National Repository of Grey Literature 130 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Public point of view at sexual education in the Czech Republic
Netolická, Karolína ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Šimonová, Daniela (referee)
The bachelor's thesis titled "Public point of view at sexual education in the Czech Republic" focuses on assessing the implementation of sexual education in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, I first provide an overview of specialized terminology and then focus on sexual education itself. I discuss the historical development of sexual education and its individual components. I then shift my focus to the current situation of sexual education in the Czech Republic, including the recommendations for education according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MŠMT). My thesis addresses not only sexual education in schools but also within families and through external organizations. The research part analyses an anonymous non-standardized questionnaire, which received responses from 510 respondents in total. I set five specific research goals: to determine whether sexual education is considered important from the public's perspective, to find out the public's experience with sexual education in elementary schools, whether it was implemented, and whether it was sufficient. Additionally, my aim was to find out who should primarily conduct sexual education and how it should be...
The perioperative nursing care for the patients during the gynecologic surgery in the lithotomy position
Šebestová, Jana ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Hocková, Jana (referee)
The topic of the work is nursing perioperative care of a patient who underwent a vaginal hysterectomy and vaginal plastic surgery for prolapse of the uterus in a lithotomy position at our workplace. Prevention of pressure injuries related to immobilization during the surgery is a fundamental nursing task of perioperative nurses. Small workplaces are not always adequately equipped. Lithotomy position is associated with a number of serious complications. Although the observed complications are rare and occur in surgical procedures longer than three hours, each operation can be complicated for many reasons and the operating time can be multiplied. Then, insufficient equipment and thus failure to provide adequate prevention can lead to, for example, pressure ulcers, peripheral neuropathy, compartment syndrome and damage to the patient. The main goal of the work was to use literature to present recommended evidence-based nursing procedures that ensure patient safety in the operating room when positioning for surgery and help to prevent pressure injuries. For my thesis I chose a case study, prepared according to the model of Marjory Gordon, and introduced nursing care throughout the hospitalization with a special focus on the perioperative period. I sought information for the elaboration of the...
Prenatal yoga and childbirth
Slabochová, Barbora ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Syrová, Hana (referee)
The purpose of the bachelor thesis entitled "Gravid Yoga and Childbirth." is to evaluate the benefits of gravid yoga on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The thesis has a theoretical part where I first discuss the physical activity as such and why it is important for us. We will talk about yoga as a whole. I also mention the different styles of yoga and what is characteristic for them, as the research part deals with the styles of yoga in women practitioners. I then discuss trimester by trimester with individual recommendations and contraindications within pregnancy. I also discuss basic breathing and relaxation techniques that can be beneficial in preparation for birth as well as in the birth itself. The research portion then focuses directly on an anonymous questionnaire where I collect data from 103 women practicing gravid yoga. For my research, I set myself a total of 5 objectives, namely to find out whether pregnant women think yoga has an impact on their fitness during pregnancy and on the course of labour. Also to find out whether women think yoga has an effect on back and lower back pain. The third aim is to find out how many women practiced yoga before pregnancy. The penultimate and fourth objective of my research is about the reason for starting gravid yoga. And the last objective...
The rate of stress load on standard nursing wards and intensiv care units.
Brzicová, Věra ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Ptáček, Radek (referee)
This thesis deals with the stress, strain and stress level of stress. It examines what more burdens on JIPu sisters and what the standard department, what are the specifics of their work. Compares the work load and nursing department and the standard JIPu. It looks at how the situation affects of stress nurses. It outlines the causes and manifestations of stress effects on the human organism. He is also the burnout that often occurs among workers in the helping professions. The thesis is focused on the shift operation (especially on night shift), relationships at work (sister-sister, sister-doctor), the aggressive behavior of patients, or the lack of sufficient time for patient care. Research method is a questionnaire distributed to the nurses and the internal standard surgical wards and ICU. The evaluation questions of the questionnaire confirms or overthrows the hypothesis that I set at the beginning of research. The hypotheses were confirmed hypotheses 2 and 5 of the hypothesis was not confirmed. It was confirmed that the exchange operation and overload nurses, patient aggression, care of confused patients and bad interpersonal relations a high burden on medical personnel and contributes significantly to the stress load of nurses. In conclusion, I mention that a large role in preventing and...
Planned parenthood of women in reproductive age
Ikramova, Sitora ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Kocurová, Jana (referee)
The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The corresponding chapters of theoretical part are focused on the anatomy of the genital tract of women, the menstrual cycle, fertility and fertile age. Then follows discourse on family planning methods from different points of view (public health, social service, economy and low). Next chapter concentrates on modern contraceptive methods, compares each of them and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of parethood planning methods. The empirical part consists of quantitative research based on a questionnaire survey which was carried out among women of fertile age. The researched group consists of 106 respondents. The main aim of the thesis is to determine whether women in the CR planning their parenthood. The results of the research are showing that more than 77 % of women in reproductive age are planning their parenthood and relatively well can prevent unwanted pregnancies using various contraceptive methods. More than 50 % of investigated respondents prefer method of hormonal contraception. The results of the research are represented by tables and graphs. Keywords: Fertile age, positive planning of parenthood, assisted reproduction, negative planning of parenthood, contraception, abortion, healthy lifestyle
Motivating patients to change their lifestyle after hospitalization at intensive care unit for pancreatitis attack
Sukovičová, Markéta ; Srpová, Daniela (advisor) ; Kulhavá, Miluše (referee)
MOTIVATING PATIENTS TO CHANGE THEIR LIFESTYLE AFTER HOSPITALIZATION AT INTENSIVE CARE UNIT FOR PANCREATITIS ATTACK Introduction: This diploma thesis focuses on the motivation of patients to change their lifestyle choices and habits after they suffered an acute pancreatitis. The aim: The aim of this thesis was to analyse the barriers and motivators to change their lifesyle patients after they suffer an acute pancreatitis. Methods: The research group of this qualitative study consisted of twenty probands (seven male and thirteen female) aged 45,15 ± 12,41. The analysis of ascpects motivating them to change their lifestyle after an acute pancreatitis was conducted right before they were released from intensive care in a faculty hospital in Prague into aftercare at their homes. The analysis was conducted through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were recorded with the patient's permission in order to be transcribed and analyzed later on. Results: The main barriers to lifestyle change after pancreatitis attack are fear of the future, feeling guilty, seducing guilt on others, feeling sick, loneliness and separation, emotional inertia towards loved ones; feel overworked, constant rush, lack of time for yourself and for other family members, fear of reintegration into society; bad eating habits...
Education of patients with left ventricular assist device HeartMateII
Brejchová, Eliška ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Sentivanová, Lenka (referee)
The thesis discusses the education of patients with left ventricular support HeartMate II. Theoretical part is focused on education and its ethical and legal aspects, on the description of the educational process. Furthermore it focuses on heart supports, especially on left ventricular assist device HeartMate II. To provide a comprehensive overview, I have included also information about the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and the section on heart failure. I described the specifics of nursing care for patients with implanted HeartMate II system and the educational topics that should be part of the education of these patients. The empirical part was prepared as a quantitative research, where research sample was 47 respondents. Respondents consisted of nurses who educate patients after implantation of the HeartMate II at the cardiovascular surgical intensive care unit. To create the feedback I complemented a quantitative research with structured interviews with patients after implantation of the HeartMate II. The aim of the research was to determine the status and range of education of patients with left ventricular assist device HeartMate II. This thesis further maps the topics on which is placed the emphasis in education and vice versa topics that would need to focus more on....
Use of Nutrition Supplements for the Elderly
Tenglerová, Dana ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Podaná, Jana (referee)
The primary goal of my thesis was to describe the use of food supplements by seniors. Most seniors use medications prescribed by physicians and some of them also use over-the-counter food supplements that are more easily accessible. Seniors, in particular, are susceptible to considering food supplements to be as efficient as medications under the incessant influence of massive advertising on TV and other media, and many of them are willing to spend considerable amounts from their income on such preparations. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I define the term 'senior', describe the traits of ageing, and focus on the topic of nutrition in this age group. Then I focus on food supplements in general and their distinction from medications. The end of the theoretical part is focused on advertising and its impact on seniors. In the research part, which was prepared by means of a quantitative research, I examine the use of food supplements among seniors aged over 65, hospitalised at the Slaný Hospital. A total of 100 respondents were addressed, and 95 questionnaires were used at the end. The research shows that 60 % of the respondents use food supplements regularly or occasionally. One of the sub-goals of the thesis was determining the financial burden for seniors in purchasing the preparations....

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