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Vizualizace virtuálních objektů prostřednictvím rozšířené reality v Microsoft HoloLens
Zejda, Martin
This thesis focuses on the development of an application for interaction with virtual objects using augmented reality in Microsoft HoloLens glasses. The review discusses the design of the user interface in augmented reality, including methods of manipulation with virtual objects. Further, the thesis contains a detailed description of the development of augmented reality applications in the Unreal Engine 4 game engine and the connection of this engine with the Microsoft HoloLens glasses. The thesis also summarizes suitability of the game engine for the development of Microsoft HoloLens applications.
Vizitka firmy s rozšířenou realitou
Pavlík, Ondřej
The point of the bachelor thesis is to design a business card in accordance with the company's visual style. A QR code will be placed on the business card, which after scanning will display an augmented virtual reality in the web brows-er. The augmented reality will display a animation and a 3D model of the compa-ny's headquarters. Based on the selected criteria, appropriate tools for creating the graphic parts will be chosen. The result of this work will be a corporate busi-ness card that will meet all the requirements and needs of the company.
Mobilní aplikace s prvky rozšířené reality ve formě interaktivního průvodce
Kopřiva, Martin
The diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a mobile application with elements of augmented reality in the form of an interactive guide. Within the theoretical part, considerable space is devoted primary to the collection of information for the subsequent acquisition of knowledge in the areas of application development for Android OS focused on development architectures. In the next chapters of the theoretical part, it concerns two key areas, which are location services and augmented reality. This knowledge is then applied in the practical part, which deals with the definition of functional and non-functional requirements, design, and implementation of the proposed solution.
Využití rozšířené reality pro potřeby marketingu
Michna, Dennis
This Master’s Thesis aims to evaluate the current state of Augmented Reality in the context of the marketing industry and provide a recommendation for the utilization of this technology in an effective way. A theoretical part of this thesis contains a definition of the term Augmented Reality from a technical point of view, expanded by examples of use in many various sectors and their comparison. A practical part of this thesis focuses on the analysis of Czech marketing campaigns that contained elements of Augmented Reality in the past. Insights from this analysis were used in a project definition of a marketing application using Augmented Reality. The application was designed to simplify consumers‘ decision-making process in the selected consumer sector. Based on the research within the target group of consumers and calculated costs of developing such an application, the recommendation for selected subjects in the market was defined and provided.
Možnosti využití aditivní technologie pro výrobu orientačních bodů rozšířené reality
Veselý, Vojtěch
This work deals with the creation of augmented reality landmarks through additive production. It begins with an introduction to the issue and continues with a research sec-tion that describes the historical development of additive technologies, the process of 3D printing, used materials and methods, along with the current state and possibilities of use in the future. It also defines the concept of augmented reality, its history, distribution and the possibility of its perception by users, along with its use in the automotive industry, as well as the potential for the coming years. The research part also contains an evaluation of the connection between these two technologies. Then follows practical part, in which is the summary of my work - the possibilities of eliminating problems, the production process and tests of marker functionality, the devices used and the comparison of results are recorded. In the end, the whole work is evaluated.
Augmented reality glasses for industrial applications
Kadlček, Dominik
This thesis is focused on creating of augmented reality glasses to be used in industrial environment. The first part presents currently available augmented reality glasses, based on which a reference model of glasses is created. Depending on the reference model of the glasses, methodology of development such glasses is introduced. The implementation of the glasses part describes both hardware and software solutions and techniques, that together made the final glasses. The final part covers testing the glasses and possible further development of the glasses.
Shadow robot: manipulation of a robot model in augmented reality
Halenár, Timotej ; Bambušek, Daniel (referee) ; Materna, Zdeněk (advisor)
Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá manipuláciou s modelom robota v rozšírenej realite za využitia aplikácie pre tablet. Riešenie rozširuje možnosti interakcie v existujúcej aplikácii na vizuálne programovanie robotov -- AREditor. Užívateľ potrebuje pri programovaní v AREditore nastaviť pózu robota, aby mohol definovať body v priestore, na ktoré sa má robot dostať pri vykonávaní programu. Stávajúce riešenie v aplikácii umožňuje iba krokovať fyzického robota po malých inkrementoch pozdĺž osí, čo je nedostatočné pre väčšinu účelov. Hlavným cieľom práce je navrhnúť a implementovať systém, pomocou ktoréhu bude užívateľ schopný rýchlo a jednoducho nastaviť pózu modelu robota, ktorý je premietnutý na obrazovke cez skutočného robota. Užívateľ najskôr ľubovoľne nastaví pózu modelu robota, a následne pošle príkaz skutočnému robotovi, aby zvolenú pózu skopíroval. V riešení bolo využité 3D gizmo, ktorého polohu sleduje koncový bod robotického ramena. Gizmo je možné presúvať v priestore za využitia kamery tabletu a rozšírenej reality, a jeho pohyb je možné obmedziť na jednotlivé osi či roviny v priestore. Riešenie poskytuje možnosť ovládať citlivosť, s akou hýbeme bodom v priestore, možnosť zmeniť súradnicový systém, a samostatné ovládanie pre vzdialenosť gizma od tabletu. Vytvorené riešenie ponúka pohodlnejší spôsob, akým sa dá nastaviť poloha robota, a môže zefektívniť proces programovania.
Interaction with a Collaborative Robot using Augmented Reality
Zmrzlý, Daniel ; Milet, Tomáš (referee) ; Bambušek, Daniel (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the implementation of the possibility of interaction with a collaborative robot using Microsoft HoloLens 2 technology in an augmented reality environment. The work builds on the existing AREditor solution for tablet devices and adds the missing AREditor functionality to Microsoft HoloLens 2 glasses. Using these glasses and the ARCOR2 framework, it is possible to manipulate the physical robot and its model. In the initial phase of the implementation, several approaches were proposed for the user to interact with the robot, and then the solution with the most positive response was selected. The final solution succumbed to user experiments where participants evaluated the usability and compared the final solution of the two AREditors.
Evaluation of stress reaction to stimuli induced by virtual reality
Mang, Robert ; Králík, Martin (referee) ; Mézl, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the assessment of stress response to stimuli evoked in a virtual reality environment. In the theoretical part, it discusses the history of VR, the difference between VR and augmented reality (AR), VR hardware and its use in medicine. It also discusses in detail physiological parameters such as ECG, respiration, electrodermal activity and pressure plateau, which are very useful parameters in the assessment of stress responses. The results are supplemented by a questionnaire survey. The practical part proposes and describes the conduct of a research project to measure the stress response in a group of twenty volunteers. The data obtained are subsequently analyzed and statistically evaluated. Based on the discussion, the stress response is then confirmed for the parameters - heart rate and skin conductance level in the given phases. The results from the pressure platform are analyzed on only one sample participant. The STAI type questionnaire used did not show an increase in subjective stress.
Visualization Tool for a Drone Pilot in HoloLens Headset
Komárek, Jakub ; Beran, Vítězslav (referee) ; Bambušek, Daniel (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is the creation of a modern tool to facilitate the operation of drones, especially in professional sphere. The tool created by the author aims to facilitate the planning routine of the usual missions drones and help in its safe execution. The tool was also created with regard to the legislative restrictions on drone operations and contributes to their correct compliance. The author has addressed the issue with the help of a client-server application created in an augmented reality environment in HoloLens 2. The assistance in piloting is to be provided by a "heads up display" component that moves along with the drone and displays flight variables around it along with the video feed from the drone's camera. To facilitate mission planning, a 3D mini-map is implemented that provides information about the planned mission is projected onto the world around the pilot. The thesis is experimental in nature and has to determine the applicability of augmented reality in the professional operation of the drone. The results of the work are evaluated from data collected during extensive user testing, which included Comparison of the existing Litchi application with the developed application in the prepared test environment scenarios. The results showed that the interface is usable and can compete reasonably current conventional solutions. In some aspects the existing interface outperforms.

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