National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Austrian Studies in teaching German.
This diploma thesis deals with the Austrian studies in teaching German. It is divided into few thematic parts. The first part is devoted to the theoretical foundations of country studies in teaching foreign language. After that follow the individual chapters, that deal with the informations about the country, inhibitants, political and educational system, the Austrian German etc. Behind each chapter follow the relevant exercises, questions and tasks.
Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity
Bartošová, Lucie ; Zemanová, Jana (advisor) ; Vysokajová, Margerita (referee)
Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity The main aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse key issues within the current welfare system for woman during pregnancy and maternity. This will then allow recommendations to improve Czech legislation. The reason of choosing this theme is my deep interest in this sphere. The thesis discusses a broad range of issues over eight chapters; each chapter examines different aspects of the issue. First Chapter simply defines basic terminology associated with the subject. Chapter Two deals with the history of women's welfare during pregnancy and maternity and describes how legislation for those women has evolved over the past years. Chapter Three puts women's welfare in an international and constitutional context. Chapter Four examines the two main subdivisions of legislation. Part One is concerned with doses of the health insurance system. Part Two deals with doses of the state social support. Chapter Five looks at women's welfare during pregnancy and maternity in labour law. Chapter Six illustrates the approach to imprisoned women and their rights during pregnancy and maternity. Chapter Seven looks at the relevance of substitute family care within the sphere of welfare. The final chapter highlights the key differences between Czech and Slovak...
A Comparison of Japanese and Western Scholars' Approaches to Study of Korean Folk Religion in the First Half of the 20th Century
Bartošová, Lucie ; Zemánek, Marek (advisor) ; Löwensteinová, Miriam (referee)
Korean folk religion is often mentioned in the publications of western Christian missionaries, who have carried out their missionary work in Korea and it has also become a popular research topic of Japanese researchers during the time of Japanese annexation of Korea (1910-1945). This thesis compares the contents of chosen publications from the first half of 20th century of western and Japanese authors that deal with Korean shamanism in hope of confirming or refute the hypothesis that Korean negative view of the Japanese research is caused not by the factual mistakes in said publications, but rather is due to the rivalry between both nations. Unfortunately, while absolute confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis was not possible, we can see a tendency of Korean academia to excuse the mistakes in publications of western authors due to their lack of knowledge of the Korean culture and on the other hand dismiss the Japanese research because of the authors' connection to the colonial government.
A Comparison of Japanese and Western Scholars' Approaches to Study of Korean Folk Religion in the First Half of the 20th Century
Bartošová, Lucie ; Zemánek, Marek (advisor) ; Löwensteinová, Miriam (referee)
Korean folk religion is often mentioned in the publications of western Christian missionaries, who have carried out their missionary work in Korea and it has also become a popular research topic of Japanese researchers during the time of Japanese annexation of Korea (1910-1945). This thesis compares the contents of chosen publications from the first half of 20th century of western and Japanese authors that deal with Korean shamanism in hope of confirming or refute the hypothesis that Korean negative view of the Japanese research is caused not by the factual mistakes in said publications, but rather is due to the rivalry between both nations. Unfortunately, while absolute confirmation or refutation of the hypothesis was not possible, we can see a tendency of Korean academia to excuse the mistakes in publications of western authors due to their lack of knowledge of the Korean culture and on the other hand dismiss the Japanese research because of the authors' connection to the colonial government.
An Analysis of Early Japanese Authors' Studies on Korean Religions
Bartošová, Lucie ; Zemánek, Marek (advisor) ; Löwensteinová, Miriam (referee)
An Analysis of Early Japanese Authors' Studies on Korean Religions Abstract Korean religion has been a matter of interest of many researchers not only from the western countries, but from neighboring Japan as well. Many researches have been conducted during the period of Japanese occupation of Korea. However, their political involvement has often been disputable and thus marginalized and deprecated by the Koreans. In this thesis I deal with Japanese research of Korean religion and I focus on the work of Akiba Takashi and Akamatsu Chijo, whose research is among the most important ones due to its depth and expertise to this day. I analyze parts about shamans' names and their geographical differences in more detail, as well as shamanistic rituals and the tools used.
Influence of the Political Parties on Colonial Policy of the Japanese Empire during 1920s
Bartošová, Lucie ; Labus, David (advisor) ; Sýkora, Jan (referee)
Annotation: This thesis is focus on the colonial period of Japan, namely the 1920s. I focus mainly on the Japanese expansion on the Korean peninsula and Taiwan. I also address the creation and evolution of Japanese political parties and I attempt to illustrate their influence on the Japanese colonial policy.
Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity
Bartošová, Lucie ; Zemanová, Jana (advisor) ; Vysokajová, Margerita (referee)
Welfare of women during pregnancy and maternity The main aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse key issues within the current welfare system for woman during pregnancy and maternity. This will then allow recommendations to improve Czech legislation. The reason of choosing this theme is my deep interest in this sphere. The thesis discusses a broad range of issues over eight chapters; each chapter examines different aspects of the issue. First Chapter simply defines basic terminology associated with the subject. Chapter Two deals with the history of women's welfare during pregnancy and maternity and describes how legislation for those women has evolved over the past years. Chapter Three puts women's welfare in an international and constitutional context. Chapter Four examines the two main subdivisions of legislation. Part One is concerned with doses of the health insurance system. Part Two deals with doses of the state social support. Chapter Five looks at women's welfare during pregnancy and maternity in labour law. Chapter Six illustrates the approach to imprisoned women and their rights during pregnancy and maternity. Chapter Seven looks at the relevance of substitute family care within the sphere of welfare. The final chapter highlights the key differences between Czech and Slovak...
Criminality and Delinquency in the Region of Uherské Hradiště
This diploma thesis is focused on analysis of children and adolescent crime rate in the Czech Republic; it partly describes criminality as a whole, its current situation and development. This thesis is aimed at survey of crime rate at primary schools in the region of Uherské Hradiště. It describes number of small thievery in the year 2006 in the region of Uherské Hradiště. This research was carried out by means of a questionnaire at the particular primary schools. There are described factors influencing criminality rate such as family, school, society, or media Literature, police statistics and school statistics show us basic information concerning criminality not only in the Czech Republic but in the region of Uherské Hradiště as well. It was found out that in the Czech Republic child criminality rate has diminishing tendency, but in the region of Uherské Hradiště this situation is not observable (it has nothing to do with number of thefts). By means of the questionnaire it was found out that thefts do not appear frequently at primary schools. Only sometimes schools deal with small offences in the form of not expensive things. These small offences do not occur nowadays more often than in the past and also it is not possible to say whether they are more frequent at town schools or schools in villages. Thefts concerning expensive products are minimal at primary schools. However, thefts committed by teenagers and adolescents have an increasing rate, in accordance with police in Uherské Hradiště. This thesis is aimed at a better orientation in the child, teenager, and adolescent criminality development in the Czech Republic and in the region of Uherské Hradiště in order to avoid small thefts or other offences among children.
The role of American dollar in global economy
Bartošová, Lucie ; Karpová, Eva (advisor) ; Bič, Josef (referee)
This bachelor work is concerned with a historical, present and possible future role of American dollar in global economy. The purpose is to answer the question, if American dollar is able to keep its position of a global currency and what facts could threaten its current position.
The EU´s dependence on imported oil and natural gas (perspective)
Bartošová, Lucie ; Kašpar, Václav (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee)
Práce se zabývá stavem zásob ropy a zemního plynu v EU a vzrůstající závislostí EU na jejich dovozech. Dále mapuje evropskou energetickou politiku a její problémy jako závislost na ruských dovozech ropy a zemního plynu, nejednotný postoj zemí EU k energetické politice, stávající trasy ropovodů a plynovodů, růst světových cen těchto surovin a problémy ekologické. Analyzuje rovněž vnější vztahy EU s nejdůležitějšími partnery v oblasti energetiky a legislativní akty EU, které byly k tématu energetické politiky vydány.

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