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Effect of water supply on structure and selected physiological parameters of leaf in woody species.
Horešovská, Michaela ; Lhotáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Votrubová, Olga (referee)
Woody plants must cope with drought as it is one of the main factors of the ongoing climate change. The ability of woody plants to adapt to this stressor determines whether they will survive in constantly changing environmental conditions. The deciduous trees of European temperate forests are not as adapted to drought as Mediterranean trees and shrubs, and therefore the lack of water is a major stress for them. Leaf turned out to be the most flexible plant organ in its response to drought. The aim of this work is to summarize the knowledge about the effect of water deficit on the anatomical structure of leaf and its selected physiological parameters. The first part of this thesis is focused on the drought affecting European tree species and their various defensive strategies against this factor. It mainly describes the modification of leaf's anatomy structure as their defensive reactions observed in dermal, ground and vascular tissue. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the influence of water deficit on the selected leaf's physiological processes, especially on transpiration and photosynthesis, and the key role of stomata closure on both of these physiological processes. Drought causes changes in leaf anatomical structure and its physiological functions. The leaf's developmental stage at...
Změny teplotního projevu smrku po napadení lýkožroutem smrkovým.
KOMÁROVÁ, Magdaléna
This thesis represents a grant request for a project which concerns method of early identification of temperature changes of selected spruces due to experimental bark beetle attack.
Urban measures of effective surface water management in urban areas
Vacková, Michaela ; Kročová,, Šárka (referee) ; Polešáková, Marie (referee) ; Urbášková, Hana (referee) ; Kopáčik, Gabriel (advisor)
One of the main challenges in promoting rainwater management into practise is the fact that it was not recognized as an interdisciplinary issue. We should seek ways how to open the problem to other professions, specially for architects and urban planners, who are the key element of its farther development. This work analyzes the reasons of this unsatisfactory state of rainwater management in the Czech Republic and it defines the possible ways how to remedy this state and outlines scenarios of its further development. The default document of the work is czech technical standard "TNV 75 9010 Hospodaření se srážkovými vodami". The new methodological guide, which is part of this work, is based on it. The work extends the range of measures which are mentioned in the standard. It brings new ways for assessing the benefits of the various measures to streamline the application of rainwater management measures in urban space.
Vodní režim blatkových borů na Třeboňsku a vodní provoz jejich dominant
Kučerová, Andrea ; Pokorný, Jan (advisor) ; Laiho, Raija (referee) ; Albrechtová, Jana (referee)
The thesis was intended to fill the information gap in the ecohydrology of the Pinus rotundata dominated peatbogs in the Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic by studying various aspects of their water régime (i.e., transpiration of the dominant tree species, soil water chemistry, retention ability). The study is based on regular monitoring of the water table, water discharge, soil water chemistry and precipitation (during 1995-2000, study sites Červené blato and Žofinka peatbogs). Additionally, the transpiration of adult Pinus rotundata trees was measured in the field during 1999-2000 at the experimental plot in the Červené blato peatbog (330 ha, 465-475 m a.s.l.). Nowadays, the Pinus rotundata-dominated peatbogs represent almost natural (peaty) forests inside of otherwise human-made forest plantations. Long-term vegetation changes after natural disturbances such as windstorms, insect infestation and fire are only occasionally reported for the central European natural forests. Therefore the evaluation of vegetation changes after disturbances, typical of boreal forests, and their impact on peatbog hydrology has also been included in this thesis (study site Žofinka peatbog, 130 ha, 470-475 m a.s.l.). Transpiration of the central European endemic tree species, Pinus rotundata Link, was...
Foundations in Volume Unstable Soils
Legut, Dana ; Weiglová, Kamila (referee) ; Hauser,, Jaroslav (referee) ; Zdražil, Karel (referee) ; Vašina,, Josef (referee) ; Paseka, Antonín (advisor)
This dissertation is concerned with the foundations in volume unstable soils and objects disorders which are related to this. The thesis was focused on the study of clay and loess soils which are abundant in the geological profile of the Czech Republic. First, the formation of the two groups of soils is introduced, then their properties are examined and finally the influence of vegetation on the former type and the influence of collapsibility in the latter type are investigated. The conclusion is, in fact, a recommendation on the design of structures so that the system of clay / structure is not damaged and that structures are not subject to renovations. Several instance of problems with structures are discussed which were subject to structural repairs employing both a civil and geotechnical engineers.
Stomatal conductance of short rotation coppice based on sap flow measurements and its response to chosen meteorological variables
Orság, Matěj ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Fischer, Milan ; Kučera, J. ; Žalud, Zdeněk
The main aim of this study was to derive stomatal conductance (gs) from sap flow measurements and explore some of possible applications of this method. Sap-flow and other meteorological variables were continuously monitored in poplar-based short rotation coppice (SRC) plantation in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem during growing season 2012. Sap flow of 8 trees was measured using heat dissipation method, then expressed as transpiration per square meter of projection area and by adding into rewritten Penman-Monteith equation the canopy conductance (gs) was obtained. Compared with direct measurements on leaf level this approach is advantageous for obtaining gs, because of integrating all leaf categories of tree or whole canopy. Further analysis also proved, that gs is strongly driven by VPD. Finally, it was found that the relationship between gs and VPD is also influenced by available soil moisture content.
Transpiration and biomass increment in short rotation poplar coppice
Orság, Matěj ; Fischer, Milan ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Kučera, J. ; Žalud, Zdeněk
This paper deals with interaction between amount of water lost by tree transpiration and aboveground biomass increment in poplar based short rotation coppice in conditions of CzechMoravian highlands. Stem sap-flow measured on 8 poplar trees by Granier heat dissipation method was put in relation with biomass increments measured both with automated dendrometers so with manual measurements with caliper gauge. Transpiration totals ranged between 28.3–175.6 liters per tree in executed period 3.8.–31.8.2011. Above-ground biomass increments in this period varied between 30.07–519.28 g per tree and mean value of water use efficiency of all monitored trees reached 2.76–1. Mean diurnal sap-flow total of all sampled trees was 3.25 liters. Results show that it is possible to establish relationship between transpiration totals and biomass increments (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.90) and also relationship between transpiration totals and stem diameter (R2 = 0.81). These results (especially after obtaining experimental data from spring growth conditions) can be further used for calculations of biomass increments and transpiration as scaling factors from tree level to whole stand level.
Evapotranspiration of selected agricultural and forest species
Kučera, J. ; Urban, J. ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Fischer, Milan ; Krofta, K. ; Duffková, R.
The aim of this article is a comparison of evapotranspiration (ET) of different covers (turf grass, clover (Trifolium pratense), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), hops (Humulus lupulus) and the high density poplar stand (J-105, Populus nigra x Populus Maximowiczii)) with the potential evapotranspiration (PET) and the general description the ET rates dynamic during the season. The second goal is to quantify the ratio of the transpiration and the whole evapotranspiration for the two contrasting cultures – the hops and poplars stand. The daily maximal sum of the grass ET reached, similarly like for the other species, up to 5–6 mm per day, which comprises 85–93 % of PET. Significantly higher ET was showed by the culture of clover. On the other hand, the lowest values were performed by the poplar stand in the first year after coppicing. The transpiration to evapotranspiration ratio resulted in 40–70 % by the hops and 80–90 % in case of the poplars.

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