National Repository of Grey Literature 98 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Paintings by the Vivarini Family in the National Gallery in Prague in the Context on their Art Studio in Italy
Třešňáková, Alena ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (referee)
Paintings by the Vivarinis in the National Gallery in Prague in the context with their art workshop in Italy In the National Gallery in Prague is artistic represented Muranese school in the works of Antonio Vivarini da Murano, which cooperated with his brother-in-law Giovanni d'Alemagna on the Polyptych with Adoration in 1447 and on the Crucifixion around 1448, for Franciscan church of San Francesco in Padua. They worked on the decoration of Ovetari Chapel here. Giovanni d'Alemagna died in 1450, after that Antonio cooperated with his younger brother Bartolomeo Vivarini da Murano on the Polyptych for main altar of the Church San Francesco in Padua in 1451. Parts of polyptych are found in the National Gallery in Prague, in Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, in private collection of Vittorio Sgarbi in Ferrara and two parts are lost today. Alone Antonio pinxit one figure of St Nicholas of Bari in the Pseudo-polyptych with twelve saints, that is attribution to Lovro Dobričević now. Paintings by the Vivarinis got off into the Prague from d'Este collection in Konopist, which works acquired from inheritance of Tommaso degli Obizzi of Catajo near Padua in 1805. Keywords: Vivarini da Murano, d'Alemagna, Padua, Crucifixion, Adoration, Pseudo-polyptych.
Mural paintings in castle chapel in Becov nad Teplou: the iconography of the Legend of ten thousand knights
Hynek, Aleš ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
V šumavských Kašperských Horách a okolí jsem se poprvé setkal s námetem Umucení 10.000 rytíru, který mne zaujal svou neobvyklou ikonografií. Krátce nato jsem zacal domácí materiál s námetem Umucení 10.000 rytíru cílene shromaždovat s myšlenkou, že toto ikonografické téma v budoucnu pojmu monograficky jako téma své diplomové práce. Materiál se však natolik rozširoval a ruznil místem, kvalitou i dobou vzniku, že solidní monografie tématu se mi zdála preci jen nad mé síly. Nad síly alespon v prípade, že jsem téma nechtel pretížit nadbytecnými stranami textu, který má za cíl pouze dodržet pocet predepsaných stran diplomní práce. Rešení, aniž bych téma zásadne opustil, se mi po konzultacích s paní PhDr. Hanou Hlaváckovou nabízelo spojením tématu Umucení 10.000 rytíru s katalogem lokalit, kde se téma vyskytuje, a s monografickým zpracováním jedné z techto lokalit. Naštestí se mezi lokalitami objevila doslova jako hozená rukavice hradní kaple Navštívení Panny Marie v Becove nad Teplou. Nejenže se totiž jedná v domácím prostredí o nejstarší dochovaný príklad Umucení 10.000 rytíru, ale becovské malby nebyly doposud de facto ani detailne monograficky zpracovány a jejich datace dosud nebyla ješte vyjasnena.1 Behem práce na malbách v Becove jsem pochopitelne notne poopravil mnohé své starší apriorní predstavy o Umucení...
The Work of Fabián Puléř
Svitáková, Kristina ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (referee)
This thesis deals with Fabian Puléř, an illuminator who lived in the 2nd half of 16th century in Prague, and about his workshop in the Old Town. The main theme is the graduals and their fragments, which were made in his shop or are believed to be made there (the Metropolitan St. Vitus Temple Gradual, the Gradual of Čáslav, the Gradual of Žlutice, three illuminations from the collection of National Gallery in Prague, the two-part St. Valentine's Gradual from the Old Town, the fragments of Kaňkovský Gradual, the Gradual of Louny owned by Jan Táborský of Klokotská Hora, the Gradual of Český Brod), their description and cataloguization. Apart of critically rewieving the literation on the subject to this day, my thesis follows the life of Fabian Puléř regarding archival sources and also influences and impulses behind his work. It also contains crucial chapter about iconography of utraqistic musical manuscripts and about the litterateur brotherhoods, who ordered these hymnic books.
The benefit of professor N.P. Kondakov in the field of iconic research
Smrčková, Jitka ; Jančárková, Julie (advisor) ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (referee)
Diplomová práce je věnována působení významného byzantologa, kunsthistorika a archeologa Nikodima Pavloviče Kondakova (1844-1925). V předkládané práci jsme si kladli za cíl konkretizovat přínos N. P. Kondakova k výzkumu ikon, a to na základě rozboru jeho činnosti pedagogické, publikační, organizační a zároveň také popisu činnosti badatelské, a prokázat jeho vliv na další generace ruských i českých badatelů i na kulturní veřejnost v Rusku a Československu. Přínos v oblasti uměnovědné teorie a metodologie byl rozebrán především na základě jeho publikační a pedagogické činnosti, praktický zohlednil působení N. P. Kondakova v kulturních institucích obou zemí. Diplomová práce byla rozdělena do dvou částí. První část je věnována působení N. P. Kondakova v Rusku a je rozdělena na jeho pedagogické působení na ruských univerzitách, vědecké expedice a kulturně-organizační činnost. Druhá část se věnuje jeho působení a odkazu v Československu, a to zejména jeho přednáškové činnosti a vzniku Seminaria Kondakoviana. Svou pedagogickou činností navazoval N. P. Kondakov na svého učitele F. I. Buslajeva, jehož znalosti i odborné postupy dále rozpracovával a zdokonaloval spolu se svými žáky, kterým touto cestou předával výsledky svého bádání. Z metodologického hlediska byl popsán vznik tzv. ikonografické metody a její...
Bishop's picture universe. Pontifical of Renaud de Bar - both parts from Prague and Cambridge
Faktorová, Liza ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
This work deals with two parts of the Renaud de Bar's Pontifical (ms. XXIII C 120 - National Library of the Czech Republic and ms. 298 - Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge), an extraordinary liturgical book illuminated between 1302-1316 for bishop of Metz in the region of Lorraine. Both manuscripts have been considered as two separated liturgical books untill recent period. Detailed comparation of their content and decoration, which goes over usual temporary production, allows understand that they are two parts of one identical pontifical. Its decoration is unique especially due to multitude of images illustrating medieval liturgy and number of drolleries. The aim of this work is to open new topics for future researches. They might explain some problems, which arose during detailed description of the manuscripts' decoration. Special attention is dedicated to picture supplement.
Book as a Jewel, Fancoflemish Books of Hours from the National Library in Prague
Průšová, Kateřina ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Panušková, Lenka (referee)
PhDr. Kateřina Průšová Book as a Jewel, Francoflemish Books of Hours from the National Library in Prague Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to present the first comprehensive catalogue of Franco-Flemish books of hours from the collections of the National Library in Prague (hereafter, NK). Some of the included manuscripts were already published in journals some of them have never been published previously. The core of the catalogue is a formal and stylistic analysis of books of hours, including an attribution to the individual masters and workshops, localization and dating based on a comparison of stylistically related manuscripts. This work is a development from previous my research done on Parisian books of hours [NK Břevnov 297, NK Osek 70 and NK XXIII G 89; Master's thesis and 'rigorous work']. Six books of hours come from the National Library in Prague [NK XXIII H 22, NK Břevnov 296, NK XXIII F 198, NK XXIII G88, NK Osek 65, NK VI D 25] and one manuscript in the collection of the Lobkowicz family at Nelahozeves castle, previously deposited in the Prague National Library [with a shelf- mark VI Fg 67]. The catalogue covers the period of the greatest flowering of Flemish book illumination from the first half of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century. The books of hours from the...
Cim.2 from the Metropolian Chapter Saint Vitus
Stoneová, Monika ; Kubík, Viktor (advisor) ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (referee)
The Gospel Book Cim. 2 from the Metropolitan Chapter Saint Vitus This thesis is about the painting decoration in the Gospel Book Cim. 2 from the Metropolitan Chapter Saint Vitus. This manuscript is not well-known, in fact, it doesn't a name. Up until now, it hasn't been the subject of monographic study, except for basic catalog classification. There is recapitulation of previous specialized literature in the opening and also a brief overview of its historical connections the result of which is there the manuscript following the property of the Metropolitan Chapter Saint Vitus in Prague. My thesis precisely describes the comlete painting decoration in the manuscript which can be found on 39 of the 244 pages of the manuscript. In the chapter "A Summary of the Painting Decoration Analysis Results," I focus on the art origin of the painting decoration in this manuskript and in the following chapter I describe the painting decoration's influence on younger paintings. Keywords: Manuskript, Gospel Book, Iluminated manuscript
The illuminated manuscripts for Albertus de Sternberg and their circle
Gaudek, Tomáš ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The text disserts upon the iluminated manuscripts of the 14th century. The main interest is focused on the codices group of an illuminator generally refered to as the Master of Sternberg manuscripts. Possibly the oldest of them might be the Graduale for the monastery of Augustinian Hermits in Ročov (SOkA Louny, I G 7). This manuscript, unfortunately not completed, was ordered by Albertus de Kolowrat. Yet the most important offer came to the illuminator from Albertus de Sternberg, the Bishop of Litomyšl, for whom the Liber pontificalis (Prague, Library of Strahov Abbey, DG I 19) and the Bible (Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, 284/I a II) were created. This illuminator's ouvre is certainly one of the first-rate artistic enterprises among manuscript illumination of the time. The Old Testament from the Library of Prague National Museum ( KNM XV B 4) is sometimes also associated with the Master of Sternberg manuscripts and considered his oldest work. Nevertheless, as this thesis aims to show, this codex belongs among a different, already defined manuscript group. Another part of this thesis is devoted to the Master od Sadská Bible, who has often been considered a pupil of the Master of Sternberg manuscripts. An analysis of his ouvre and its comparison to some of the other manuscripts of the time lead towards...
St. Wencesls cycles of the 14th century in wall painting
Linhartová, Eva ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The subject of this study is to chronicle and elaborate on the existing cycles depicting St. Wenceslas in 14th century mural painting, in particular, from the iconographic perspective. The cycles in questions are as follows: (i) St. Wenceslas cycle in St. Wenceslas church in Žďár u Blovic; (ii) St. Wenceslas cycle in St. Metthew church in Dobroměřice; (iii) St. Wenceslas cycle in Karlštejn castle; (iv) St. Wenceslas cycle in the chapel of "U Kamenného domu" house. The paintings that have been found in books as well as the St. Wenceslas legends are taken into consideration for the purpose of comparison in the areas of formal expression and iconography. The remaining cycles and individual pictures are mentioned only as examples for the comparison of the individual portrayals or with the intent of tracking the St. Wenceslas myth. The content of the study is divided into the following three parts: - In the first part, the evolution of the legends and other sources of myth is introduced with a brief description. In addition, St. Wenceslas as a factual person in history as well as the saint, and the adoration thereof and devotion thereto, is described. - In the second part, the extant Wenceslas cycles, as well as the buildings in which the cycles are located - with a description thereof, are described and...
2nd half of the 15th century Parisian illuminated manuscripts in the Prague collections
Průšová, Kateřina ; Hlaváčková, Jana Hana (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
In the fifteenth century, the production of books of hours was concentrated in the Îlede- France and Burgundy. This specific item was exported more widely from these regions than anywhere else in Europe. The Collections of the Prague National Library include a dozen of French and Flemish books of hours from this epoch. We selected three of Parisian origin for a particular analysis. Interestingly, the selections cover the entire second half of the fifteenth century, which was the pre-eminently plentiful period of parisian illumination. At the turn of the twentieth century, Paul Durrieu collected a large group of manuscripts that he attributed to Jacques de Besançon, after a colophone in one parisian missal (Bibliothque Mazarine, Ms. 461). Later, when Thuasne published Gauguin's letter to Charles de Gaucourt speaking about "egregius pictor Franciscus", the artist was rebaptised on Maître François. However, this illuminator was not considered to be the creator of this large group for long. As soon as the 1930's, Eleanor P. Spencer started to work on the manuscript collection and illucidated the three successive workshops in Paris of the second half of the 15th century; first, Master of Jean Rolin II, then Maître François and, finally, the Chief Associate of Maître François or Maître de Jacques de Besançon....

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