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Corporative system of fascist Italy
Šárka, Libor ; Falada, David (advisor) ; Seltenreich, Radim (referee)
1 Corporative system of fascist Italy Abstract and keywords The topic of the thesis is the corporative system of fascist Italy. The aim of the thesis is to describe the corporative system in Italy and the roots from which it was based, its gradual development, its organisational structure and its actual functioning in comparison with fascist and Mussolini's claims about what corporatism was to represent for Italy and the world. The thesis is divided into four parts, each separate part divided into chapters and paragraphs that flesh out that part. Initially, the thesis focuses on fascist ideology and its intellectual and philosophical foundations, as these are essential to understanding fascism, with which the corporatist system is significantly associated. The thesis also pays attention to Gabriel D'Annunzio and his loyalists as the forerunners of the fascist movement in Italy, their march on Fiume, which largely inspired the later march on Rome, also the Carta del Carnaro constitution. Also discussed is the emergence of the fascist movement itself, led by Benito Mussolini, and its gradually growing influence, culminating in the march on Rome, and the subsequent infiltration of the fascists into politics and the entire state establishment in Italy at the time, laying the foundations for the introduction of...
Glossators a Commentators in the Strahov Library
Novák, Marek ; Skřejpek, Michal (advisor) ; Salák, Pavel (referee) ; Falada, David (referee)
348 Glossators a Commentators in the Strahov Library Private law in the Czech Republic, but also in many countries of the world, has its origin in the law of ancient Rome, the development of which reached its peak in the form of a codification compiled at the initiative of Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century AD. However, modern civil codes do not draw their content, theoretically defined institutes, and systematics directly from the sources of Roman law, but from the results of their processing by medieval and early modern period jurists. This process is referred to as the reception of Roman law and, in addition to the discovery, or rather realization of importance, of Justinian codification, it involved its detailed study, the search for a system in the insufficiently organized compilation of the statements of classical Roman lawyers, the abstraction of theoretical concepts from casuistic norms and the transfer of ancient norms to the contemporary world. This thesis focuses on the first two stages of the process of reception of Roman law, which are referred to as schools of glossators and commentators according to the typical ways of work of lawyers, and which extend from approximately the second half of the 11th century to the end of the 15th century. It searches manuscripts, incunabula, and printed...
Financial the Administration of Sicily as a Roman Province
Hejda, Josef ; Skřejpek, Michal (advisor) ; Falada, David (referee)
This work aims to introduce readers to the Roman administrative and financial law. These laws are closely related to the development of Roman law as such and with its transformation from a small city-state to the land state and finally to a large empire with vast territories on three continents. During this evolution can be observed increasing demands on the state administration and various approaches to the territorial organization of the empire. On the one hand Italian territory was initially given priority as the Roman homeland, on the other hand were provincial units, which alone have been forced by Rome to pay taxes. In the period of dominate these differences were removed without significant exceptions. Sicily was standing at the birth of the provincial administration. Here arose the first forms of provincial rights and also appeared first practical problems of its active application. This remarkable island was a place where Rome learned to control other nations, province which funded the development of the late Republic of Rome, and a platform which helped to control the Mediterranean.
Position of the king under the Constitutions of Melfi
Frdlíková, Markéta ; Falada, David (advisor) ; Seltenreich, Radim (referee)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to describe and explain a position of the king under the Constitutions of Melfi, issued by Holy Roman Emperor and King of Sicily Frederick II. of Hohenstaufen. Constitutions were issued in south Italian city Melfi in 1231 and till today it is one of the most important medieval legal monuments. Despite it's significance and connection with another Holy Roman Emperor and Czech king Charles IV. it has never been properly reflected in Czech legal history. Constitution of Melfi were valid and partially effective in the Kingdom of Sicily till 19. century. At the beginning of text, there is held a brief historical introduction into times of Hohenstaufen and life of the Emperor Frederick. Southern Italy was strongly influenced by Norman, Arabic and Byzantine impacts, reflected later in the Constitutions. Another point of the thesis is to describe the process of creation the legal text, involving influences of Roman, Byzantine or Norman law. There are also introduced glossators of Emperor's court, with their leader Petrus de Vinea, who is supposed to be the main author of Constitutions. But the main aim of thesis, above mentioned, is to describe and explain the regulations concerning position of the king and his powers, relating even the theology and philosophy of that...
Corporative system of fascist Italy
Zusková, Alena ; Falada, David (advisor) ; Seltenreich, Radim (referee)
80 Název diplomové práce v anglickém jazyce Corporative system of Fascist Italy Shrnutí v anglickém jazyce This graduation thesis disserts upon the subject of "Corporative system of Fascist Italy". My work focuses on the historical evolvement of Italy in the fascist era, primarily being concerned with its corporative system that originated here and was also applied here for the first time. Corporativism in Italy is set in historical, economical and political conjunctions. The word corporativism comes from the Latin corporatio meaning a body or a group. In the present day, there is not just one theory of corporativism, but we can rather talk about many theories. Corporativism is a new system of political economy, whose essence lies in the state control of industry in accordance with ideological principles of unity, order, nationalism and success. The idea of corporativism was earlier associated solely with fascist regimes and thus compromised. It arose in the Fascist Italy and was later applied in Spain, Portugal and pre-Nazi Austria as well. Corporativism can be divided into authoritarian and liberal corporativism (neocorporativism). Because corporativism is set in the Fascist Italy in this work, it is necessary to define the conception of fascism. The word fascism stems from Italian term of fascio, which...
The Roman Consulate
Zemánek, Jan ; Skřejpek, Michal (advisor) ; Falada, David (referee)
Účelem této práce bylo popsat úřad konzula za časů antického Říma. V první části práce je krátce popsáno založení Říma, doba královská a následně zavedení konzulátu. Jádro práce tvoří popis úřadu konzula za časů římské republiky, tedy v době, kdy byl tento úřadem nejvyšším úřadem v Římě. Dále jsou popsány pravomoci konzulů, způsob jejich volby a vymezení jejich vztahu k ostatním úředníkům. Třetí část je věnována úřadu konzulů za časů římského císařství, kdy se tento úřad stal pouze symbolem skomírající římské republiky a zůstal bez faktického vlivu, jelikož jeho pravomoci postupně přebírají císaři. Ve druhé části popisuji konzulát v době římské republiky. V kapitole 2.1. popisuji genezi pojmu konzulové, dále uvádím popis magistratur a jejich dělení. V kapitole 2.2. popisuji úřad konzula, kde je zařazen do skupiny nejvyšších magistratur. Další podkapitola 2.1.1. popisuje postavení konzulů ve státě a podkapitola 2.2.2. popisuje volbu konzulů a je zde uvedena zmínka o zákonu Lex Villia annalis. Kapitola 2.3. se věnuje působnosti konzulů. Čtenář zde nalezne výklad klíčového pojmu pro popis konzulské působnosti - pojem imperia (podrobněji se mu věnuje podkapitola 2.3.1.) Následující podkapitola 2.3.2. popisuje pojem kolegiality jako jeden z pojmových znaků konzulského úřadu. Dále popisuje také důsledky...
A political struggle of plebeians between 494 and 287 B.C. and its reflection in the Constitution of the Roman Republic
Žůrek, Jan ; Skřejpek, Michal (advisor) ; Falada, David (referee)
This thesis is concerned with a particularly interesting period in the history of the Roman Republic. The period is called the Struggle of the Orders. The epoch is characteristic by turbulent conflict of two social groups competing for political, economical and social rights in the ancient Roman state. The most prevalent source among others for this thesis is work by historian Titus Livius Patavinus, Ab urbe condita. The study is divided into three chapters, taking into account the different phases of the struggle. The aim of this work is to describe and analyze the critical points of the patrician-plebeian political fight and also illustrate how the struggle affected the constitution of the Roman Republic. The first chapter deals with a several problems in the early Roman Republic: public land, creation of two important plebeian magistrates - tribuni plebis and aediles plebis, oldest agrarian law, plebeian assembly, importance of the Law of the Twelve Tables and Valerian- Horatian laws. The second chapter focuses on Canuleian law, introduction of consular tribunes, case of Manlius Capitolinus and its consequences and finally describes Licinian Sextian laws. The third and final chapter of this study analyzes debt situation of that time, laws of Publilius Philo, Ovinian law, Ogulnian law and concludes with...

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