Original title:
Flauta v komornej tvorbe Bohuslava Martinů
Translated title:
The flute in Bohuslav Martinu´s chamber music works
Zemková, Martina ; Pivoda, Radomír (advisor) ; Válek, Jiří (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
slo Publisher:
Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Hudební fakulta AMU. Knihovna Abstract:
[cze][eng] Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá komornými skladbami Bohuslava Martinů, v ktorých je obsadená flauta. Jedna podkapitola je síce venovaná Koncertu pre flautu, husle a orchester, ale zaradila som ho tam z dôvodu úzkej prepojenosti s komornými skladbami pre toto nástrojové obsadenie. Kapitola o živote B. Martinů je stručná a zachytáva len najdôležitejšie informácie z tejto oblasti. V druhej kapitole sú spomenuté sonáty, triá, sextet, nonety, atď. Všetkým skladbám je venovaný historicko- estetický komentár, údaje o vzniku, rukopisoch, vydaniach atď. Vybraným skladbám (Sonáta pre flautu, husle a klavír, Sonáta pre flautu a klavír, Promenády, Sextet) venujem podrobnejšiu analýzu, formový a harmonický rozbor. Tak isto sa zaoberám interpretačnými problémami a vyjadrujem aj svoj názor na tieto skladby a ich interpretáciu.The thesis is focused on the chamber music pieces with flute composed by Bohuslav Martinů. One of the sub-chapters is dedicated to Concert for Flute, Violin and Orchestra, but only because of its close connection to chamber pieces for these instruments. The chapter about the life of Bohuslav Martinů is brief and is focused only on the most important facts from this area. In the second chapter there are sonatas, trios, sextets, nonets, etc. and all those pieces have their own historical ? esthetic commentary, basic info about their origination, manuscripts, issues etc. For chosen pieces (Sonata for Flute, Violin and Piano, Sonata for Flute and Piano, Promenades, Sextet) there is dedicated detailed analysis, especially formal and harmonious analysis. The interpretative problems are also one of the goals I tried to achieve altogether with my points of view of these musical pieces and their interpretation
Institution: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Document availability information: Available to registered users in the Digital Repository of Academy of Performing Arts. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/10318/3979