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The baptism as a rite of passage connected with the childbirth
MAYEROVÁ, Waltraud
The bachelor thesis focuses on rituals, especially baptism as a rite of passage. The first chapter deals with rituals in general, their meaning and divisions. Next part of the work is focused on baptism. In this chapter is presented the course of a child's baptism, next the history and meaning of baptism. In this part of the work are also mentioned the historical habits and traditions, which are connected with baptism in our culture. The main goal of this thesis is to provide an overview of baptism as a rite of passage of a newborn child. Baptism of a child is one of the most important rituals that is practiced in many Christian churches everywhere around the world. This ritual is a sign of the transition and the entry of a newborn child into the Christian community. It is a commitment for the family to raise a child in the faith.
The baptism as a rite of passage connected with the childbirth
The bachelor thesis focuses on rituals, especially baptism as a rite of passage. The first chapter deals with rituals in general, their meaning and divisions. Next, initiation rituals are described. In the next section, the liminal situations of a person from birth, adolescence to death are presented. A substantial part of the work is devoted to baptism. Here the thesis deals with. The main objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of baptism as a rite of passage in child birth. Baptism is one of the most important rituals that take place within many Christian churches around the world. This ritual symbolizes the transition and entry of a newborn child into the Christian community. Baptism symbolizes cleansing from sins and entering into the Christian community. The ritual includes ceremonies such as pouring or immersion in water, prayers, blessings, and receiving the child into the church. In addition to its religious significance, baptism also has a social dimension as it brings family, friends and community together. As a rite of passage at the birth of a child, baptism has both religious and social significance. This ritual symbolizes the acceptance of the child into the Christian community and the family's commitment to raise the child in the faith. At the same time, baptism is a celebratory event that brings joy and brings people together within the community.
Baptism as Rite of passage
The bachelor's thesis deals with baptism as a rite of passage. The theoretical part is divided into two main sections. The first section defines the ritual, its functions and species. It also characterizes a rite of passage and initiation rites. The second section deals with baptism. The thesis defines themeaning of baptism, its history, traditions, and brings the current form of baptism for children and the current form of baptism for adults. It describes in more detail why baptism belongs to the rites of passage. The practical part is based on research. It contains nine interviews with the respondents. The main goal of the research is to find out whether people consider baptism as a rite of passage, or whether they see baptism as a ceremony associated with the marginal life situation of the birth of a child.
The sacraments as life milestones
JAROŠOVÁ, Magdaléna Lucie
This bachelors's thesis deals with the significance of sacraments as milestones in human's life. It describes the birth and beginning of life, including the Christian life as well as the development of baptism from times when this phenomenon was connected only with adults to today when mostly children are being baptized. This is followed by a chapter on the significance of ritualization life milestones in present days. The last chapter presents conducted research attempting to answer the question: "What leads people in a secularized society to demand the accompaniment of the church in the rituals associated with Christian life?"
Initiation sacraments in canonical and liturgical law
The Church sanctifies the world primarily by celebrating the liturgy and administering the sacraments. In the Catholic Church, we distinguish seven sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ. The thesis discusses the so-called initiation sacraments, baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. Their acceptance is required in the case of repeated reception of the Eucharist for full initiation into the Christian life. The most sublime Eucharist is the source and at the same time the peak of all our actions. The thesis refers to both the biblical/historical roots and particularly to the current canonical and liturgical practice of administering initiation sacraments from the point of view of the canon law of the Latin Church (CIC/1983), the canon law of the churches of the Eastern Rite sui iuris (CCEO), official liturgical books (e.g., General Instruction of the Roman Missal) and other documents of the magisterium and relevant church authority concerning the liturgy.
Pastoral meeting with parents requesting the baptism of a child based on documents of the Magisterium for the Pastoral of Sacraments in the precinct Kolín
Červený, Martin ; Přibyl, Stanislav (advisor) ; Zimmermannová, Marie (referee)
The theses deals with the theme of pastoral meeting with parents requesting the baptism of a child, based on documents of the Magisterium for the Pastoral of Sacraments in the Vicariate of Kolín. The first part of the thesis deals with the most important documents of the Magisterium and the Pope Francis' speeches on the baptism of children. The aim of the second part of the theses is to investigate the state of putting the recommendations of the Magisterium's documents into practice in the Vicariate of Kolín. The research method is structured interview with the individual vicars of the vicariate. The data were classified into ten thematic areas. The final evaluation identifies the problems related to the implementation of the magisterium's documents into practice. The evaluation also proposes recommendations to address the problematic issues.
Birth of a Child - Rituals, Customs
Hokeová, Lucie ; Dvořáková, Markéta (advisor) ; Kubišová, Zuzana (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the birth of a child in the Czech family and society in the nineties of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The chapters and the subchapters are concerned with the periods connected with the birth of a child and are aimed at rituals, customs and activities connected with coming of a new life to the world. The thesis is divided into three main parts, pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal period. In the part Pregnancy we will look at how awaiting of a new life is reflected in the language, superstitions and various practices and what is necessary to do before the birth of a child, we will especially focus on the choice of a name and surname. In this part we can find the chapter on the preference for the sex of a child and on the values which the Czech society connects with a child. In the second part Childbirth we will look at the perception of childbirth as pain, at the course of childbirth and at the first things which are necessary to do after the birth of a child. The chapters on maternity, fatherhood and family were also put to this part since the birth of a child creates a new, lifelong relationship between a child and his/her parents. In the last part Post-natal period we will focus on creating of a social identity of a child,...
The Reform of Baptism in the Czech Lands from the 15th to 17th Century: An Analysis of Liturgical Texts
Chalupski, Michal ; Holeton, David Ralph (advisor) ; Landová, Tabita (referee)
This diploma thesis called "The Reform of Baptism in the Czech Lands from the 15th to 17th Century: An Analysis of Liturgical Texts" is focused on comparation of liturgical texts dealing with baptismal liturgy. The main objects of my interest are Agenda created in our territory from the 15th to 17th Century. In the first part of the thesis there is a short outline of baptismal's liturgy evolution from the New Testament period to the Martin Luther's reform. In the next part there are presented domestic Agenda containing baptismal forms which are the main subject of this thesis. These Agenda comes from Roman Catholic church, from Utraquist church, three Agenda represented the evangelical type and the last item describes the baptism in Unitas Fratrum during the period of Lukáš Pražský. This is list of the Agenda: Agenda Pragensis, the manuscript marked "Křižovníci XVIII G 21", Agenda správy a posluhování církevního na Horách Kutnách by Václav Štefan Teplický, Pravidlo služebností církevních by Tobiáš Závorka Lipenský and Zprávy kněžské by Lukáš Pražský. This thesis is focused on comparation of similarities and differencies in baptismal liturgy recorded in this Agenda and on the research of links between Agenda and the baptismal liturgical tradition which is described in the first chapter, with intention to...
Problem of Preparation for Baptism
Matějovská, Alžběta ; Filipi, Pavel (advisor) ; Landová, Tabita (referee)
This thesis is called "The Problems of the Preparation for a Baptism". It deals with the theme of the preparation for a baptism in current practical-theoretical circumstances. Its main purpose is to study the conceptions, the emphasis and the fundamental aspects of the preparation for a baptism of se-lected representatives of Cristian churches: the Latin Church, the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, and on the field of German Protestant churches. The work advances in five steps. At first the work deals with the question of a baptism, pre-baptismal prepa-ration and the baptism of children in the New Testament. Then it describes selected catechetical processes throughout history up to their extinction. In the third part it reflexes the procedures of the particular reformation movements. The fourth part of the work deals with concrete selected churches and their approach to the preparation for a baptism that are at first conceived from a the-oretical point. Later it is based on concrete authors and their rendition of the preparations for a baptism. In the fifth part there is a conclusion of those par- ticular preparations, their basic aspects and their classification into several thematic areas. Powered by TCPDF (
Children at the Lord's Supper. Theological considerations and current practice in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
Bánoci, Martin ; Landová, Tabita (advisor) ; Beneš, Ladislav (referee)
Celebration of the Lord's Supper with children. Theological assumptions and current practice in Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. Summary This thesis researches the presence and participation of children at the Lord's Supper. The main aim of the thesis was to research whether also today it is possible to find understanding for the reception of children around the Lord's Table in Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. First of all it was the issue, whether the participation of children at the Lord's Supper is sufficiently accepted in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. The first part is focused on the historical and theological background of the Lord's Supper, on the practice in the Old Testament and Apostolic times. This chapter deals with the question: What is the Lord's Supper and what is its meaning? The second part is devoted to the issue of children and their participation in the Lord's Supper. It focuses on the period from the Early Church through the Middle Ages to the Czech and World Reformation. Different views of churches in the Czech Republic are described in the third part of the thesis. I focus here mainly on their current practice. The fourth part together with the annex contains questionnaire survey, statistical and practical data. This chapter contains the hypothesis and their...

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