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Proposal for the Czech Statutory City Districts Autonomy Index
Hála, Jaroslav ; Jüptner, Petr (advisor) ; Huňady, Martin (referee)
Czech statutory cities are enabled by The Municipal Law to divide their territory into sub- municipal units. This competency has been used by seven Czech statutory cities, which established city districts. Cities had entrusted their sub-municipal units with different amount of authority and autonomy. Firstly, the factors of sub-municipal autonomy are being identified. Significant are: the volume of finances, which city districts operate with; their access to external grants; the scope of policies and public services in which they are being included; competence to establish its own organisational units; influence on city legislation and representation in the institutions of the statutory city. Based on the factors the sub-municipal autonomy index is being proposed. The index is applicable on the seven statutory cities with their city districts. The index constructed from these factors attributes sub-municipal units of Brno and Ostrava with the highest amount of autonomy, and units of Ústí and Labem and Pardubice with the lowest amount of autonomy. Based on index values and interviews with actors of sub-municipal politics are the cities of Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň and Liberec being labelled as "truly decentralized" and the cities of Ústí and Labem and Pardubice as "rather deconcentrated".
Spokojenost občanů s kvalitou života jako indikátor rozvoje (městská část Brno-Komín)
Chalupová, Sylva
The Barchelor thesis is focused on appraisal of citizens´ satisfaction with the quality of life in the town district of Brno-Komín. The term of quality of life is explained in the theoretical part of the thesis which is baised on literature research. The current state of the town district has also been analysed. A questionnaire for citizens has been used in the research and is evaluated in the practical part of the thesis.
Kohoutovice - city district of three centers
Tlamková, Anna ; Tichý, Jan (referee) ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (advisor)
The work in the introductory part briefly outlines the historical and current development of the Kohoutovice district in terms of historical events and urban development. Subsequently, the work focuses on a detailed analysis of the three potential centers of this city district. Each center is evaluated on the basis of predetermined criteria that describe the relationship of the selected centers to their visitors. The analyzed criteria are then evaluated and compared in order to select the most suitable of the three solved areas for building a full-fledged cultural core of the municipality and a cultural background for the Kohoutovice citizens with regard to the future urban development of the municipality.
Analysis of Costs and Benefits
Mezei, Peter ; Hromádka, Vít (referee) ; Korytárová, Jana (advisor)
Diploma thesis deals with analysis of completion of plaza in the city centre, determination of it´s cash-flow and economic efficiency and afterwards the work determinate the costs and benefits of the investment for city district of Nitra and for it´s inhabitans in comparison to currently approved variant. Theorethical part of work descripe the basic terms, methods and theory that will be used in the practical part of work Practical part of work look to potentionally real project, specify its cashflow and efficiency and also relative externalities, costs and benefits for city district.
Outsourcing of public services by municipalities
Kuncová, Tereza ; Sedmihradská, Lucie (advisor) ; Trgiňa, Gejza (referee)
This master thesis deals with outsourcing in public sector specially focused on one type of public services. There are three main goals of this thesis: to describe outsourcing in public services, to determine methodology of evaluation forms of providing public services and as a case study to compare past and current form of providing public service called Publishing city hall magazine in Prague 7. Firstly, the thesis describes outsourcing in public sector in general, highlights current trends and future development of outsourcing. Secondly, the theoretical part determines evaluation criteria that are used in the practical part for comparison of the two forms of providing the above mentioned public service in Prague 7. Moreover, the criteria are applied to compare the same public service among 10 Prague districts. The result of the case study shows that the current form of publishing city hall magazine in Prague 7 is less expensive and the magazine has better quality than the previous one.
Assessing the Advantages of Buying a Housing Unit in Brno Kociánka and Sadová
Kotrla, Tomáš ; Priesterrath, Robert (referee) ; Hlavinková, Vítězslava (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of sale/lease of an apartment in the Královo Pole district cadastral area of Sadová. The main objective of the work was to find out the selling/rental price of the apartment unit in the new building, available 2+kk with standard equipment in Sadová. The price calculation was performed according to statutory regulations, standards and coefficients. At the same time, the price and quality levels of the offered housing units in the surrounding Brno localities were monitored and compared. The secondary objectives of the diploma thesis were the analysis of the housing market in Brno and its description including the preferences for the selection of the housing unit. The market indices used were used for the valuation of the dwelling unit and the price of the land included in the dwelling unit was included in the resulting price. The award was made by cost and comparison method. Sales/ rental pricing calculations were verified through direct comparison and Grubbs test. The rental method used to measure sales/rentals was used to determine the usual rent. In the last chapter of the analytical section, an appropriate procedure for purchasing a new dwelling unit was proposed.
Funding districts of selected cities
Lišková, Jiřina ; Čermák, Jiří (advisor) ; Marcela, Marcela (referee)
This dissertation is focused on description, explanation and creation of financial relationships which are created based on criteria and weights between district and Capital of Prague and between districts and city of Brno. The reference period covers years between 2013 and 2015. In budget of Prague capital these transfers are labelled as subsidy relationship, in the city of Brno these transfers are labelled as non-purposed subsidy. This work identifies criteria which are determinative for amount of assigned income. The next section is an analysis of the management of the Brno-Chrlice and the district of Prague-Reporyje for the years 2007-2015. Part of this work is switching criteria and their weights for the district of Prague and the City of Brno and the conversion of financial relationships to one inhabitant of urban areas and evaluation of this change for the district.
Analysis of Social and Economic Development of the City Quarter Prague 3
Cuřínová, Radka ; Husák, Jakub (advisor) ; Martina, Martina (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Analysis of Social and Economic Development of the City Quarter Prague 3. This thesis is focused on analysis of the selected indicators of social and economic development of the City Quarter Prague 3. On the basis of found information, it assesses present situation of the areas that its development influence most. The attention is devoted to the development of number of citizens, their migration and population structure. Part of this work evaluates the availability of local facilities and economy of Prague 3. The employed data come from the database of the Czech Statistical Office and from the City of Prague 3. Even the representatives of Prague 3 were interviewed in order to complete obtained information. At the end of the work, the SWOT analysis based on the works findings is created. It indicates its strong and weak parts and opportunities and threats of Prague 3. According to the analysis, the areas, the Prague 3 should support more or stop supporting, are identified.
Political Aspects of Municipal Authorities- Case study of Town district Prague 10
Vinš, Martin ; Kopřiva, Radek (advisor) ; Kobzev Kotásková, Sylvie (referee)
Althought many renowned political scientists, sociologists and economists are concerned with voting behavior of electorate on the national level the study of voting behavior on the municipal level paradoxically remains marginalized. The main objective of this Bacher thesis is to use one of the models of voting behavior, which is used to interpret voting of electorate on the national level to communal level and assess its meaningful ability. Selected area for this study is Town district Prague 10 and choosen concept of voting behavior is model of party identification. Partial main objective of this Bacher thesis is also to find out if there is some kind of relationship between an extent of party identification and socioeconomical factors affecting voters of this town district. Elemental socioeconomical factors, which size of impact is observed in this Bacher are sex, age, level of education, economic status and religion.

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