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Running Motion Analysis
Eliáš, Radoslav ; Kolářová, Jana (referee) ; Goldmann, Tomáš (advisor)
Cieľom tejto práce je analyzovať pohyb a držanie tela pri behu. Systém pracuje so záznamom z dvoch kamier, zboku a zozadu. Využíva nástroj na detekciu postoja ľudského tela založenú na konvolučnej metóde. Práca porovnáva niekoľko detektorov. Výsledný systém používa detektor OpenPose a implementuje knižnicu s výpočtami pre rôzne metriky používane na ohodnotenie formy behu. Výsledky sú zobrazené v multiplatformnej aplikácii. Ohodnotená bola niekoľkými experimentmi na osobnej dátovej sade videí behu.
Interconnection of Restricted Boltzmann machine method with statistical physics and its implementation in the processing of spectroscopic data
Vrábel, Jakub ; Hrdlička, Aleš (referee) ; Pořízka, Pavel (advisor)
Práca sa zaoberá spojeniami medzi štatistickou fyzikou a strojovým učením s dôrazom na základné princípy a ich dôsledky. Ďalej sa venuje obecným vlastnostiam spektroskopických dát a ich zohľadnení pri pokročilom spracovaní dát. Začiatok práce je venovaný odvodeniu partičnej sumy štatistického systému a štúdiu Isingovho modelu pomocou "mean field" prístupu. Následne, popri základnom úvode do strojového učenia, je ukázaná ekvivalencia medzi Isingovým modelom a Hopfieldovou sieťou - modelom strojového učenia. Na konci teoretickej časti je z Hopfieldovej siete odvodený model Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM). Vhodnosť použitia RBM na spracovanie spektroskopických dát je diskutovaná a preukázaná na znížení dimenzie týchto dát. Výsledky sú porovnané s bežne používanou Metódou Hlavných Komponent (PCA), spolu so zhodnotením prístupu a možnosťami ďalšieho zlepšovania.
Machine Learning Optimization of KPI Prediction
Haris, Daniel ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Bartík, Vladimír (advisor)
This thesis aims to optimize the machine learning algorithms for predicting KPI metrics for an organization. The organization is predicting whether projects meet planned deadlines of the last phase of development process using machine learning. The work focuses on the analysis of prediction models and sets the goal of selecting new candidate models for the prediction system. We have implemented a system that automatically selects the best feature variables for learning. Trained models were evaluated by several performance metrics and the best candidates were chosen for the prediction. Candidate models achieved higher accuracy, which means, that the prediction system provides more reliable responses. We suggested other improvements that could increase the accuracy of the forecast.
Overview of Actual Approaches to Classifications
Brezánský, Tomáš ; Šůstek, Martin (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with an overview of current approaches to classifications. It describes various approaches to classifications and their algorithms, focuses on neural networks, Bayesian classifiers and decision trees. The main task of this work is to perform experiments with three classification algorithms, namely, the ID3 algorithm, the RCE neural network and the naive Bayesian classifier. The work contains experiments with given algorithms and evaluates the obtained results.
New Techniques in Neural Networks Training - Connectionist Temporal Classification
Gajdár, Matúš ; Švec, Ján (referee) ; Karafiát, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with neural network and their use in speech recognition. Firstly,there is some theory about speech recognition, afterwards we show theory around neural networks in connection with connectionist temporal classification method. In next chapter we introduce toolkits, which were used for training of neural networks and also experiments done by them to find out impact of connectionist temporal classification method on precisionin phoneme decoding. The last chapter include summarization of work and overall evaluation of experiments.
Command Classification from EMG Using Neural Network
Zauška, Ján ; Šůstek, Martin (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
This work deals with classification of 15 commands (short words), from small dataset recorded by sEMG electrodes placed on face and neck of speaker. Two types of speech are differentiated in recordings - audible speech, what is classic speech and silent speech, hence speech, in which sound output is suppressed. This work describes EMG signal processing, feature extraction, classifier design and classification results. The convolutional neural network architecture was used as a classifier. There are a lot of experiments in this work that compare the classification accuracy of silent and audible speech.
Sleep scoring using artificial neural networks
Vašíčková, Zuzana ; Mézl, Martin (referee) ; Králík, Martin (advisor)
Hlavným cieľom semestrálnej práce je vytvorenie umelej neurónovej siete, ktorá bude schopná roztriediť spánok do spánkových epoch. Na začiatku je uvedené zhrnutie informácií o spánku a spánkových epochách. V ďalších kapitolách sa nachádza dôkladnejší prehľad metod na spracovávanie signálov a na klasifikáciu. Po zhrnutí teoretických znalostí potrebných na uskutočnenie praktickej časti práce boli na základe tohto rozboru vypočítané zo signálov potrebné znaky. Tieto znaky boli podrobené štatistickej analýze a na jej základe boli vybrané niektoré znaky, ktoré boli vhodné ako vstup do neurónovej siete, ktorá je po naučení schopná triediť spánkové epochy do príslušných fáz.
Text Layout Analysis in Historical Documents
Palacková, Bianca ; Hradiš, Michal (referee) ; Kodym, Oldřich (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement algorithm for text layout analysis in historical documents. Neural network was used to solve this problem, specifically architecture Faster-RCNN. Dataset of 6 135 images with historical newspaper was used for training and testing. For purpose of the thesis four models of neural networks were trained: model for detection of words, headings, text regions and model for words detection based on position in line. Outputs from these models were processed in order to determine text layout in input image. A modified F-score metric was used for the evaluation. Based on this metric, the algorithm reached an accuracy almost 80 %.
Playing Gomoku with Neural Networks
Bako, Matúš ; Kolář, Martin (referee) ; Hradiš, Michal (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create an artificial intelligence for playing Gomoku. While conventional methods usually use state space search combined with predefined rules, this artificial intelligence uses state space search and learned neural networks. A strategic network computes probability distribution for given a board state and a value network determines outcome of the game from a given board state. I trained multiple architectures of neural networks with different number of convolutional layers and different sizes of convolution kernels. Experiments show, that it is problematic to end a game without using the value network or search algorithm, but the strategic network can be used as a heuristic for choosing next move. Despite using relatively small dataset, created artificial intelligence is capable of beating weaker programs from Gomocup competition.
Weapon Detection in an Image
Debnár, Pavol ; Drahanský, Martin (referee) ; Dvořák, Michal (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the topic of firearms detection in images. In the theoretic section, the explanation of the term firearm is covered, along with the definition of the most prevalent firearm categories. Then the concept of image noise and the ways it can hinder image detection is covered, along  with ways of reducing it. Next, algorithms of image detection are introduced - first those which operate on the basis of neural nets - such as Convolutional Neural Nets and Single Shot Multibox Detection. The next section discusses classic algorithms of object detection such as HOG+SVM and SURF. After that, information on the used libraries and software is provided. The experimental part covers the designed algorithm and database. For detection, the HOG+SVM, SURF and SSD algorithms were used. All the algorithms are tested on the database and, if possible, on video. A final evaluation is provided, along with possible future development options.

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