National Repository of Grey Literature 36 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Gasification of hammer-milled chipboard
Hniličková, Veronika ; Baláš, Marek (referee) ; Lisý, Martin (advisor)
This Master Thesis is about the Gasification of hammer-milled chipboard. The opening part is about general theory of bio-mass gasification and the gasification machines. Next there is a chapter about the products which are included in the gas after gasification and the methods, how to remove them from the gas. This thesis is about gasification legislative acts and novels too. The main body of the thesis is about the experimental gasification in Biofluid 100 machine. This machine is located in the Fakulty of Mechanical Engineering in Brno. There were the samples of gases and tars collected during the gasification. From this samples was made the analysis. Then the mass content BTEX, n-alkans and PAHs.According the process of experiments was set the procedure of gasification. Finally there was a evaluation of the chipboard gasification made.
Determination of organic substances in tar formed after biomass combustion and gasification
Hájek, Radek ; Mravcová, Ludmila (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
Biomass pyrolysis and gasification techniques count among basic technological procedures for its use as a source of energy. As a side-effect, production of tar can be considered. Tar is a complex mixture of various organic compounds and affects negatively both the environment and the facilities where biomass is processed. Within the scope of this master thesis the analysis of tar samples from different materials was performed. As an appropriate analytical method the gas chromatography combined with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) was chosen. The concentrations of volatile organic compounds known as BTEX, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and phenolic compounds were assessed.
Testing of the barrier filter charge for gas cleaning
Muzikářová, Věra ; Milčák, Pavel (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of pollution of the generated gas during gasification. It consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, where there is a search describing the course of gasification. There is also an overview of impurities in the generated gas and a description of methods suitable for gas purification. The second part of the work is focused experimentally, where various fillings of the barrier filter are tested during gas cleaning.
Atmosferic gasification of biomass by the addition of oxygen and steam
Vypušťáková, Veronika ; Milčák, Pavel (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The topic of master´s thesis is atmosferic gasification of biomass by the addition of oxygen and steam. The theoretical part is devoted to the description of biomass, process of gasification, kinds of gasification reactor and product gas. Further experiments are devised depending on the gasification medium and output temperature. In this case, the key aspect is the steam addition control. In the practical part, these experiments are performed in a fluidized bed reactor. Resulting values from samples of gas and tar are subsequently processed and evaluated.
gasification of biomass with a mixture of oxygen and water vapor
Chlubna, Martin ; Lisý, Martin (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the gasification of biomass with a mixture of oxygen and water vapor. The theoretical part is focused on the gasification process, gasification reactors and the quality of the resulting gas. In the experimental part we look for the ideal ratio of oxygen to water vapor, which are used as gasification media. Subsequent measurements are carried out on the fluidized bed reactor, the results of which are further processed and evaluated.
Gasification of Pine Wood Chips with Air-Steam in Fluidized Bed
Salami, Najdat ; Noskievič,CSc, Pavel (referee) ; Bébar, Ladislav (referee) ; Skála, Zdeněk (advisor)
Tato práce studovala vliv použití vzduchu a páry jako zplynovacího činidla ve zkapalňovacím generátoru plynu na vlastnosti vyprodukovaného plynu (oxid uhelnatý, vodík, obsah dehtu a nízká výhřevnost). Tato studie byla založena na experimentech které byly provedeny ve fluidním generátoru plynu Biofluid 100 v laboratoři Energetického ústavu technologické univerzity Brno s použitím páry jako zplynovacího činidla a borovicového dřeva jako výchozí suroviny. Cílem této dizertační práce je stanovit nejlepší provozní parametry systému při užití vodní páry a vzduchu ve zplynovacím zařízení biofluid 100, při kterých se dosáhne nejvyšší kvality plynu. K dosažení tohoto cíle bylo provedeno mnoho experimentů studujících účinky teploty reaktoru(T101), poměru páry a biomasy (S/B) poměru páry a vzduchu (S/A), teploty dodávané páry (Tf1), ekvivalentního poměru ER,ve složení vyprodukovaném plynu, výhřevnost, výtěžnost plynu, efektivnost přeměny uhlíku a účinnost zplynovače. Výsledky experimentů ukázaly, že zvýšení teploty reaktoru vede ke zvýšení obsahu vodíku a oxidu uhelnatého, výhřevnosti, výtěžnosti plynu, efektivnosti přeměny uhlíku, efektivnosti zplynovače a ke snížení obsahu dehtu. Příliš vysoká teplota reaktoru ale snižuje výhřevnost plynu. Dodáváním páry se zvýšila kvalita plynu, vyšší H_2,LHV a nižší obsah dehtu. Přesto ale nadměrné množství páry snižuje zplyňovací teplotu a tím i kvalitu plynu. Poměr páry a biomasy při kterém se dosáhne nejlepší kvality plynu se zvýší s teplotou reaktoru. Bylo zjištěno, že kdykoli byla teplota páry (Tf1) vyšší, byl plyn více kvalitní, ale zvyšování teploty páry také zvyšuje ekonomické náklady na vyprodukovaný plyn což se při masové produkci plynu musí brát v úvahu. Efekt ekvivalentního poměru ER, byl studován postupným zvyšováním, bylo zjištěno, že nejlepší ekvivalentní poměr pro dosažení nejvyšší kvality plynu byl kolem 0.29, při ER > 0.29 byl obsah hořlavého plynu snížen a to vedlo ke snížení kvality plynu. Obsah dehtu se snižuje jak zvýšením teploty reaktoru tak poměrem páry k biomase. Podle výsledků experimentů a diskuze, bylo zjištěno, že při použití směsi páry a vzduchu se kvalita plynu zvýší, parametry pro dosažení nejvyšší kvality vyprodukovaného plynu při experimentálních podmínkách jsou: T101 =829 S/B=0.67((kg steam)/(kg biomass)) ,S/A=0.67((kg steam)/(kg air)) , ER= 0.29 and a Tf1 je nejvyšší možná teplota,při které se vodík zvýší z 10.48 na 19,68% a výhřevnost z 3.99 na 5.52(MJ/m^3 ) a obsah dehtu z 1964(mg/m^3 ) na 1046(mg/m^3 ) zvýšením z 0 na 0.67 při T101=829 .
Analysis of tar formed by combustion of biomass
Chytil, Václav ; Čáslavský, Josef (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on the analysis of the tar formed during combustion of biomass. Samples of the tar were provided by Energy Institute, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. BTEX, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and n-alkanes were chosen as groups of target compounds. Samples (tar solutions in acetone) were refined before the final analysis. In the case of BTEX and n-alkanes, only filtration and dilution were used. In the case of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, samples were filtered and then cleaned-up by column chromatography using silica gel. Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) was chosen as an appropriate analytical method for the determination of target compounds from selected groups of BTEX and n-alkanes. Target compounds from the group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were determined by gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS).
Charcoal kiln and tar kiln in the Velechvínském polesí
The bachelor's thesis is focused on a deeper understanding of the function, significance and chronology of deserted production features of forest crafts (mills and tar kilns) in the Velechvínské polesí (České Budějovice district). Methods of non-destructive archaeology and bioarchaeology were used: magnetometry, dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating, metal detector survey, geodetic survey, anthracology and archival research.
Testing of the barrier filter charge for gas cleaning
Muzikářová, Věra ; Milčák, Pavel (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of pollution of the generated gas during gasification. It consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, where there is a search describing the course of gasification. There is also an overview of impurities in the generated gas and a description of methods suitable for gas purification. The second part of the work is focused experimentally, where various fillings of the barrier filter are tested during gas cleaning.
Syngas composition influence on gas cleaning efficiency
Menšíková, Barbora ; Lisý, Martin (referee) ; Baláš, Marek (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of pollution of the generated gas after the gasification process and its subsequent cleaning using a barrier filter. The theoretical part of thesis consists of research on the gasification process, the effects on the gasification process, pollutants in the gas and gas cleaning with a focus on the purification of gas from tar. The experimental part of this thesis is devoted to the gasification itself in a fluidized bed gasification reactor in order to test the effect of the catalyst, which was calcined dolomite, the composition of the gas at variable parameters of water vapor and the temperature inside the laboratory filter.

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