes the negative emotions and their impact on the perception of advertising messages. The goal is to find out how the negative emotions in the advertisement affect the individual and whether and how they perceive their perception. The theoretical part deals with different approaches to the definition of emotions and their measurement. Literary research discusses case studies and research conducted in this field, including the conclusions that follow. Part of the theoretical part is the approach of the term neuromarketing and its importance in the area of marketing communication. The methodical part discusses selected methods of data collection. The results are displayed using fixation and heat maps and are supplemented by respondents' testimonies.
UX analysis of Eye-tracking of Web Faculty of Management of Prague School of Economics
Trtík, Dan ; Novák, Michal (advisor) ; Kincl, Tomáš (referee)
The main objective of the thesis is eye tracking executions user experience analysis of the websites of the Faculty of management VŠE. The thesis brings insight into the area of eye tracking and its use in marketing and optimizing websites, definition of terms related to the understanding of eye tracking and explanation of its operation. A signifi-cant part is devoted to the author's survey conducted with respondents research and observation placed on the website.
Time Analysis of Observation in Interaction Between Driver and Pedestrian
Michalčíková, Lucie ; Tylšar, Vladimír (referee) ; Belák, Michal (advisor)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the description of sensory processes, human eye and visual perception. The following are traffic participant and get data using the method of eye tracking. The practical part consisted in the evaluation of driving video recordings describing the driver's observation. The frequency and length of the pedestrian observation was evaluated, and the graphical processing was performed depending on whether the pedestrian actually crossed the road or simulated walking on the side of the roadway.
Mobile Phone Through the Prism of Sociology
Kolářová, Kristina ; Duffková, Jana (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
The theoretical part of this thesis intends to familiarize the reader with review of the results of recent studies of how a mobile phone affects individuals, communication and society as a whole. Space is given to the issue of behavioural differences between men and women in relation to mobile phones. The last section shows how big is the attention given to a mobile phone in the field of marketing research. In the research part, the author uses methods typical rather to marketing research, an eye tracking, RTA and interviews to do the research whose goal was to describe the process of selection when buying a mobile phone via e- shop and to point out the possible differences between men and women. Measuring eye attention of 50 participants in the age of 18 - 29 years (25 men, 25 women) showed that eye behaviour of men and women when choosing a mobile phone differed significantly, particularly at the time that respondents gave to particular information areas. The interviews resulted in further differences such as differences in the importance of different criteria for both genders or unequal level of independence in selecting the phone.
Sledování očních pohybů ve virtuální realitě
Jirásek, Jozef ; Brom, Cyril (advisor) ; Lukavský, Jiří (referee)
In this work we present an application for observing and recording data about movements of a human eye when looking at a computer screen. We use two commercially available devices: I4Control by Medicton Group Ltd. and TrackIR 4 by NaturalPoint. We build a software package which interfaces with the SpaNav system for cognitive research. We also provide an extensible framework for creating other eye tracking applications.
Use of Newsletter in E-business
Raisigl, Ivo ; Klepáček, Antonín (referee) ; Luhan, Jan (advisor)
The dissertation thesis is concentrated on newsletter creation and its productivity evaluation. According to the information analysis from the field of email marketing, advertisement psychology and other knowledge, new proposals of new newsletter have been developed. These proposals went through testing using eye cameras - the eye tracking. Out of the partial proposals has been made a final newsletter which was sent out to customers by the company and the results have been evaluated in comparison with the previous one. The thesis also serves as a guideline for companies working on newsletter creation and its use.
Gaze Gestures in Interaction with Problem-Solving
Vrzáková, Hana ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Hradiš, Michal (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce byla vypracována při studijním pobytu na University of Eastern, Finland. Tato práce se zabývá analýzou pohybů očí jakožto charakteristiky lidských úmyslů. Během hraní hry 8Puzzle byly extrahovány pohyby očí a rozděleny na základě stisku tlačítka, které ve hře symbolizovalo hráčův úmysl pohnout herní kostičkou. Takto rozdělené sekvence představují reflexivní chování oka, tzv. pohledové gesto, které představují zdroj příznaků. Příznaky extrahované z pohybů očí pak popisují pohledová gesta spojená jak s úmysly a tak bez úmyslů. Nově bylo do analýzy zahrnuto také pozorování změn v zorničce jakožto zdroj informací, který by mohl pomoci v rozlišení úmyslných pohledů od pohledů bez záměru. Tento úkol zahrnuje binární klasifikaci, která byla realizována pomocí navrženého predikčního modelu s využitím SVM a RBF jádra. Tato práce se také zaměřuje na studium vlivu normalizace na celkové výsledky. Vyhodnocení modelu bylo realizování pomocí křivky pod grafem. Z výsledků bylo dobře patrné, že datová sada příznaků založená na fixacích a sakádách lépe rozlišila úmyslné sekvence od neúmyslných, zatímco úspěšnost sad příznaků postavených na odezvách pupily se pohybovala na hranici náhodného klasifikátoru. Přestože dosažené výsledky vyzývají k dalšímu studiu lidských úmyslů pomocí pohybů očí, přestože klasifikace v reálném čase na základě takto navržených příznaků by prozatím nebyla 100% spolehlivá.
Event Fixation Related Potential During Visual Emotion Stimulation
Mičánková, Veronika ; Lamoš, Martin (referee) ; Potočňák, Tomáš (advisor)
Cílem této diplomové práce je najít a popsat souvislost mezi fixací očí v emočně zabarveném stimulu, kterým je obrázek či video, a EEG signálu. K tomuto studiu je třeba vyvinout softwarové nástroje v prostředí Matlab k úpravě a zpracování dat získaných z eye trackeru a propojení s EEG signály pomocí nově vytvořených markerů. Na základě získaných znalostí o fixacích, jsou v prostředí BrainVision Analyzeru EEG data zpracovány a následně jsou segmentovány a průměrovány jako evokované potenciály pro jednotlivé stimuly (ERP a EfRP). Tato práce je vypracována ve spolupráci s Gipsa-lab v rámci výzkumného projektu.

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