National Repository of Grey Literature 199 records found  beginprevious189 - 198next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Australia and its Importance in the World Economy
Syrvatková, Radka ; Kopřiva, Bohumil (advisor) ; Riley, Steven Del (referee)
The aim of my thesis is to analyze Australia's political and economic situation. My thesis consists of two parts. In the first part I describe Australia in terms of geography, and I acquaint readers with its history, especially after World War II. In the second part I deal with the current economic situation of Australia, and political system which I compare to the political system in Great Britain within the Commonwealth. In conclusion, I summarize my work and find out Australia's future strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats using SWOT analysis.
The community of Romanies and the labour market
Tešný, Milan ; Hudík, Marek (advisor) ; Brožová, Dagmar (referee)
A large number of people from various fields and disciplines has been and is engaged in the issue of one of the largest minority in the Czech Republic, the Romanies. Last but not least, this issue is also related to the political capabilities in creating the state budgets, social costs, work programs etc. I will analyze the present and past economical situation of the roman minority and try to assess the scale of functionality and sufficiency of Czech legislation in this scope. Furthermore, I would like to illustrate the behavioral patterns of this ethnic group and apply the concept of the "culture of poverty" to it, which particullary includes the tendency of prefering the immediate satisfaction of their needs without the distinctive planning to the future in the scope of funds. I will try to explain the mechanisms of so called "vicious circle" of discrimination in finding job from the point of view of the position of the roman minority in the labour market. Also the different understanding and creating of the family connections shows, why the common economical family model is unable to be applied there. Economics is a value-neutral science, that is why I will pay particular attention to the efficiency of the current labour-law legislation affecting the members of the culture of poverty, which include considerable part of the roman population and hereafter I will try to propose the alternative measures, which could be applied to this issue.
Economics and Information
Nohejl, Jiří ; Rosický, Antonín (advisor) ; Šíma, Josef (referee)
Thesis "Economics and Information" advances a consistent theoretic concept of information as part of economic theory. In contrast of contemporary semantic confusions about information in economics this thesis tries to build a meaningful theory based on classical economic studies and conception of information in system theory. The first part is concerned with methodological foundation and contemporary methodological problems of information in economic theory. These issues are crucial for presenting methodological individualism and subjectivism as fundamental approach to understanding role of information in social sciences. This leads to human action as basic framework for studying information. Next part of the thesis describes few basic approaches to information in economics. In comparison with neoclassical views like information asymmetry this thesis propose own praxeology based concept of information. This concept shows information in its duality as a resource of human activities, but also as objective of human action. This duality as resource and objective connect information to concepts of interpretation, knowledge and dynamic processes. The final part of the thesis applies theoretical concepts to economic policy issues and institutional problems.
Evaluation of Hepatitis A Epidemic in view of Management and Economy in the Czech Republic in 2008
Krejčová, Lucie ; Lešetický, Ondřej (advisor) ; Jágrová, Zdeňka (referee)
My bachelor's thesis deals with the evaluation of hepatitis A case in 2008 in view of management and economy with an emphasis on epidemiological data, spread vector, consequences of the disease as well as the vaccination effect. The bachelor's thesis is aimed at evaluating the economic impact.
Celiakie a diabetes pohledem ekonomie
Vlk, Václav ; Džbánková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Sirůček, Pavel (referee)
Práce se snaží poukázat na to, jaké náklady na dietní stravování musejí vynakládat bezlepkáři a diabetici a že vznikají i dodatečné náklady, které přímo s těmito nemocemi souvisí. Dále se snaží zjistit, jestli mají tito lidé právo získat nějaké příspěvky od státu, řešena je sociální i zdravotní sféra této oblasti. Výsledkem je porovnání stravovacích nákladů celiaků a diabetiků s náklady zdravých lidí.
Applications of psychology of decision-making
Bahník, Štěpán ; Sirůček, Pavel (advisor) ; Džbánková, Zuzana (referee)
This work summarizes the basics of the heuristics and biases approach. It is a psychological approach to the study of decision-making and judgment stemming from works of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Not only did it contribute to understanding of numerous cognitive processes, which people use for deciding and making judgments, but it has many applications in various fields including economics as well. There are mentioned examples of application besides theory in this work. In particular, the covered fields are negotiation, investment decision making and marketing. Critics of depicted approach and its implications are briefly described at the end of the work.
Ekonomie, stát a drogy
Písař, Pavel ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Lipka, David (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá státní drogovou prohibicí. Popisuje historické souvislosti jejího vzniku, sleduje, jaké dopady mělo její zavedení na chod společnosti a zkoumá faktické důsledky jejího uplatňování. Hlavní pozornost je věnována otázce účinnosti této prohibice a dále pak různým vysvětlením, které nám ekonomie, jako striktně logická a hodnotově neutrální disciplína, může poskytnout pro oblast zkoumání drog, resp. drogové prohibice (např. objasnění vlivu drogové prohibice na zdravotní rizika vyplývající z užívání drog). Na závěr této práce je uveden historický případ alkoholové prohibice v USA ve 20. letech 20. stol.
Joseph Stiglitz: Život a dílo
Pospíšil, Martin ; Sirůček, Pavel (advisor) ; Džbánková, Zuzana (referee)
Tato práce se věnuje životu a dílu Josepha Stiglitze. Stiglitz je světoznámý ekonom, autor mnoha knih a článků. Mezi nejdůležitější patří kniha o veřejných financích ?Ekonomie veřejného sektoru? , kde Stiglitz osvětluje principy fungování správně vedeného státu. Stiglitz ovlivnil celou řadu ekonomických disciplín, kromě teorie informačních asymetrií, za kterou dostal Nobelovu cenu, zmiňme makroekonomii, měnovou ekonomii, veřejné finance, ekonomii rozvíjejících se zemí včetně mnoha příspěvků o transformující se východní Evropě. Nedokonalost (imperfection) stojí v kontrastu s dokonalostí (perfection). Dokonalost v tomto smyslu je právě to, co ekonomii odcizuje lidem. Stiglitz se tak snaží přiblížit ekonomickou vědu reálnému světu.

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