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Private enforcement of competition law
Bocková, Claudia ; Černá, Stanislava (advisor) ; Zahradníčková, Marie (referee)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the state of private enforcement of competition law in the European Union and the Czech Republic by taking into consideration the proposals set forth in the Green and White Paper on damages actions for breach of EC antitrust rules issued by the European Commission which were inspired by the U.S. system of private enforcement of antitrust law. Further on, the possible impact of the implementation of such proposals into Czech law will be assessed and experience of Member states will be considered. The dynamic development of this area of law and the never ending political and legal debate on the possibilities of private enforcement in Europe was the reason for why I have chosen to write my thesis on this topic. The thesis is composed of eight chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of private enforcement of competition law. Chapter One is introductory and is divided into three parts. Part one tackles the difference between public and private enforcement. Part two deals with the evolution of the concept of damages claims and introduces the most relevant decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The third part identifies the problems occurring with damages claims. Chapter Two examines the question of applicable law. Chapter Three...
The mode and amount of harm and non-proprietary damages relating to health care
Gavendová, Lucie ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Šustek, Petr (referee)
The mode and of harm and non-proprietary damages relating to health care The subject of this thesis is the issue of compensation of proprietary and non- proprietary damage suffered by patients during the provision of health care. Particularly, it is a damage resulting from bodily and deadly injury, which is most commonly caused by malpractice of doctors and other medical workers. Legal institute of damage compensation is of cardinal and irreplaceable importance in the area of Civil law. The thesis examines this institute from its material aspect, namely in terms of the mode and amount of compensation. First part of the work deals with the introduction of the major changes brought by the new regulation of Czech Civil law into the area of damage compensation and their potential impacts on this sphere. Subsequently, there are further definitions of compensation's content, mode and amount, their mutual relations and historical development. That is followed by presentation of the main functions of the material and non-proprietary damage compensation. The core of this work is focused on exploring the mode and amount of compensation for the different types of material and non-proprietary damage. In this part, there is widely used existing established practice of the courts, the author deals with...
The issue of pre-contractual liability in relation to the practice of negotiating and concluding commercial contracts under national law and case-law of selected EU countries
Krupka, Jiří ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Eichlerová, Kateřina (referee)
The thesis deals with questions of pre-contractual liability which is seen as a very specific institute whose conception is diverse in different EU countries and also outside. The main research question is a difference between pre-contractual liability perception in the different countries and its full description in relation to the negotiations of business contracts with an emphasis on Czech law. In the first part, the author analyses historical background of pre-contractual liability in relation to Roman law and German-Austrian legal systems in which the professor Jhering developed that construction of culpa in contrahendo. In the following chapters, the author deals with the description and nature of pre-contractual liability, particularly in questions of whether they are contractual or delictual liability and enter into details the basic facts, example and extent of damages with respect to the European concept of pre-contractual liability. He concludes that the pre-contractual liability is in the European concept as delictual liability, with regard to the decision of European Court of Justice. The author simultaneously mentions that although similar facts in the legal systems, the extent of damages is very different when there is a clear dichotomy between positive and negative interesse. The...
D&O (Directors and Officers Liability) insurance of members of a joint stock company bodies
Hřeben, Tomáš ; Borkovec, Aleš (advisor) ; Hraba, Zdeněk (referee)
The topic of the submitted diploma thesis is the directors and officers liability insurance of members of a joint stock company bodies and its aim is to analyze this insurance product and to evaluate possibilities of its use in domestic conditions. This theme is topical because of the recent financial crisis as well as with regard to the recodification of the Czech private law which resulted in demanding more requirements on members of a joint stock company bodies during performance of their office and most importantly the danger of guaranty for obligations of company in accordance with the provision § 68 of the law on commercial corporations constitutes a really big threat for members of a joint stock company bodies. In order to understand the dangers from which the insurance should protect, first of all the first chapter is dedicated to basic characteristics of joint stock company and mainly to duties of members of a joint stock company bodies which are divided into two groups in this thesis - fiduciary duties (duty of due care, duty of loyalty, duty of secrecy, prohibition of competition, duty of personal performance of office) and so called "technical" duties. In the next chapter there is briefly examined the legislation of liability and compensation for damage where these issues are consulted...
Compensation for damage caused by breach of competition rules
Holásek, Martin ; Patěk, Daniel (advisor) ; Pelikán, Robert (referee)
66 Compensation for damage caused by breach of competition rules Abstract This thesis analyses actions for damages for infringements of the competition law, an area newly regulated by Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union. A main purpose of this thesis is to describe specific aspects of actions for damages for infringements of the competition law, introduce alternatives to provisions of the Directive, identify the impact of the Directive on successful private enforcement of damages and evaluate a new proposal for a statute transposing the Directive into Czech law. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Chapter One contains a brief introduction which is followed in Chapter Two by an evaluation of the necessity of this Directive and of its scope. Chapter Three deals with indirect purchaser's standing and passing-on defense, where it is noted that this change brings more complexity into the proceedings and the lack of indirect purchasers' motivation to sue is still persistent. Chapter Four describes certain possibilities of collective redress. Chapter Five is the main chapter of this thesis and...
Civil liability in medical law
Saidamová, Suzan ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Šustek, Petr (referee)
1 Abstract Thesis title: Civil Liability in Medical Law The main topic of this thesis is to analyze individual cases in czech medical law after the civil law codification. I would like to perform complete concept of civil liability in medical law, especially the liability for the damages. Different types of civil liability will be eleborate in detail, mainly though scientific literature and case law. The thesis consists of seven chapters. In the first chapter, I describe medical law in historical context relevant for the topic and also I introduce current legislation of medical law at all hierarchical levels included international agreements. In the second chapter, I desribe one of the most important concepts in medical liability law - concept called lege artis. The next chapter gives a brief introduction in the healthcare issues and is divided into several subchapters. In first three chapters there are also define the basic terms about health and disease. The fourth and fifth chapters are devoted to the actual liability for damages. The sixth chapter deals with civil protection of doctors and other medical employees. The last chapter is summary. It is evaluation of selected issues in health care. The aim is to introduce a new law conception and present particular types of obligation to compensate. The new...
Protection of investors in the capital markets
Drobiš, Zbyněk ; Kohajda, Michael (referee) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
- PROTECTION OF INVESTORS IN THE CAPITAL MARKETS The purpose of the work is to describe about the protection of investors in the capital markets and create work that outlining to the general and professional public the possibility of obtaining damages for the infringements of the law. The work is focused on the most common unfair practices in the capital markets. Author of the work describes the issue of churning, which is the most common violations of the law and causing considerable financial losses to the investors. The work is analyzing the particular responsibility of the securities trader and investor intermediary. The work is focusing on the most common malpractice and violations of the law. The main part of the work is an overview of the administrative punishments by Czech National Bank. Work is also analyzing the judicial decisions for the purpose of the work. Finally, the author is focused on the issuer's liability for the breach of information duties.
Contractual fine
Vernerová, Martina ; Švestka, Jiří (advisor) ; Salač, Josef (referee)
A Contractual fine Keywords Contractual fine, damages Summary The aim of this Master's degree thesis is to analyze the usage of contractual fine in civil-law relations. This essentially very useful institute is used in almost every possible contract although often without proper knowledge or sometimes even without good intention. The main goal of this study therefore may be simply to provide parts of the contract with a guide called "How to arrange (not)valid contractual fine". The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the contractual fine. Chapter One searches for the best available definition of contractual fine both in specialized literature and in injudicial sources and points out differences in point of view of the authors. Chapter Two deals with the purpose of contractual fine and hierarchy of its functions in order to provide deeper understanding of situations suitable for arranging a contractual fine. Chapter Three focuses on the basic characteristic of contractual fine mainly in contrast to the attributes of punitive interests which is the institute of some similar functions. The Chapter also examines the questions of concurrence of these important institutes. Chapter Four examines relevant legislation both in Civil and Commercial Code, explains the...
Damage to health: comparative study
Lachváčová, Zuzana ; Šustek, Petr (advisor) ; Salač, Josef (referee)
Damage to health: comparative study The final thesis deals with the issue of damage to health in the Czech, American and French legislation and case law. The work deals with individual claims arising from injuries and thesis describes the criteria and methods of compensation for these claims. The thesis is divided into three chapters, which are further divided into subsections and subchapters. The first half of the thesis describes the legislation of damage to health and personal injury in the Czech law. This part focuses on the conditions that must be met in order to create an obligation of compensation for personal injury. It also describes the damage to health and its partial claims which may be compensated and it describes the process of determining the amount of damages according to the Methodology of the Supreme Court. Final part of this chapter deals with damages to health caused by medical malpractice. The second half of the thesis is divided into two parts, the first part deals with the US legislation of compensation for damage to health and the second part concentrates on the French legislation which deals with this institute. In the chapter devoted to American law, the work describes the different types of personal injury compensation, which developed in the United States. The thesis...
The relations within a group of companies with regard to the compensation of damage withit the group
Bednář, Marek ; Horáček, Vít (advisor) ; Černá, Stanislava (referee)
This thesis deals with the legal regulation of corporate group relations, especially compensation of harm resulting from a lawful act, compensation of economic loss and damages. These institutes are very often connected to other branches of law, which are above all insolvency law and financial law. Then they usually are connected to different areas of company law, for example piercing of the corporate veil, shadow director, wrongful trading and corporate governance. These other branches of law and other areas of company law are not corresponding to the topic of this thesis, so they will not be analyzed in this thesis. For more information about the above mentioned I refer to professional literature and journal articles. Next will be the analysis of the new commercial corporations bill in the light of the topic of this thesis, with the author's view on this bill. This bill was proposed to the government of the Czech Republic after a consultation on the draft bill in the year 2008, and the Government now is to discuss this bill. In the end there will be my own proposal on new changes of the corporate group regulation in the context of this thesis. In this thesis are used methods of analysis, ordinary and extraordinary law interpretation and in some cases comparative methods. So this thesis aims at the...

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