Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
The development of the solidification material from hybrid cement based on slag
Valach, Jakub ; Janča, Martin (oponent) ; Koplík, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the research and development of hybrid cements based on slag. The base is granulated blast furnace slag, which serves as a substitute for cement, cement is used as an admixture. Various additions of cement and activator are monitored. The mixture is activated by Caustifying limestone. Firstly, the strengths of the mortars are mixed and measured without the addition of cement in order to find a suitable ratio of activator and slag. Subsequently, I focused on mixing and measuring the strength of mortars with the addition of Portland cement and I looked for suitable samples, which I analyzed by XRD, EDS, SEM. I also determined their stiffening time, lavish and volume stability.
Mechanism and kinetics of gas-solid carbonation of portlandite
Valach, Jakub ; Švec, Jiří (oponent) ; Ptáček, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The main goal of this work, is study of kinetics and mechanism of gas-solid carbonation of portlandit. The introduction part of the thesis acquaints the reader with basic theoretical information about the study of kinetics, mechanism and the analyses themselves. In the experimental part, the reader is acquainted with the methods and procedures used to evaluate the kinetics and mechanism. The last chapter interprets the results of the study, with discusion about results and analysis of the used sample.
The development of the solidification material from hybrid cement based on slag
Valach, Jakub ; Janča, Martin (oponent) ; Koplík, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the research and development of hybrid cements based on slag. The base is granulated blast furnace slag, which serves as a substitute for cement, cement is used as an admixture. Various additions of cement and activator are monitored. The mixture is activated by Caustifying limestone. Firstly, the strengths of the mortars are mixed and measured without the addition of cement in order to find a suitable ratio of activator and slag. Subsequently, I focused on mixing and measuring the strength of mortars with the addition of Portland cement and I looked for suitable samples, which I analyzed by XRD, EDS, SEM. I also determined their stiffening time, lavish and volume stability.

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