National Repository of Grey Literature 128 records found  beginprevious93 - 102nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Media: the pivotal regulator
Perinpanayagam, Angela Nivandranee ; Potůček, Martin (advisor) ; Frič, Pavol (referee)
This thesis brings to you a salient theme: Private for-Profit News Media (Print and Broadcast; irrespective of the platform on which it is disseminated) based on an interesting topic: Migration in order to explore theoretically and empirically how to model the social impact of the existence of media in a given socio-political, economic, legal and cultural context namely the United States of America and the United Kingdom at a given period: Year 2015. The study of media in policy studies has been a relatively neglected area in the past and as a student of Public and Social Policy one finds this a most suitable opportunity to do otherwise. Media's role in today's society can be explored from two angles: (1) Media as a tool, a mediator, a conduit and (2) Media as an actor, a regulator, a contributor and this thesis will focus on the latter as it is more important to understand the dynamic role played by this actor named: 'The Media'. The scope of this thesis is three fold: (1) it seeks to analyse media's relationship with the State, Market and Civic sector based on the hypothesis that it is in fact a prominent regulator among the key actors, (2) it seeks to explore media's presence in the policy cycle based on the theory that it is certainly pervasive and (3) it seeks to examine the impact of media in...
Evaluation of Nonformal Education - Preparation of Volunteers in particular Non-profit Organizations
Křečanová, Alena ; Kopecký, Martin (advisor) ; Frič, Pavol (referee)
The central theme of this thesis is the phenomenon of volunteering with an accent to preparation of volunteers in two non-profit organizations, namely INEX- SDA and YMCA in Czech republic. The structure of the thesis is divided into two parts. First part follows the basic terms and aims to put the phenomenon of volunteering to the wider context of civic society. Second part is concentrated on empirical research which use mixed research strategy with an accent to the qualitative analyse. The aim of this research is to bring knowledge about educational program of volunteers` preparing to the voluntary activities and about evaluation of this program in named non-profit organizations. KEY WORDS: civic society, non-profit organizations, volunteering, volunteer, volunteers` management, evaluation of educational program, lifelong learning, non- formal education
Character of the professionalisation of NGOs and its impact.
Dvořáková, Lenka ; Frič, Pavol (advisor) ; Háva, Petr (referee)
The theme of this thesis is the professionalization of NGOs, which can be defined as the transformation to a formal organization with professional management. The process of professionalization consist in job creations and/or the professional management. Jobs can be filled by professionals with volunteer experience or by professionals without volunteer experience. If NGO employs professionals with volunteer experience, the character of personnel professionalization is organic, otherwise is inorganic. The main objective of this thesis is to determine the difference in process, level and consequences of organic and inorganic professionalization of nonprofit organizations. The presumption is that the organic professionalization implies less negative impact on the nonprofit organization than inorganic professionalization. In the theoretical part terms like nonprofit sector, NGOs and professionalization are defined and the theoretical background related to the character of personnel professionalization is presented there. In the empirical part - based on the methodology - is the relationship between the character of personnel professionalization and the process, level and consequences of professionalization in two researched NGOs examined.
Hardiness of Senior Citizens participating in Universities of the Third Age
Škvorová, Klára ; Záškodná, Helena (advisor) ; Frič, Pavol (referee)
The population is getting older. Prognosis predict increasing numbers of people in the age group 65+ in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to think about involving senior citizens in social development and supporting their self-sufficiency up to a higher age. Education is one of the ways to achieve that. The focus of this thesis is on education within the Universities of the Third Age, which it studies from a new point of view. Hardiness is seen as part of personal characteristics which helps the individual cope with stressful situations. Research in this thesis is trying to find out if the senior citizens attending the Universities of the Third Age have a higher scores on hardiness then those who do not attend, and also whether they have a more positive outlook on their health and meaning of their lives. The thesis also studies whether the scores on hardiness depends on gender, formal education level and whether it is connected to perceived social support. The results show that there is no difference in the scores on hardiness resulting from gender. Senior citizens attending the Universities of the Third Age have a more positive outlook on their health and they also perceive their lives as more meaningful. No difference in the scores on hardiness was found between the two groups. Also, no...
Anti - corruption strategies of political parties ODS and ČSSD in the sense of individual and systemic corruption
Pavlíková, Laura ; Frič, Pavol (advisor) ; Tomášek, Marcel (referee)
The phenomenon of corruption has recently become a hot discussion topic of all political parties. Separate chapters, focused specifically on the fight with corruption, are implemented into the parties' political programmes. However, despite the demonstrated endeavour to fight corruption, it seems that solutions of this major issue keep failing. Theorists, who specialize in corruption issues, agree that in the Czech Republic, corruption has already become a systemic issue. That means that it is no more just a pathological behaviour of individuals within the official norms. Vice versa, corruption has already progressed into the stage, where it creates its own norms. Moreover, these newly created norms are stronger than the official norms, and, this way, it is the incorrupt behaviour, which is now perceived as pathological. Fighting systemic corruption obviously requires different tools than fighting individual corruption. Being collective players, political parties use framing to depict the problem so that the solution they offer seems to be the only and the best. This bachleor's thesis illustrates how two major political parties in the Czech Republic - Civic Democratic Party (ODS) and Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) - look on the phenomenon of corruption and how they reflect it in their...
The role of nongovernmental sector in the penitentiary and post-penitentiary care
Pilátová, Soňa ; Cejp, Martin (advisor) ; Frič, Pavol (referee)
Criminal recidivism rate has been increasing till 1990 in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is also on one of the leading positions in the prison population index list of countries. These two indicators should work as a red alert for us that our justice policies and the system of criminal prevention do not work effectively in the long run. We consider it important then that the increased attention should be paid to the whole system, the programs should be evaluated and the weak spots should be identified. Hence in this work we are looking at the topic form the structural-functional perspective. Using stakeholder analysis methods we identify the key actors of the field. The actors are divided into three basic sectors: governmental sector, market and the third sector. We then focus on the third sector and its' role in the penitentiary and post-release care with special attention to the relations and connections with the governmental sector. The weak spots and the examples of successful cooperation of the two sectors are explored with the tools of the social network analysis. The research results into the functional analysis of the role of the non-profit organizations in the field. Key findings of the research are formulated into the recommendations for stakeholder from both the third and the...
The relationship between civic participation and hedonistic lifestyle of adolescents.
Šíp, Michal ; Frič, Pavol (advisor) ; Mička, Pavel (referee)
Bibliografický záznam ŠÍP, Michal. Vztah občanské participace a hédonistického životního způsobu u mladistvých. Praha: Karlova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut sociologických studií, 2015. 133 stran, Vedoucí diplomové práce Doc. PhDr. Pavol Frič, Ph.D. Anotace Diplomová práce "Vztah občanské participace a hédonistického životního způsobu u mladistvých" zkoumá, do jaké míry je oprávněné hledat příčinu nízké hodnoty občanské participace mladistvých v hédonistickém životním způsobu. Participativní chování poskytuje mladistvým prostor pro psychosociální rozvoj, podporuje jejich demokratický kapitál a též artikulační možnosti vnášet vlastní agendu do veřejného prostoru. Dá se předpokládat, že vzhledem k demografickému vývoji české společnosti bude potřeba participace mladistvých stále více žádaná. Pro implementaci účinných veřejně politických nástrojů k řešení této situace je důležitá znalost participativního chování mladistvých i jejich motivace, hodnotové orientace a sociálních potřeb. V teoretické části práce jsou proto představeny jednotlivé perspektivy zkoumání občanské participace a hédonistického chování. Práce pracuje se dvěma hypotézami. První hypotéza předpokládá, že hédonistický životní způsob produkuje takové vzorce chování a hodnotovou orientaci, které jsou v principielním rozporu s...
The Magnitude of Governance in Addressing HIV/AIDS Problems in Ethiopia
Balcha, Daniel Messele ; Potůček, Martin (advisor) ; Frič, Pavol (referee) ; Kumsa, Alemayehu (referee)
This case study seeks to understand the scope of governance in addressing HIV/AIDS issues in Ethiopia by making use of HIV/AIDS partnership forums that exist in the country. All individuals representing the government sector, the NGO sector, the for profit sector and HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (HAPCO) both at the national level and in the three regions namely Oromia Region, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR) and Addis Ababa have been interviewed. Additional data were gathered using a PARTNER tool survey and also relevant documents have been analyzed. The social capital and governance theories create a framework where actors enjoy partnerships and use the benefits in both policy making and implementation. With the help of a problem tree and thematic analysis the study describes the causal effect relationship of the factors affecting partnerships and their ultimate consequence in maximizing social capital and governance. Accordingly, the thesis identifies the specific effects of the 2009 law on partnership endeavors in particular and HIV/AIDS policy implementation in general. Moreover, the study points out the existence of insufficient partnership in both decision making and policy implementation.
Volunteer Fire Fighters from the Point of View of Social Capital Development
Sadílková, Petra ; Frič, Pavol (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Hynek (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the status of volunteer fire fighters from the point of view of social capital development. Because of that subject it belongs to studies exploring phenomenon volunteering. Association of volunteer fire fighters is traditional volunteer organization and its success and expansion in the individualistic present society are the basic questions of the study. The answers on the questions connected with unique status of volunteer fire fighters between Czech volunteers were searching by using analysis of collective social capital. Importance of traditions, social networks and status of volunteer fire fighters in their communities were revealed by quantitative and qualitative approaches. It seems that the main sense of existence of volunteer fire departments is not only the protection of people against fires and accidents but also helping communities to maintain their collective social life. By this action are volunteer fire fighters instrumental in keeping cohesion of local citizens and in social capital development.
Role of non-governmental sector in the field of alternative child care in the Czech Republic
Pardubická, Lenka ; Kotrusová, Miriam (advisor) ; Frič, Pavol (referee)
The summary goal of this thesis is to characterize how the issue of alternative child care in the Czech Republic is solved, to characterize the system of alternative child care and it's problematical areas, and also to analyze the role of non-profit organizations in the society generally, and specifically in the solving of issue of alternative child care in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with concept of civil society, with typology of its organizations and their functions in the society, and also with chosen theories which explain functions of non- profit organizations in the society, and also with the history and the present of these organizations in the Czech Republic. Afterwards this theses characterize the system of the care of endangered children in the Czech Republic, the system of the alternative care of children and also contemporary reform of the care of endangered chidren and its important concepts of psychological deprivation of the children in institutional care and of rehabilitation of family. In the empirical part of thesis is on the basis of qualitative analysis of texts and documents and realized semistructured interviews presented which form, in which fields and also which specific activities engage non-profit organizations in the solving of issue of...

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