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Analysis of the Maastricht criteria, Czech republic since 1998
Křivánek, Matěj ; Dočkal, Dalibor (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Pavel (referee)
The convergent criteria and its implementation across countries is a very actual and discussed issue of the past few years with regard to the increasing number of countries striving for joining the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It has also become a part of the policies of the particular central banks having a significant impact on its performance. The beginning of this work is intent on the theory of the Optimal Currency Area (OCA) as developed by Robert A. Mundell in the sixties, which gave rise to the Maastricht criteria, subsequently the findings will be applied to the environment of the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the evolution of the monetary policy of the Czech Republic with regard to the fact that the Czech Republic also commited itself to adopting the common European currency. And what about the impact of a fact, that the Czech Republic represents a small open economy strongly reliant on the development of Euro, especially the German economy? Furthermore I will also evaluate the policy of the central bank which must be performed in order to meet the determined Maastricht criteria. One of the other aims of this thesis is to assess the benefits and risks associated with the entry to the monetary union, such as depreciation of Czech National Bank (CNB), primarily the loss of using the exchange rates representing the important means to stabilize the economy.
The Impact of the Economic Governance Reform of the EU on the Position of the European Commission
Lukášková, Sára ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Cihelková, Eva (referee)
The need to improve the economic governance of the EU occurred during the financial crisis when many member states experienced recession. The fact that each member state was influenced differently shows us the two main weaknesses of the EMU: economic heterogeneity of the member states and deep public debt. Existing fiscal rules were proved to be ineffective and unenforceable. The topic of this master thesis is the analysis of the impact of the economic governance reform on the position of the European Commission. The thesis deals only with one aspect of the reform- the budgetary surveillance framework. The thesis explains that this reform was necessary for improving of the EMU and it deals with the impact of this reform on the position of the European Commission. The analysis is based on the comparison of legal acts concerning the budgetary surveillance framework before and after the reform.
Differentiation of European Integration Process
Svobodová, Tereza ; Dubský, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Druláková, Radka (referee)
The main task of the thesis entitled Differentiation of European Integration Process is historical excursus into the development of the policy of differentiation and flexibility within the European integration member countries. The thesis points out the comparison of the speeches delivered by leading representatives that helped forming theoretical basis of this european policy. The thesis then also characterises the main models of differentiated collaboration and evaluates their present contribution and future utilisation. With help of theoretical foundings the thesis then analyses three particular examples of differentiation in existing European integration process.
The Stability and Growth Pact EU
Vlček, Jakub ; Adámková, Vlasta (advisor) ; Machytka, Daniel (referee)
The thesis describes Stability and Growth Pact and his development in time. At the beginning is followed development of Economy and Monetary Union, to clarify the historical background of the gradual process accessing Stability and Grow Pact. Development is described from Article 104c of the Treaty establishing the European Community over the German's proposal for the Stability Pact to a final agreement on Stability and Growth Pact, which was a compromise between the German's and French's proposal. The emphasis is placed on noncompliance with the rules of the Pact of Stability and Growth by Germany and France that led to its reform.
Analysis of withdrawal of a member state from the euro area
Průšová, Natálie ; Čajka, Radek (advisor) ; Kodým, Roman (referee)
The aim of this thesis is describing current issues of the debt crisis in economic and monetary union and the possibility of withdrawal of a Member State. Thesis is divided into four chapters, which analyze the origin, causes, consequences and possible solutions to the current situation of the debt and institutional crisis. The analysis does not aim to predict how the situation will develop a priori. It follows the long-term development and offers various options that can resolve the debt problem.
European Monetary Union in the context of development of the Euro
The aim of my bachelor thesis is the evaluation of the European Union, focusing primarily on economic and monetary union, which became the basis of a European integration process, one of the largest and most critical projects to which the European Union began. I will discuss the historical development of EMU and focus on significant milestones, such as the Bretton-Woods system, the Werner Plan, EMS and the Delors Report. The Delors report show three stages of EMU. Mentioning about the institutions and monetary union. I will deal with the euro currency and the introduction of common currency in Estonia. Furthermore, in this country will evaluate compliance with the convergence criteria. For the Czech Republic to join the euro zone must take certain steps. Furthermore, I evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the euro for the Czech Republic. And based on the data obtained will evaluate the performance of the convergence criteria for the Czech Republic.
Cesta koruny do Eurozony - využití zkušeností Slovenské republiky
Jelínek, Tomáš ; Plchová, Božena (advisor) ; Müllerová, Františka (referee)
Unlike the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic is not at the present member of the Euro area. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to have a look at the current situation in the Czech Republic and also to focus on the experiences of the Slovak Republic with euro adoption. The first chapter characterizes the historical evolution of monetary integration in Europe from post-war years till the realization of the last stage of the Economic and Monetary Union project. The second part analyzes the whole process of Euro adoption in the Slovak Republic. The final third chapter deals with the way of the Czech crown to the Eurozone.
The development of the greek economy since the euro adoption until the present
Poláček, Jiří ; Černá, Iveta (advisor) ; Čajka, Radek (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the situation and the development of the Greek economy during the period 2001 to 2011 and to demonstrate that an economic development, such as Greece's during this time, should not have been repeated by any country using a market economy. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first chapter covers theory and methodology, while the following chapters contain the EMU entry, organizing of the Olympic Games, the global economic crisis and also reform steps along with EU and IMF financial rescue package. The conclusion gives a prediction of the potential future development. A more realistic view on the situation is drawn from statistical data.
Monetary policy of the European Union
Drbohlavová, Jana ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Abrhám, Josef (referee)
The purpose of this thesis is to sum up the evolution of monetary policy of the European Union so far and to review the impact of the global financial crisis upon the euro area outlining its future. The other purpose is to analyze the Maastricht convergence criteria fulfillment by the Czech Republic and to sum up if the Czech Republic is or isn't ready to enter the euro area and to adopt the common currency. The first and the second part of the thesis are more descriptive of dealing with the historical evolution of monetary policy from the initial formation in the European Economic Community to the origin of the European Monetary system. The third part brings the reader particular information about the Economic and Monetary union and phases of its foundation. It also brings about the European Central Bank which is the most important institution for monetary policy of the European Union and in the end summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the common currency. In the fourth part I try to assess the impact of the global financial crisis upon the states of the euro area and mention the view of experts on its future. The last chapter deals with the potencial entry of the Czech Republic to the euro area. That review is based on the analysis of the Maastricht convergence criteria fulfillment.
Czech Republic and Euro
Vichrová, Hana ; Adámková, Vlasta (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the fulfillment of the Maastricht convergence criteria in conditions of the Czech Republic. At the beginning of the thesis, the development of the monetary cooperation in Europe and the establishment of the Economic and Monetary Union are outlined. Then the Maastricht convergence criteria are described. The main part focuses on the evaluation of the nominal and real convergence in the Czech Republic. The conclusion deals with the technical aspects and impacts of accepting Euro in the Czech Republic.

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