National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Biosynthesis of polyhyroxyalkanoates in non-suflur purple bacteria
Fiala, Tomáš ; Vodička, Juraj (referee) ; Obruča, Stanislav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and their production using non-sulfur purple bacteria, specifically Rhodospirillum rubrum. The cultivation conditions were optimized especially with respect to the determination of NaCl concentrations for the following evolution experiments. Then this microorganism was repeatedly cultured at a high concentration of NaCl (40 g/L). Passage system was used in this cultivation with 48 h between inoculations under aerobic conditions in the dark. In the samples cultivated in this way, the growth rate was investigated using optical density and the amount of biomass and PHA using gas chromatography with an FID detector. As the last experiment PCR analysis was performed to test the 16S rRNA and phaC genes. The conclusion of the work is the successful adaptation of R. rubrum to a concentration of 40 g/l NaCl. Furthermore, the positive effect of stress stimulus on the increased PHA production was proven.
Comparison of the microbial composition of English Blue Stilton cheese with related cheeses
Druláková, Tereza ; Vodička, Juraj (referee) ; Brázda, Václav (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis focuses on the comparison of English blue-veined cheese Blue Stilton with commonly available cheeses of the same type, Roquefort and Niva, in terms of microbial composition, aromatic volatile content and also by sensory analysis. These methods distinguish the expensive Blue Stilton cheese from common and cheaper cheeses of the same type in the Czech Republic. The presence of 15 selected species of microorganisms was determined by RT-PCR. Three of them proved to be specific for Blue Stilton, specifically bacteria Brevibacterium linens and the yeasts Geotrichum candidum and Kluyveromyces lactis. Aromatic volatile compounds were determined by HS-SPME-GC-MS. Heptan-2-one, nonan-2-one, non-8-en-2-one and hexanoic and octanoic acids were the most important substances contributing to the aromatic profile of all cheeses. The cheeses can be distinguished according to the content of these substances in their aromatic profile or according to the amount of these substances in the individual samples. The sensory evaluation revealed that in most parameters like appearance, consistency and taste, Niva cheese was the most acceptable for Czech consumers while Blue Stilton was the most popular in the aroma category. On the basis of the obtained data, we are able to distinguish English Blue Stilton from other blue-veined cheeses according to specific microorganisms and the unique aromatic profile.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates as metabolites of prokaryotic microorganisms adapted to extreme conditions
Vodička, Juraj ; Slaninová, Eva (referee) ; Obruča, Stanislav (advisor)
The objective of this work is a study of polyhydroxyalkanoates as bacterial carbon and energy storage forms, which are produced intracellularly. The theoretical part of the study is focused on physical properties of PHA, their biotechnological production and degradation. The experimental part deals with production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by halophile bacterium Halomonas organivorans using several different carbon substrates. Firstly, the gene encoding for PHA-synthase, phaC, was successfully amplified and detected. Extracellular lipolytical activity was also proved. Secondly, the most appropriate substrate for bacterial growth and PHA production were found to be hydrocarbons, especially galactose and mannose. Due to these results, it is highly desirable to use coffee grounds for the biotechnological production of PHB, as galactomannan-rich waste. On the other hand, lactose and xylose have shown to be unsuitable carbon sources. For that reason, waste whey and lignocellulosic materials rich for pentoses are inconvenient substrates for the intended purpose. There is a potential use of waste molasses because of good results of sucrose at contrast. By the cultivation on kitchen waste and waste glycerol were the growth slow and the production of PHA reduced significantly. The optimal salt concentration for bacterial growth and PHA production were discovered as 60 grams per litre. Addition of several precursors of 3-hydroxyvalerate after 24 hours of cultivation have not induced the copolymer P(3HB-co-3HV) formation. Even though these precursors have inhibited the bacterial growth, the significant increase of the PHB percent contend was observed. In general, the yield of the production has been considerable, it should be noted than almost in each successful cultivation the PHA content in bacterial cells exceeded 50 weight %. With a respect to results, more experiments for full evaluation of H. organivorans as a potential biotechnological PHA producing bacteria are regarded.
Biodegradation of bioplasts in compost environment
Vodička, Juraj ; Kovalčík, Adriána (referee) ; Obruča, Stanislav (advisor)
This master’s thesis focuses on biodegradation of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polylactic acid (PLA). The theoretical part discusses an origin, properties and applications of investigated biopolyesters, and so the enzymology of their biodegradation. The experimental part deals with biodegradation of these polymers in liquid medium using several pure thermophilic bacteial strains and controlled composting of these bioplastics. Amongst six tested thermophilic bacterial strains only one showed PHB-biodegradation activity – strain Schlegelella thermodepolymerans. No degradation degree of amorphous or semi-crystalline PLA was observed. Mainly disintegration of both forms of PLA articles was observed in compost environment, thus the abiotic mechanism of its decomposition was indicated. After 4 weeks of composting, the relative weight loss of 99 % and 63 % was detected in amorphous and semi-crystalline PLA respectively. On the contrary, the weight loss of PHB after 4 weeks of composting reached 36 %, moreover, a half decrease of molar mass was observed using SEC. The surface erosive mechanism of PHB-biodegradation was stated using SEM. By monitoring of esterase, lipase and protease activities, no influence on the compost by polymer presence was concluded at statistical significance.
Study on metabolism of polyhydroxyalkanoates in Rhodospirillum rubrum
Rubanová, Blanka ; Vodička, Juraj (referee) ; Slaninová, Eva (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the study of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) metabolism in Rhodospirillum rubrum under different cultivation conditions. The conditions differed in the aeration rate (aerobic, anaerobic, microaerobic) and in the presence of a light source (light cultivation, dark cultivation). First, different volumes of medium were suggested and tested for the fastest and the most suitable inoculum cultivation. Subsequently, cultures of Rhodospirillum rubrum under different conditions in terms of PHA content were compared by gas chromatography. In addition to gas chromatography, other complementary methods were used for better characterization of bacterial growth and metabolism, such as flow cytometry, UV-VIS spectroscopy (transmission and diffusion transmission modes). Fluorescence microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy were used in terms of cell morphology. Furthermore, the ability of bacteria to synthesize color pigments (carotenoids and bacteriochlorophyll a) was investigated. The bacteria were cultivated on different types of media (liquid, solid), the color pigments were subsequently extracted, and their concentrations were calculated. UV-VIS spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were also used to measure color pigments.
In-situ analysis of photosynthetic pigments in bacterial cells
Janošec, Juraj ; Vodička, Juraj (referee) ; Slaninová, Eva (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and characterization of an appropriate combination of methods for the analysis of photosynthetic pigments in a model organism that produces such pigments. Specifically, the microorganism Rhodospirillum rubrum was investigated, which, in addition to photosynthetic pigments, also produces significant products such as potential plastic substitutes called polyhydroxyalkanoates. Structural and quantitative composition of the pigments was analyzed under different cultivation conditions with respect to light conditions. The methods used included spectroscopic techniques, particularly UV-VIS spectroscopy. Specifically, single-beam and double-beam UV-VIS spectroscopy in transmission and diffuse transmission modes, as well as fluorescence spectroscopy, were employed. These methods confirmed the presence of bacteriochlorophyll and several carotenoids, with the highest representation being of spirilloxanthin.
Study on the relation between G-quadruplexes and p53-driven regulation
Holotová, Paulína ; Vodička, Juraj (referee) ; Brázda, Václav (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá úlohou štruktúr G-kvadruplexov, ich stabilizáciou pomocou ligandov a úlohou p53 v regulácii transkripcie. G-kvadruplex je typ sekundárnej štruktúry nukleovej kyseliny zloženej z 2 – 4 tetrád. Každá tetráda je tvorená štyrmi guanínmi spojenými prostredníctvom Hoogstenovho párovania báz. Táto práca pozostáva z teoretickej a experimentálnej časti. V teoretickej časti bola opísaná podstata G-kvadruplexových štruktúr a ich potenciál pri liečbe rakoviny, úloha p53 v bunkovom cykle a jeho regulácia a ligandy kurkumín a TMPyP4 použité na stabilizáciu G4. V experimentálnej časti sa študovali interakcie ligandov kurkumínu a TMPyP4 so štruktúrami nukleových kyselín. Reportérové kmene kvasiniek obsahujúce PUMA, KSHV aich kombinácie boli transformované plazmidmi kódujúcimi iba selekčné markery a plazmidmi kódujúcimi divokú formu génu pre proteín p53. V teste životaschopnosti, optimálna koncentrácia ligandov (kurkumínu a TMPyP4) bola stanovená pre reportérový kmeň PUMA, ktorá sa ďalej použila v Luciferázovom teste. Test vytesnenia fluorescenčného indikátora s tioflavínom T ako fluorescenčným farbivom dokázal interakciu medzi oligonukleotidmi tvoriacimi G4 a kurkumínom a TMPyP4. Luciferázový test sa použil na vyhodnotenie interakcie medzi transformovanými reportérovými kmeňmi kvasiniek a oboma ligandmi. Výsledky po 24 hodinách ukázali štatistickú významnosť pre každý kmeň v rovnakom prostredí, pričom kmeň PUMA vykazoval najvyššiu transaktivačnú aktivitu - insert PUMA je cieľovým génom pre p53. Kmene s PUMA aj KSHV vykazovali významne nižšiu transaktivačnú aktivitu, keďže prítomné ligandy mohli stabilizovať štruktúru G4 prítomnú v KSHV, a tým znížiť transkripciu. Prítomnosť G4 v sekvencii KSHV sa potvrdila aj pomocou programu G4Hunter, pričom G4Skóre bolo 3,182. Transaktivácia bola výrazne nižšia aj v kmeňoch PUMA prítomných v prostredí kurkumínu a TMPyP4, aj napriek tomu, že táto sekvencia netvorí G4, čo potvrdil aj program G4Hunter. To naznačuje, že študované ligandy kurkumín a TMPyP4 môžu regulovať metabolizmus buniek iným spôsobom, ako sa doteraz predpokladalo.
Study on metabolism of polyhydroxyalkanoates in Rhodospirillum rubrum
Rubanová, Blanka ; Vodička, Juraj (referee) ; Slaninová, Eva (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the study of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) metabolism in Rhodospirillum rubrum under different cultivation conditions. The conditions differed in the aeration rate (aerobic, anaerobic, microaerobic) and in the presence of a light source (light cultivation, dark cultivation). First, different volumes of medium were suggested and tested for the fastest and the most suitable inoculum cultivation. Subsequently, cultures of Rhodospirillum rubrum under different conditions in terms of PHA content were compared by gas chromatography. In addition to gas chromatography, other complementary methods were used for better characterization of bacterial growth and metabolism, such as flow cytometry, UV-VIS spectroscopy (transmission and diffusion transmission modes). Fluorescence microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy were used in terms of cell morphology. Furthermore, the ability of bacteria to synthesize color pigments (carotenoids and bacteriochlorophyll a) was investigated. The bacteria were cultivated on different types of media (liquid, solid), the color pigments were subsequently extracted, and their concentrations were calculated. UV-VIS spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were also used to measure color pigments.
Biodegradation of bioplasts in compost environment
Vodička, Juraj ; Kovalčík, Adriána (referee) ; Obruča, Stanislav (advisor)
This master’s thesis focuses on biodegradation of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polylactic acid (PLA). The theoretical part discusses an origin, properties and applications of investigated biopolyesters, and so the enzymology of their biodegradation. The experimental part deals with biodegradation of these polymers in liquid medium using several pure thermophilic bacteial strains and controlled composting of these bioplastics. Amongst six tested thermophilic bacterial strains only one showed PHB-biodegradation activity – strain Schlegelella thermodepolymerans. No degradation degree of amorphous or semi-crystalline PLA was observed. Mainly disintegration of both forms of PLA articles was observed in compost environment, thus the abiotic mechanism of its decomposition was indicated. After 4 weeks of composting, the relative weight loss of 99 % and 63 % was detected in amorphous and semi-crystalline PLA respectively. On the contrary, the weight loss of PHB after 4 weeks of composting reached 36 %, moreover, a half decrease of molar mass was observed using SEC. The surface erosive mechanism of PHB-biodegradation was stated using SEM. By monitoring of esterase, lipase and protease activities, no influence on the compost by polymer presence was concluded at statistical significance.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates as metabolites of prokaryotic microorganisms adapted to extreme conditions
Vodička, Juraj ; Slaninová, Eva (referee) ; Obruča, Stanislav (advisor)
The objective of this work is a study of polyhydroxyalkanoates as bacterial carbon and energy storage forms, which are produced intracellularly. The theoretical part of the study is focused on physical properties of PHA, their biotechnological production and degradation. The experimental part deals with production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by halophile bacterium Halomonas organivorans using several different carbon substrates. Firstly, the gene encoding for PHA-synthase, phaC, was successfully amplified and detected. Extracellular lipolytical activity was also proved. Secondly, the most appropriate substrate for bacterial growth and PHA production were found to be hydrocarbons, especially galactose and mannose. Due to these results, it is highly desirable to use coffee grounds for the biotechnological production of PHB, as galactomannan-rich waste. On the other hand, lactose and xylose have shown to be unsuitable carbon sources. For that reason, waste whey and lignocellulosic materials rich for pentoses are inconvenient substrates for the intended purpose. There is a potential use of waste molasses because of good results of sucrose at contrast. By the cultivation on kitchen waste and waste glycerol were the growth slow and the production of PHA reduced significantly. The optimal salt concentration for bacterial growth and PHA production were discovered as 60 grams per litre. Addition of several precursors of 3-hydroxyvalerate after 24 hours of cultivation have not induced the copolymer P(3HB-co-3HV) formation. Even though these precursors have inhibited the bacterial growth, the significant increase of the PHB percent contend was observed. In general, the yield of the production has been considerable, it should be noted than almost in each successful cultivation the PHA content in bacterial cells exceeded 50 weight %. With a respect to results, more experiments for full evaluation of H. organivorans as a potential biotechnological PHA producing bacteria are regarded.

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