National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Alternative pedagogical trends in chemistry education in Czech Republic
Dalíková, Martina ; Čtrnáctová, Hana (advisor) ; Janoušková, Svatava (referee)
The bachelor's dissertation named Alternative pedagogical way in education of chemistry aims to give an overview on alternative schools widespread in the Czech Republic. The work deals with a description and characteristics of chosen types of alternative schools and their methods which are used in education. The aim of the thesis itself is to provide an overall survey of the existing alternative methods of education and show their use in education of chemistry.
Utilization of cytogenetic methods in taxonomy of Polyneoptera insects
Břečková, Jana ; Šťáhlavský, František (advisor) ; Dalíková, Martina (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on a use of cytogenetic methods in the taxonomy of Polyneoptera insects. To answer this question, it is necessary to analyse all available data on inter- and intraspecific variability of karyotypes in individual insect groups. In the introduction of this thesis, cytogenetic methods used in polyneopterous insects are described. These methods are used to collect information on diploid number of chromosomes, chromosome morphology and sex-determination system. The main part of the thesis focuses on a description of karyotype variability and on a possibility to use this information for taxonomic purposes in individual insect groups. Key words: Polyneoptera insects, cytogenetic methods, karyotypes, taxonomy, chromosomes, sex-determination
Evolutionary dynamics of rDNA clusters in arthropods with holocentric chromosomes
Tymich, Alexandr ; Šťáhlavský, František (advisor) ; Dalíková, Martina (referee)
Nowadays, rDNA clusters displayed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) are one of the standard cytogenetic markers used to identify chromosome homology, allowing the determination of mechanisms and possible rate of rearrangements during karyotypic evolution of the studied groups. This bachelor thesis presents a review of the variability of rDNA clusters in arthropods with holocentric chromosomes. Most of the groups studied so far (Odonata, Psocoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Buthidae and the genus Rhipicephalus) show a conservative number and position of rDNA clusters. However, this fact may be due to the limited amount of data available. Nowadays, best studied is order Lepidoptera, in which a relatively large variability in the number and position of rDNA clusters has been found. This is probably due to chromosome fusion/cleavage, chromosome rearrangements, or transposition of rDNA clusters. Key words: rDNA clusters, holocentric chromosomes, fluorescence in situ hybridization, arthropods, evolutionary dynamics, NOR
CpSAT-1, a transcribed satellite sequence from the codling moth,\kur{Cydia pomonella\kur{}}
Satellite DNA represents one of the major components of repetitive genome components. Recent research is bringing more and more evidence about importance of this type of DNA, which can play both structural and functional roles in eukaryotic genomes. In this study, we described newly discovered satellite DNA in Cydia pomonella, CpSAT-1. Although this satDNA can be found in all chromosomes, it is surprisingly underrepresented on the W chromosome, the only heterochromatin block in Cydia pomonella genome. The CpSAT-1 is transcribed in all tested developmental stages and tissues. However, the potentially functional motives were found predominantly in non-conserved parts of monomer sequence. Thus the function of this new satellite DNA remains unknown.
Student's knowledge of selected secondary schools in the field of child maltreatment
Dalíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Váchová, Alena (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to find out student's knowledges at the second level of primary scools in the field of child maltreatment. Research has been conducted using questionnaire investigation, which received pupils of the two selected primary schools. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. Theoretical part of this dissertation engages in physical child maltreatment and psychic child maltreatment. It also deals with definition of physical punishment and a description of the boundaries between physical punishment and physical maltreatment. The thesis engages in risk factors for the emergence of abuse from the side of the parents, from the side of children and the environment. It deals informations about behavior of the victim of maltreatment and consequences of abuse. One part of the teoretical part describes legal standards concern of child maltreatment and this section also includes a description of selected organizations dealing with the issue of the cruelty to child. The practical part deals with the verification of student's knowledge of selected secondary schools in the field of child maltreatment. The results of the survey are presented in tables and charts. According to a acquired answers can be said, that there are huge differences in between knowledges of pupils...
Molecular composition and ultrastructure of holokinetic chromosomes
Šejgunovová, Nikola ; Král, Jiří (advisor) ; Dalíková, Martina (referee)
Holokinetic chromosomes are a specific type of chromosomes which differentiate from standard (monocentric) chromosomes especially by a diffuse form of domain which binds microtubules (holocentromere). It is related to changes on an ultrastructural and molecular level. These changes are shown in modifications in mitotic and meiotic division and in evolution of karyotypes. Holokinetic chromosomes don't have a primary constriction with a localized centromere and therefore neither an inner centromere domain which would connect sister chromatids. Kinetochore structure of holokinetic chromosomes seems to be simpler than kinetochore structure of monocentric chromosomes. Kinetochore covers most of the surface of mitotic chromosomes. There have been described several variants of meiosis of holokinetic chromosomes which differentiate by position of kinetochore on chromosomes. On a molecular level holokinetic chromosomes differentiate from monocentric chromosomes by a distribution of proteins of a centromere-kinetochore complex, which cover most of the surfaces of mitotic and meiotic chromosomes. This applies, for example, to centromeric histone H3 (CENH3), whose amount and distribution changes during interphase and nuclear division, which is unique in comparison to monocentric chromosomes. The distribution...
Mechanisms of molecular differentiation of sex chromosomes in Lepidoptera and their evolution
Sex chromosomes represent a unique part of the genome in many eukaryotic organisms. They differ significantly from autosomes by their evolution, specific features, and meiotic behaviour. Recent advances in the knowledge of sex chromosomes in non-model organisms have been largely enabled by modern cytogenetic methods. The present study explores several topics related to sex chromosomes in Lepidoptera, the largest group of animals with female heterogamety, using methods of molecular cytogenetics, immunocytogenetics, and molecular biology. These topics include physical mapping of chromosomes by BAC-FISH, molecular differentiation and composition of the W chromosome, differences in the evolution of the W and Z chromosome, and meiotic sex chromosome inactivation. The results obtained brought new information not only about the W and Z chromosomes in Lepidoptera, but also about the evolution and specific features of sex chromosomes in general.
Alternative pedagogical trends in chemistry education in Czech Republic
Dalíková, Martina ; Čtrnáctová, Hana (advisor) ; Janoušková, Svatava (referee)
The bachelor's dissertation named Alternative pedagogical way in education of chemistry aims to give an overview on alternative schools widespread in the Czech Republic. The work deals with a description and characteristics of chosen types of alternative schools and their methods which are used in education. The aim of the thesis itself is to provide an overall survey of the existing alternative methods of education and show their use in education of chemistry.
BAC clones as a tool for the study of codling moth \kur{Cydia pomonella} (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) W chromosome
In the present study, the W sex-chromosome of the codling moth was studied by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes prepared from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), which were isolated from the codling moth BAC library. The BAC library was screened for clones derived from both the W and Z sex chromosomes using three sets of molecular markers of codling moth sex chromosomes. A total of 54 BAC clones have been obtained. In this work, only 3 W-derived BAC clones and 1 Z-derived BAC clone were further characterized by BAC-FISH mapping on chromosome preparations of pachytene oocytes; the other BAC clones have been retained for next studies. Whereas the Z-BAC probe provided a discrete hybridization signal on the Z chromosome, and surprisingly on the W chromosome, the W-BAC probes showed multiple hybridization signals distributed on the whole W chromosome, suggesting that they are mainly composed of repetitive sequences, which occur in multiple clusters on the W chromosome. The specific pattern of W-BAC hybridization signals along with the discrete signal of the Z-BAC enabled us to discriminate left/right orientation of both the W and Z chromosomes and examine specificity of W-Z pairing during meiotic prophase I.

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