National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Employee's claims in the case of work accidents or occupational diseases
Špačková, Hana ; Drápal, Ljubomír (advisor) ; Morávek, Jakub (referee)
The topic of this thesis is employee's claims in the case of work accidents or occupational diseases, because the assessment and determination of damages is still an actual issue. The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical introduction and definition of terms which are material for the whole thesis. The first part defines the liability in labour law, the liability of employee and employer, work accidents and occupational diseases and mainly the employer's liability for damages and non-material damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases to employees. The next chapter focuses on insurance which is obligatory for all employers who employ at least one employee. This insurance is important in case of the employer becomes liable for damage or non-material damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases. The insurance is important especially for small and medium-sized employers for whom the compensation could be liquidating and could lead to the termination of their activities. The most importatnt chapter of the thesis is the chapter concerning individual types of employee's claims for damages or non-material damage which arise from work accident or occupational disease, or claims of survivors of employee in case of employee's death, and their assessment. The most...
Wolfgang Herrndorf: Bilder deiner großen Liebe. An Annotated Translation of Selected Chapters
Špačková, Hana ; Tichák, Viktor (advisor) ; Vachková, Marie (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to create an annotated translation of chapters selected from the text Bilder deiner großen Liebe by Wolfgang Herrndorf. Initially, the source text is analysed according to Christiane Nord's method (Nord 2009). The actual translation follows. The annotation comes after it. This part of the thesis focuses on the translation method used, translation problems, and the typology of translation shifts which are a means of preserving the core meaning of the source text during the translation process.
Employee's claims in the case of work accidents or occupational diseases
Špačková, Hana ; Drápal, Ljubomír (advisor) ; Morávek, Jakub (referee)
The topic of this thesis is employee's claims in the case of work accidents or occupational diseases, because the assessment and determination of damages is still an actual issue. The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical introduction and definition of terms which are material for the whole thesis. The first part defines the liability in labour law, the liability of employee and employer, work accidents and occupational diseases and mainly the employer's liability for damages and non-material damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases to employees. The next chapter focuses on insurance which is obligatory for all employers who employ at least one employee. This insurance is important in case of the employer becomes liable for damage or non-material damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases. The insurance is important especially for small and medium-sized employers for whom the compensation could be liquidating and could lead to the termination of their activities. The most importatnt chapter of the thesis is the chapter concerning individual types of employee's claims for damages or non-material damage which arise from work accident or occupational disease, or claims of survivors of employee in case of employee's death, and their assessment. The most...
Processing of common facilities plan in the complex land consolidation in selected area
This diploma thesis presents a plan proposal for the common facilities in a complex land consolidation carried out in the locality of Loučky u Jihlavy in the Vysočina region. The first, theoretical part is a literature research of land treatment and the plan for common facilities including the scope of exploration work necessary for its preparation. The practical part comprises field work, its assessment and description of the cadastral area. The thesis provides a complete list of information and findings of the fieldwork with focus on measures leading to accessibility of the land parcels, anti-erosion measures, water management measures and measures to ensure climate protection. The findings are listed in both a textual and graphic form.
Respect of artificialy drained localities in land consolidation process
This bachelor's thesis is concerned with how drained areas are taken into consideration during land modification. It is, therefore, divided into several parts which research into the literature pertaining to the topic and describe the purpose and significance of land modification and common facilities planning. The following part is focused on soil, areas of wetland and their draining. The thesis also deals with the questions of preservation, renovation or elimination of agricultural soil draining and with possible solutions to the current state of agricultural soil draining. The thesis also includes a description of a successfully realised project of a complete land modification - the revitalisation of a previously unsuitably drained peat bog and the surrounding area.

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