National Repository of Grey Literature 189 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Car Purchase and Related Tax Implications
Navrátil, Filip ; Posoldová, Kateřina (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the optimization of the tax base for legal entities, focused on acquisition methods and forms of depreciation of new vehicles. The first part covers the theoretical starting points and defines the structural elements of corporate income tax, defines the term property, including tax depreciation and methods of purchase. The second part contains an introduction to the company, calculations of loan and leasing offers, including their impact on cash flow. The last part contains a comprehensive comparison of possible forms of purchase and recommendations for entrepreneurs.
Depreciation as a tool for tax optimization
Trödlerová, Veronika ; Bělušová, Kristýna (referee) ; Kalová, Dagmar (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis is focused on optimization of corporate income tax by means of tax depreciation of assets. It first defines the theoretical bases by looking at accounting and tax rules, then analyses the assets of the selected company, including the analysis of depreciation groups. In the last part of the thesis, newly acquired assets are included, suitable depreciation methods are chosen and, at the same time, the economic impact of proposed solutions is assessed.
Analysis of fixed assets
This bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis of fixed assets, which is a key area of business activity, as it affects the long-term financial stability and overall performance of the company. The first part of this work deals with the characteristics of fixed assets within the framework of Czech legislation and methods of amortization. Furthermore, a different view of fixed assets is presented, according to international accounting standards IFRS. In the practical part, different methods of accounting depreciation are applied to the selected business entity, where a comparison is also made of the different burden of costs when using them. This difference is also analysed within selected financial ratio indicators and compared with the previous values. At the end of this work, based on the knowledge gained from the analysis of depreciation methods and the financial analysis of ratio indicators, the current situation of the selected business entity is evaluated. Recommendations are also provided, which could be used by selected business entities to form strategies regarding the management of fixed assets and to achieve long-term financial health.
Internal Accounting Directives for Corporations
Malhocká, Andrea ; Křížová, Zuzana (referee) ; Pěta, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis is aimed at creating an internal directive for long-term assets in a company ALBA – METAL, spol. s r. o. The first part is focused on defining the theory for internal directive, long-term assets, its valuation, inventory, depreciation, technical evaluation, registration of fixed assets and especially its accounting. The second part introduces the company, describes its functioning and a short financial analysis is performed. The last part deals with the proposal for a comprehensive intercompany directive focused on long-term assets.
Internal Accounting Directives for Corporations
Vašátková, Valérie ; Niesytová, Žaneta (referee) ; Pěta, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the internal guidelines of a limited liability company. The first part focuses on the theoretical basis of internal guidelines and the definition of fixed assets. The second part contains basic information about the company and analysis, the result of which the author took as the main criterion for the creation of internal guideline. The last part is devoted to the draft internal company directive, which is focused on fixed assets in the company.
Tax Optimization in Respect of Acquiring Cars by an Entrepreneur
Bičánová, Hana ; Smítalová, Marcela (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes a method of optimising the tax base for corporate subjects focused on the way of purchase and form of depreciation of new automobiles. The thesis describes the procedure for determining the tax base, calculations of individual depreciation and leasing benefits.
International Financial Reporting Standards versus Czech amendment to long-term assets
Pospíšilová, Iva ; Tomšíček, Jiří (referee) ; Fedorová, Anna (advisor)
The master´s thesis deals with long-term assets. It contains analysis of differences in appreciation of the long-term assets between czech accounting legislation and international accounting standards IFRS/IAS, and succesive application of ascertained differences into the corporate enterprise with the target to find out the impact on trading income.
Suggestions for Improvement in Long - Termed Material Property Economy
Skálová, Hana ; Malušek, Bohuslav (referee) ; Mikulec, Luděk (advisor)
This thesis is focused on analysis of production facilities utilization and maintenance in the company RAMET C.H.M. a.s. located in Kunovice. In this thesis, there is performed the analysis of present property condition, machinery and equipment used within radar antenna production. Within property maintenance, there are introduced planned and unplanned processes of servicing activities and machine and equipment repair. In a part of proposal for solution, there are recommended processes for keeping up production capabilities based on extensive analysis of size property influence on production volume. The method for reliability estimation of production chain is described for the antenna production, related to limiting production capability and costs to maintain service availability of production facilities.
Taxation of Individual Earning
Zajíčková, Anna ; Konečná, Ludmila (referee) ; Svirák, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis proposes a suitable method of acquisition and form of financing of long term tangible assets, from the perspective of optimizing the tax liability for the payment of natural person income tax. It contains a comparison of tax deductible expenses according to methods of acquisition of property. It shows Hints and Tips to reduce the tax liability on individual cases. Bachelor‘s thesis also respects the requirements of the natural person, whose optimal taxation is the subject of this thesis.
Evaluation of Internal Accounting Guidelines Village Heřmanice and Proposals to their Improvement
Jelínková, Markéta ; Beranová, Michaela (referee) ; Jakubcová, Marie (advisor)
The master‘s thesis is focused on the accounting for fixed assets of municipality. It defines the basic concepts necessary for understanding of this problem. In the first part, the methodology for recording fixed assets accounting and other financial operations associated with this property is presented. Attention is given to current methods of accounting for property that uses the entity. The thesis then identifies current state of accounting. It hopes to improve the quality adjustment and to update some internal guidelines.

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