National Repository of Grey Literature 206 records found  beginprevious194 - 203next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Humanist democracy of Edvard Beneš
Podlaha, Petr ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee)
Beneš was committed to the rather radical economical and political ideas of socialism already before the war. He believed that old parliamentarian system of liberal democracy would be inevitably replaced after the war with the new system of humanitarian democracy - the political democracy amended by the social and economic democracy. Beneš suggested that the government should regulate all the important parts of political, social and economic life of the post-war society. The biggest problem of the Czechoslovak prewar political democracy was according to Beneš, the existence of too many parties. Therefore only two, at most three political parties would be allowed to take part in the political struggle after the war. These parties would be organized solely on the basis of the approach towards progress. On the left side of the political spectrum, there would be a uniform socialist party and on the right, there would be a conservative party. The establishment of any other party should be banned. The communists should be part of the socialist party. According to Beneš they would be outnumbered and neutralized there by the other democratic socialist parties. The market economy according to Beneš is an obsolete system and therefore it should be replaced with a planned economy. All bigger businesses and natural...
The origin,activities and disintegration of the German parliamentary association
Jakerlová, Martina ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor) ; Čechurová, Jana (referee)
Ještě před koncem první světové války, v dubnu a květnu 1918, se Dohoda začínala odklánět od úsilí zachovat Rakousko-Uhersko a začala podporovat hnutí potlačených národů Rakouska-Uherska. Tato změna taktiky byla způsobená ztrátou naděje na uzavření separátního míru s Rakousko-Uherskem, které se dostalo do naprostého područí Německa. Dalším důvodem bylo, že se v Rakousku-Uhersku začal projevovat vliv ruské revoluce. Tato skutečnost snižovala význam habsburské monarchie, která měla podle představ Dohody zadržovat revoluční proudy z Ruska. Dohoda hledala nové opory k zadržení revoluční laviny a našla je v potlačených národech habsburské monarchie, neboť ty se nezaměřovaly na dosažení bolševické revoluce, ale na získání své samostatnosti. Značný význam měly pro Dohodu i československé legie v Rusku. Československé legie posilovaly politickou pozici Československé národní rady v Paříži a ta byla v červnu uznána Francií za prozatímní československou vládu. Postupně během léta a podzimu byla prozatímní československá vláda uznána i ostatními státy Dohody. V červenci došlo v Praze k vytvoření nového reprezentačního orgánu české politiky, Národního výboru, který připravoval vytvoření samostatného Československa. 14. října 1918 došlo v Paříži k oficiálnímu ustavení československé provizorní vlády, o čtyři dny později...
Relationships between Czechoslovakia and Italy from march on Rome to Locarno conference
Černá, Zuzana ; Čechurová, Jana (referee) ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor)
Zahraniční politika fašistické Itálie patří k nejoblíbenějším tématům historiků italského fašismu. Mussoliniho zahraniční politika poutá pozornost pro svůj expanzivní rozměr, středem zájmu jsou hlavně vztahy související s Mussoliniho mocenskými ambicemi. Tuto podobu italská zahraniční politika ale plně získala až v druhé polovině dvacátých let a v letech třicátých. Oproti tomu zahraniční vztahy Itálie v Mussoliniho "učebním období", jak bývají také někdy označována první tři léta Mussoliniho vlády, zůstávají pro zatím mimo hlavní proud zájmu, obzvláště pokud se týká vztahů se státy pro Itálii menšího významu. Moje diplomová práce má proto přispět k poznání zahraniční politiky Itálie ve zmiňovaném období. Mým cílem bylo prozkoumat vazby, které poutaly Itálii a Československou republiku v prvních třech letech od nástupu Mussoliniho k moci, tj. od října 1922 do října 1925. Zvolila jsem si časové mezníky pochod na Řím a konferenci v Locarnu. Pochod na Řím je důležitým pře dělem v historii moderní Itálie, který otevřel zcela novou etapu italských dějin, období vlády fašismu. Locarno naopak symbolizuje počátek nového poválečného evropského řádu, politické zrovnoprávnění Německa, konec rozdělování států na vítěze a poražené. Pozornost jsem věnovala především vztahům politickým, a to takovým, které se týkají...
History of the town Nejdek in years 1945-1950
Andrš, Pavel ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
In this project there are some problems after the Second world war - especially political, cultural and ethnic transformations in the years 1945 or 1946. Other questions are solved in that project, which were not elaborated or very little. For example: František Rajman, who was the chairman of the city (1945 to 1946), perpetrated the suicide. The representation of the political parties in the government of the city and the district. In the attachment there are a lot of photos, tables, maps and articles.
The board of youth education in Bohemia and Moravia and its influence upon the youth by means of journals
Nezdařil, Petr ; Koura, Petr (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
In May 28, 1942 was established in Protectorate Bohmen & Mahren institution called "Curatorium for youth education in Bohemia and Moravia". I was totalitarian organization, based on principles of Hitlerjugend that was supposed to reeducate Czech youth according to Nazi values. This organization was opened for all "race eligible" and orderly teenagers from the Protectorate in age between 14 to 18 years. The sponsor ofthe Curatorium was Emanuel Moravec, but for its management was responsible former leader ofVlajka youth Frantisek Teuner. Mission of the collaborationist organization was growing up loyal supporters ofNazism among Czech youth, who should contribute to the final victory of the Third Reich. Teenagers went through so called "spiritual education" by participating at nazi events and also were influenced via publicly distributed magazines. The organization was publishing following three magazines: "Zteč" - for boys and girls in age of 14-18 years "Dívčí svět" - targeting young girls (10-14) "Správný kluk" - targeting young boys (10-14) Mentioned press was the key input for illustration of supposed final product of curatorial education, what is objective of my thesis. The final product of the education were supposed to be "great boy" and "great girl", recognized for qualities as: hardworking,...
The State defence guard
Palaczuk, Jaroslav ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
When Hitler took over the power in Germany in 3 o. J anuary 1933 there was graduating pressure on Third Reich neighbouring countries. As the first ones, who felt the political changes in Germany, were representatives of Czechoslovakia. Hilter's increasing armament rate and his disregard for international treaties resulted in military preparations of Czechoslovak state for unavoidable ware conflict. One of the precautions was founding of "The State defence guard" organization. Hs main aim was to increase of security on Czechoslovak borders both in peace and in war. "The State defence guard" units composed of state police members, local policemen, financial guard and weekend soldiers from border areas. They were well traind for their mission in 1937 and properly armed and supported. The secret directive G-XI-2 determined particular activity of "The State defence guard" in the whole Czechoslovakia. Since September 1938 until March 1939 these units fought with German, Hungarian and Polish intruders of Czechoslovk borders. This work is dedicated to a preparation stadium of "The State defence guard" since 1936 till 1938.
Political ideas of Bohumil Laušman in the years 1941-1944
Horák, Pavel ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
Socialdemocratic parties played a very important role in the tactics of communists in the countries of Sovieťs interest after the World War II. It was based on cooperation with social democrats and then on "unification" of both of the "labour" parties in conditions of so called popular, respectively national fronts. The very beginning of these cooperations could have started in the middle ofthe year 1941 after the US SR had entered the War. The initiation to cooperation of the left-wing partie s was coming out of the "left-wing" fraction of social democrats in London's exile at that time. Its representative was Boumil Laušman, whose obvious left-wing tendency and non-constructive behaviour are possible to be seen after the failure of his political formation of Czechoslovakia's resistance movement in Paris and London. So he left in the middle of the year 1942 to the USSR to get to know c10ser the political ideas of the representatives of the Czechoslovakia' s resistance living there, possibly to get their politi cal support. In the negotiations he offered communists mainly the possibility of advancement together with "lef-wing" group of the social democrats in London's exile institutions, at first the participation in the government. This cooperation was to be done with the perspective of uni:fYing the...
Josef Kalfus and the trial of the so-called "Protectoral Government"
Krčmář, Dalibor ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
This paper deals with Josef Kalfus and his participation in the trial of the so-called Protectoral Government. The finance minister Kalfus and his four colleagues - cabinet members in the days of the Nazi occupation of the Czech Lands - were committed for trial about a year after the end of the Second World War. It was one of the biggest political legal proces ses in Czech history. The trial began on April 29th , 1946 and the sentence was pas sed on the last day of July In 1946. Even though the court was under considerable political pressure (especially the communists were exerting pressure on senate), in the end nobody was sentenced to death. The Minister of Agriculture Adolf Hrubý was condemned to life imprisonment; the Minister of Justice Jaroslav Krejčí was given a 25-year sentence, the Minister of the lnterior Richard Bienert 3-year sentence, the Transport Minister Jindřich Kamenický 5-year sentence. The former minister Josef Kalfus was found guilty, however he was absolved from punishment. The court admitted that he cooperated with the Czech resistance on territory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and supported the Czechoslovaks in exile.
Czechoslovak diplomat Robert Flieder
Brejcha, Miroslav ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
Robert Flieder ranked among the czechoslovakien diplomats, which took part on establishment on Czechoslovakien diplomacy. After his study in the Faculty of Law in Prague he became his carier as official on Prague municipal authorities, during it he try to habilitate in the Charles Univerzity. At the end of the first World war he become the Secretary of Czech association in Wien. After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovakia he took part in the likvidation ofunion with Austrian-Hungrian Empire. After that he entered diplomatic service. During his diplomatic carier he worked as a czechoslovakien Ambassador in Switzerland (1921 - 1924), in Poland (1924-1927), in Sweden, in Norway and Litvuania (1927-1930), in Yugoslavia (1930-1933) and in Spain and Portugal (1935-1937). After his return to Prague he become the head of the legal department in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires. After German occupation he was entrusted with liquidation of the Ministry. After that in 1941 he was sent to retirement. For his resistence activity he was sent before the end of the war to prison., he was taken iIl and for the healthy reasons he didnt return back after the war to active servi ce. After the year 1948 he was oppressed and was not permited actively worked. This sigmatized the end of his life.
Buildings of the representative offices of Czechoslovakia during the interwar period; strategy of their selection and acquirement
Jaroš, Jan ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee)
Czechoslovak Embassy and Consulate Buildings During the Inter-war Period: Selection and Acquisition Strategies In the Diplomatic Service of Austro-Hungarian empíre worked only few Czechs and Slovaks. For this reason the new established Czechoslovakia had to educate many diplomats and also to create its own network of embassies and consulates. This involved also the buildings. When choosing the right estates were above all important the following factors: representativness, security and costs. Own buildings provided better presentation opportunities and it was easier to adapt them for diplomatic function. Thanks to the stability of Czech currency in the interwar period were the costs for the buildings reasonable. For building, adaptations and equipping the buildings was used stable group of professionals. The critisism of purchase of some particular objects and its equipment was mostly sourcing from the relationships among some diplomats and political situation in Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia had its own buildings, which were used as embassies, consulates or official apartments of ambassadors or consuls, in this important cities or capitals of European states (in alphabetical order): Ankara, Belgrade, Berlín, Bern, Budapest, Bucharest, Galati, Hague, Hamburg, London, Paris, Rome, Sofia, Tirana ( only the...

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